AVIA 5008 – Aviation Assign
September 17, 2022
A006 – Personal Development Planning
September 19, 2022Assignment title 2 McDonalds and BP
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Task 1
Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence
must show that the learner is able to:
P3 Describe the social implications of business ethics facing
McDonalds in it’s different areas of activity.
M2 Assess the social implications of business ethics facing a
selected business in its different areas ofactivity.
Task 2
Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence
must show that the learner is able to:
P4 Examine the ethical concerns of the communities in
which a selected business operates.
M3 Explain the ethical concerns of the communities in
which a selected business operates and suggest
measures that could be taken to improve corporate
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Purpose of this assignment
Task 1
1.1 McDonalds – a well-known efficient fast food service but would we like to live next door to a McDonalds? Noise, congestion, litter, animal rights, deforestation, globalisation and obesity are all issues that have been associated with McDonalds. (P3)
1.2 What areas of activity are affected by ethics for McDonalds e.g. Finance, marketing, operations, ICT, Human Resources, Legislation? (P3)
1.3 For the merit criterion M2 to be achieved you will need to assess the social implications highlighted above – analysing the size of the impacts you have mentioned above in P3.
1.4 What are the effects on the stakeholders? How has McDonalds dealt with these? (M2) Issues raised in P3 are to do with ethical business practices in any area of activity and how the business considers the issues and addresses them. For M2, learners will need to assess the implications of the ethical issues, how they are dealt with and the
consequences for different stakeholders.
This provides evidence for P3,M2
Task 2
You have been employed by an agency who want to gather more information about ethical concerns of different communities. They are interested in two companies in particular British Petroleum and Beverage Brands.
Choose one of the two companies listed and consider key ethical concerns facing the communities in which they operate.
If you choose BP – a well known company that refines and drills for oil and produces a number of different fuels/chemicals. It has recently been involved in a huge oil spill off the United states coast but is also heavily involved in exploration and production of fossil fuels which have limited supply. They would like a report on the ethical concerns of the communities.
If you choose Beverage Brands (producers of WKD) – manufactures drinks primarily for the young drinkers market. Issues here include impact of alcohol consumption and the issues this raises for communities. They would like you to interview the MD of this brand and produce a written account of what was said.
You will need to examine the ethical concerns being faced and suggest measures that could be taken to improve corporate responsibility
You will need to firstly research the companies concerned mainly through websites to understand the ethical concerns that are raised in the communities in which they operate and these issues should then be described.
You should also look at relevant pressure groups (Greenpeace for BP and Alcohol Concern for Beverage Brands) and summarise what they see as the key concerns and finally describe what initiatives or policies the government uses to deal with the issues you have raised.
For the M3 criterion you will need to explain the concerns or analyse them and suggest ways in which these companies could improve their corporate responsibility