Object Modelling Assessment
March 21, 2018Asset Pricing (BST 260)
March 21, 2018The Business School
Department of Accounting and Finance
ACC4200 Dissertation for MSc Financial Management
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the successful students should be able to:
- Identify and choose appropriate methodology and research methods/techniques for a given research topic;
- Evaluate a number of data collection techniques, together with their strengths and weaknesses, and apply the appropriate method(s)/ technique(s);
- Critically review a number of sometimes contradictory viewpoints on a single subject or issue and distinguish between them;
- Gain in-depth knowledge relating to the specific area of research selected.
At the end of this module, the successful students should be able to:
- Formulate, organise and carry out independent, but directed research work;
- Select and analyse data from different sources and use them in support of particular line of argument;
- Critically evaluate the implications of findings of their research projects, that is, in terms of policy, decision making and future academic research;
- Organise the structure and write up an academic research project.
The following areas of study are covered in this module:
- Methodological approaches (positivism, phenomenology, quantitative & qualitative)
- Literature review
- Research design
- Sampling
- Survey research
- Archival research
- Data collection and analysis
- Fieldwork: Questionnaires and interviews
- Using the internet for research
- Ethics in business research
- Writing up and presenting research outcomes
Reading materials/ Learning materials
Students should obtain up-to-date material relevant to the topic to be researched. The project supervisor will guide students in this respect. For learning about research methodologies/methods and other related issues the following books are recommended:
Recommended Texts:
Fisher, C, (2010), Researching and Writing a Dissertation (3rd Ed.). FT Prentice Hall
Ghauri, P., Gronhaug, K, (2010), Research Methods in Business Studies (4th Ed.). FT
Prentice Hall
Sekaran, U., Bougie, R., (2013), Research Methods for Business (6th Ed.). John Wiley & Sons
Other Texts:
Asteriou, D., Hall S.G., (2011), Applied Econometrics (2nd Ed.). Palgrave Macmillan
Brooks, C, (2008), Introductory Econometrics for Finance (2nd Ed.). Cambridge University Press
Bryman, A., Bell, E., (2011), Business Research Methods (3rd Ed.). Oxford University Press
Bryman, A., Carmer, D., (2011), Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 and 19. Routledge
Davis, G., Pecar, P., (2010), Business Statistics using Excel. Oxford University Press
Koop, G., (2004), Analysis of Economic Data (2nd Ed.). John Wiley & Sons
Levin, P., (2006), Excellent Dissertations. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press
Munger, D., Campbell, S., (2012), What Every Student Should Know about Researching
Online (2nd Ed.). PEARSON
Ryan, B., Scapens, R.W., Theobald, M., Beattie, V., (2002), Research Methods and
Methodology in Finance and Accounting (2nd Ed.). Cengage Learning
Seiler, M.J., (2004), Performing Financial Studies: A Methodological Cookbook. Prentice
Swanborn, P., (2010), Case Study Research: What, Why and How? Sage Publications
Wisker, G., (2008), The Postgraduate Research Handbook (2nd Ed.). Palgrave Macmillan
For additional learning materials consult the module handbook or the on-line reading list.
Other than the above learning materials which are available in the School library, students are required to read and refer to latest works on research methods.
Learning Strategies
This module utilises a learner-centred approach, employing directed reading, resource-based learning and online guidance as primary supports. Students are expected to engage in selfmanaged learning activities.
Theoretical and practical related material will be delivered during a series of lectures/ seminars of other modules in the programme (employing both in-class and e-learning resources).
The research proposal will allow students to state clearly their research design including research objectives/questions/hypotheses and research methodology/methods to be employed and preliminary literature review.
The final dissertation should demonstrate comprehensive in-depth knowledge of the area of the topic selected including related theories and findings of research studies.
Moodle will be used to provide students online access to Module handbook and other resources such as TURNITIN, Announcements, and Discussion Board.
Formative assessment will be employed to provide feedback to students on various tasks performed by students such as dissertation proposals and draft dissertation chapters to help improve their performance in summative assessment.
Students will submit a compulsory (non-assessed) dissertation proposal. Students who fail to submit a dissertation proposal will not be allocated a supervisor and therefore will not be permitted to proceed to the dissertation stage of the programme.
Summative assessment (to measure the achievement of intended learning outcomes) will be employed through dissertation proposal and the final dissertation. For this both face to face and online feedback will be provided before submission.
- Feedback on dissertation proposal: after the submission
- Feedback on dissertation: after the examination
Assessment Weighting
Coursework: 100%
The dissertation is assessed through:
Research Proposal: Approximately 3,000 to 4,000 words (0% marks)
Once the selected research topic is approved by the supervisor, the student is expected to prepare a detailed research proposal covering Introduction of the study, Literature Review, and Research Design. This documents is not assessed, but is used by the supervisor to provide feedback to the student and ensure the student is on right track.
Final dissertation: Approximately 15,000 words (100% of total marks)
Each student is required to select a specialised research topic in the area of financial management and work under an allocated supervisor and produce a dissertation. Feedback will be given throughout the period of the research project from approval of the topic until submission. This will address learning outcomes 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Assessment Criteria
Your dissertation will be assessed using the following criteria:
- The research questions and hypotheses of the study should be clearly stated.
- The ability to use relevant theoretical knowledge should be demonstrated through literature review and analysis of your data by linking that to the literature.
- A clear description of the research method(s) adopted and the reasons and the justification for the choice of method(s) should be provided.
- A clear description of sources of data, method of collection and analysis should be provided.
- Evidence of original data collection by the author should be provided either within the main body or in Appendix.
- A justification for the appropriateness of data collected and data analysis should be provided and awareness of the limitations imposed by, and opportunities offered by, the chosen project design should be demonstrated.
- The research findings should be analysed and their implications set out clearly.
- Appropriate structuring of the research study and presentation.
- Provision of Abstract (600 – 700 words approx.) after the contents page.
- Succinct and coherent presentation of material.
- Acknowledgement and citing of all external sources throughout the report.
- Providing a complete list of bibliography in required format and style.
- If you want to achieve distinction, you should demonstrate very high level of clarity, evidence and capacity in all the criteria set above.
- If you want to just pass, you are expected to demonstrate clarity in research questions and hypotheses, research methodology, good literature review including recent writings, evidence of original data collection, attempt to analyse the data, and appropriate structure of the study.
The dissertation will be marked by two internal markers, one being your supervisor.
You may be examined orally (a “viva voice”) by a small panel of internal and/or external assessors. A viva involving external assessors is likely to take place where a dissertation is particularly good, where it displays distinctive or unusual features or where there is the possibility of failure. It will be the responsibility of the Programme Leader in consultation with your supervisor and the second marker to determine whether or not a viva is required.
An internal viva may be set at a time to be determined by the Programme Leader with regard to the availability of the staff and student but in any event before the internal Assessment board. A viva involving an external examiner would normally take place on the day that the assessment board meets.