4003PY – The Darker Side of Psychology
June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023Group/Individual assessment Individual
Task outline
For this coursework you will prepare a written report based on an interdisciplinary case-based learning scenario from either sport or exercise. You will also produce a reflection at the end of your report that evidence how you used the feedback on CW1 to improve this submission.
As a sports and exercise scientist you are required to work with a range of clients to help them improve their performance, health or well-being. This interdisciplinary case-based scenario requires you to explore the fundamental principles of sport and exercise support.
Word or time limit
The word limit for this assignment is 2000 words.
The word limit includes both sections in this assessment (written report and reflection).
If you exceed this word limit by more than 10% (i.e. if you exceed 2200 words) then you will be penalised by deduction of 10% of your final mark. You should state your word count at the end of your work.
Special instructions
By submitting this assessment, you are declaring yourself fit to do so. If you are not fit to submit at this time you may apply for deferral to the next assessment period (see Extension and Deferral request instructions). Please note that extensions to the deadline are NOT applicable for this assessment.
Normal penalties for late/ none submission apply-
– work that is submitted late, without an extension or deferral having been granted, will receive a mark of ZERO (students MAY be eligible for a resit attempt)
– work that is not submitted will be recorded as ABSENT- students will NOT be entitled to resit the module. This may have very serious consequences.
Please visit http://cuonlinemoodlehelp.coventry.ac.uk/turnitin/ for specific instructions for submitting assignment to Turnitin.
By submitting this assessment you agree to the following statement:
I confirm that this CW submission represents my own work, and I have not received any unauthorised assistance. I understand the rules around plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating and that it is my responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in the assessment process. I understand that there will be no tolerance towards academic dishonesty, and that cheating can and will lead to serious
Section 2- Detail of the Assessment task
Following on from coursework 1 you are required to do two things:
1) Select one interdisciplinary case-based scenario (see case studies below) that requires you to explore the fundamental principles of sport and exercise support.
2) Reflect on the feedback from submission 1 and use this feedback to develop this submission.
You should produce a 1500-word report based on the interdisciplinary case-based scenario that:
– Defines sport and exercise science and each major sub discipline (physiology, biomechanics, nutrition and psychology).
– Provides a detailed needs analysis for your client considering the demands of the event or sport.
– Identifies the key issues which could be influencing performance, health or well-being.
– Discusses the importance of an interdisciplinary approach detailing the importance of practitioners (physiologist, biomechanist, nutritionist and psychologist) working together in your intervention.
In addition, you should produce a 500-word reflection at the end of your report that evidences how you used the feedback on coursework 1 to improve this
Case Studies
Submission instructions:
A DRAFT Turnitin link is available in the Course Community Aula site to allow you to check your similarity score prior to making your final submission. You may submit multiple times to this link but do remember that obtaining a similarity report may take up to 24 hours.
The FINAL Turnitin link on the module Aula page is for submission of your work for assessment. You may submit only ONCE to this link. Remember that submission make take some time to complete, so aim to submit several hours before the deadline. The TurnitinUK system will record the date and time of your submission and cannot be over-written.
Please convert your final submission to a PDF format as these suffer less from formatting changes.
If you experience any technical problems when trying to submit your work, please consult Aula help via the question mark link. If these problems are experienced at the time of the submission deadline and cannot be quickly resolved, please capture screenshots as evidence and email these and your completed assessment to the module leader asap.
Word count details
The following are included in your word allowance:
- The text of your written work.
- Reference citations and reference to Figures and Tables within the text.
- Descriptive paragraphs as Figure or Table legends.
The following are excluded from your word allowance:
- The title.
- Your name, course, etc.
- Figure and Table headings.
- Words associated with Figures and Tables.
- Reference list.
- The word count details.
- Contents page.
Section 3: Help and Support
An introduction to the coursework will be provided in week 2.
There will be workshops and tutorials which include a range of formative exercises to ensure you are familiar with how to carry out a needs analysis, identify key issues and ensure an interdisciplinary approach.
An additional one-hour online tutorial will focus on planning and setting out your coursework to ensure you are familiar with the structure of the written report.
An introduction to the important topics will be discussed in the asynchronous online videos and tasks. You are expected to further your understanding of the area by reading associated research. To help with this, important journal papers, book chapters and articles will be provided on module's Aula Page to get you started.
You will receive feedback from a member of the module team on your 1000 word coursework 1 submission which will help to feed forward and inform your coursework 2 submission.
A tutorial will detail how to engage in critical reflection on your work and how to structure an effective reflection.
Students can seek support during academic surgery hours.
If you have a special requirement such as a variation of assessment need please contact the disabilities team.
Section 4: Learning Outcomes and Marking Rubric
Mapping to module Learning outcomes
This assessment is designed to assess Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the module:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the key subdisciplines that comprise the Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Employ evidence-based reasoning to examine practical and theoretical issues associated with the study of sport and exercise.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of mono and interdisciplinary approaches within sport and exercise.
- Demonstrate a theoretically and research-informed perspective upon practical issues experienced within sport and exercise settings.
- Develop reflective practice skills related to professional and academic development.
Mapping to course Learning Outcomes
This assessment relates to the following Course Learning Outcomes:
- To develop students’ enquiring, critical and reflective approaches to Sport and Exercise Science.
- An ability to search for and critically analyse existing scientific information.
- An understanding of, and practical skills in, the techniques and methods required by Sport and Exercise Science practitioners.
- To prepare students for graduate employment, self-employment or further study, through the development of transferable and cognitive skills in a range of cultural contexts. Therefore, enabling them to become independent, autonomous professionals able to manage their own lifelong learning
- To instil our core values of professionalism, support, trust, integrity and respect whilst valuing diversity.
- To equip students with research and data analysis skills that will allow them to both critically evaluate, and independently undertake, research in their discipline.
Task type/scheduling rationale
As a sports and exercise scientist you are required to work with a range of clients to help them improve their performance, health or well-being. This interdisciplinary case-based scenario requires you to explore the fundamental principles of sport and exercise support.
This assessment is a follow-on from your first written report. This means that you will be developing your written skills along with your knowledge, based on feedback given in your first submission.