Accounting for Managers
November 13, 2021Economics for Managers
November 13, 2021Introduction
For all monetary profits and to lead to prompt and perfect choices, the role of Budgeting, financial explanations are vital. The execution and changes which are occurring in the monetary strength of the business associations deal with their monetary articulations keeping in mind the end goal to end up in lucrative deals. And financial specialists help to deal with pragmatic matters in the best possible way (Financial Statements, 2012). There are a number of Businesses that play a host of money-related claims, for investment, profits, capital, etc. There are a few bookkeeping systems that business associations need to refer to while reporting their budgetary executions in order to showcase their association better to the speculators. It is also critical to comprehend the relationship between distinctive variables of monetary articulations, for example, net salary and deals and so forth. The present task would manage the three key parts of Monetary Accounting. Aspects of this systematic accounting serve to expand the authoritative gainfulness & income, and assessment of diverse budgetary parameters to comprehend the legitimacy of the budgetary proclamations (Saving and Investing, 2015).
Prob. 1
Strength and weakness of financial statements
In order to explore the possibilities of financial stability and growth potential of a particular organization, selecting suppliers, targeting customers and managing sales, it is important to understand the financial statements of the supplier and all processes are done. This leads to chances for growth in the coming time and financial stability in future as it identifies strengths and detects weaknesses which obviously form the basis of better business practices in the future. Financial statements are a compilation of financial records for a particular person or business organization that pinpoints the exactness of the financial efforts. And thus helps in taking exact measures.
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Strengths of financial statements
- Financial statements pinpoint the exact efficiency of an organization’s operations. They can further improve their personal efficiency byways that they can determine through researches and management programs.
- It also helps to compare the efficiency it has with the other companies of its sector. Thus gives a competitive advantage.
- Financial statements evaluate the capability in order to attract future investments for the organization, thus helping in future planning and Investment Strategies.
- Financial statements are for multiple users. It also helps the customers, suppliers, investors, employees and people planning to invest, to decide their activities after studying financial health. This will make sure they benefit from their decisions. This is not possible through estimations (Financial Statements, 2012).
Weaknesses of financial statements
- Unclear estimations and listing of any financial dealings and resources if stated wrongly or ambiguously can be harmful to the organizations and other parties interested in it (Beaver, McNichols, & Rhie, 2005).
- If the financial motives are not kept in mind then it can be difficult to match the format of the bookkeeping. The financial goal has to be clear to record and study the reports efficiently.
- Financial statements can be used for manipulations if there is a lack of knowledge on the part of the reader and this is observed by a second party. It can be used intentionally to mislead the users.
Learning from Financial Accounts
There are many managers in a business. They may perceive a venture differently. Thus to arrive at a proper consensus and avoid any confusion, systematic records of financial deals and plans are important (Beaver, McNichols, & Rhie, 2005). Taking in the revenues and using the money to related articulations would help any client searching for particular data from the budgetary proclamation. Whatever the perception of the decision-makers, they can learn the accurate amounts of investment and turnover, assess the strategies and learn about areas of improvement. For instance, in the present circumstance clients of any association would like to detect dependability and check records prior to any real venture.
Representatives of the businesses would take a call at money related explanations with a specific end goal to assess the general gain of the association (Hung, 2000). This leads them towards a better position to make the aggregate dealing from the administration group. Proprietors and directors of the association would assess the money related proclamation to comprehend the general return which they pick up from the association. Speculators would assess the money related articulation to pick up information on the productivity, acquiring per offer and comparable proportions which would help them to settle on a choice with respect to interest in the association. As discussed earlier the third parties related to the business, like suppliers and bankers also get a solid grounds of interaction as they learn about the real worth of an organization. And their dealings with these parties become easy like credit financing and consumer activities.
Limitations of monetary articulations
There are certain limitations too, that goes parallel to the above advantages.
- Distinctive bookkeeping approaches and systems, for example, IFRS, AASB and US GAP took after by the business associations make it troublesome for the clients to think about the business’ execution associations (Hung, 2000).
- Accounts’ reporting frameworks incorporate the utilization of evaluations from financial investments. These appraisals are very subjective and may prompt contrast for diverse individuals planning money related proclamations
- Finance investments take into account the real expense and these chronicled expenses raise the issue of ignorance of the adjustments at the value level, for specific resources
- Gauging real monetary explanations is still under scrutiny, as dependable data cannot always be checked according to law This might make it troublesome for the clients to trust the accuracy of budgetary articulations
- It can be said that the compilation of accounts is interpreted differently by different people and thus different decisions could be taken at times due to this subjective tendency.
What to search for in budgetary explanation to judge money related security and to stay away from income issues
Knowhow of ways to maintain one’s financial well-being is a primary need in life. One just needs to be sure that whatever money you have, it is needed that you choose people and opportunities and well, both cost-wise and management-wise (Hung, 2000). Here are some questions to ascertain that one should enter a financial agreement. Ascertain the tenure of business, the investment philosophy and creditworthiness of the client in consideration. Hence, the importance of financial statements for the other party as well. Hire an investment professional if you need one, who is knowledgeable and fully understands financial statements and investments, views and recommends as per your goals. To avoid risks related to defaults from the clients, do check their statements in regard to their payment of instalment (Hung, 2000). This is imperative to assess the dependability of the company in the long haul. This budgetary analysis will help one to avoid income issues.
Budgetary statements well studied can well dodge income issues, provide it incorporates current proportion, influence, unexpected liabilities of the association and fleeting reimbursement. There are concerns if you have not read any agreements properly before reading them. At the time of agreements, you can always ask a client for their financial statements for a glance. And as far as business activities are concerned there are likely repercussions of missing to add in financial books, any financial dealings and investments that your enterprise has done (Beaver, McNichols, & Rhie, 2005).
Requisites to judge in financial statements for attracting additional capital for growth
There are a set of financial parameters needed to be analyzed financial statement of any business which helps to decide if it is worthy of attracting capital from the market and of further growing the capital through profits.
Financial parameter | Formula | Remarks |
Earnings per share | Total earning/total share | This indicates the net earning made for every share issued by the organization |
Payout ratio | Dividend/total earning | This ratio indicates the dividend given in comparison to earnings made by the organization |
Dividend cover | Earnings per share/dividend per share | This shows the multiple of dividends for the earning made by the organization |
P/E ratio | Market price/diluted EPS | This is an important performance determinant for the investors |
Dividend yield | Dividend/current market price | This shows the amount of dividend given by the company in relation to the current market price of a share |
Table 1: Showing the parameters important for attracting additional capital for growth
The above relationships would help to understand the capability of the supplier to raise funds for future expansion or growth.
Proposals and their impact on net income, cash flow and cash
Proposal | Impact on net income | Impact on Cash flow | Impact on Cash |
Prop 1 | Increase | No Change | No Change |
Prop 2 | Increase | No change | No Change |
Prop 3 | Increase | Increase | Increase |
Prop 4 | No change | Increase | Increase |
Prop 5 | Increase | Increase | Increase |
Prop 6 | No change | No change | Increase |
Table 2: Showing the impact of six proposals on net income, cash flow and cash
Proposal to upgrade benefit
Proposition 1 (LIFO to FIFO): With the change in stock technique from LIFO to FIFO expense of merchandise sold would lessen and consequently the net wage (notional) of the organization would increment. Thus, stock techniques would not have any effect on income due to the inability of having any trade exchanges out of this.
Proposition 2 (Declining parity technique to a straight line): as we see there is Depreciation on the system, in comparison to straight-line there would be a lower measure of devaluation recorded in the books thereby net pay of the association would increment. Yet this would not affect the income and money as devaluation is a non-tangible cost.
Proposition 3 (Inventory Expansion): If merchants are pressurized to have higher stock then transient deals for the organization would increment and this would prompt the higher net wage to the association. Further, this would upgrade the measure of trade stream out fleeting alongside money equalizations (Beaver, McNichols, & Rhie, 2005).
Proposition 4 (Quick instalment from merchants): As the tenure of the borrower goes on diminishing from 60 to 30, it would not affect the net salary of the association. Yet cash flow would increase taking the cash balance in short term up, too.
Proposition 5 (Borrow at a transient interest rate): With getting any finance in fleeting rates of 10% and paying off, taking a long haul, getting off 13% would diminish the interest instalment and thus, net earnings of the association would go up. Thus, cash inflow and resulting cash balance would also increase (Ittelson, 2009).
Proposition 6 (Stock dividend in place of cash dividend set up): With this process, there is not any effect on the net earnings of the organization as the stocks grow in number. So also there would not be any effect on trade streams but rather out fleeting money parity would increment because of this.
Problem 3
The Three Perceptions and the Fuss created over them
There are three perceptions put forth through the money related expressions of Flexcom and the explanation behind making a fuss over these perceptions can be given as under:
Perception 1: Despite drowsy deals, there is a relentless increment in net salary from the most recent three years. Deals and net salary of the association increment in direct connection to one another and for the present circumstance with lessening in deals, the net wage of the Flexcom ought to additionally have been decreased. Be that as it may, the net pay is expanding regardless of the diminishment in deals from the most recent three years. There can be a few explanations behind this, for example, the accomplishment of better innovation for generation, investigating markets with higher edge or diminishment in crude material expense (Wild, Bernstein and Subramanyam, 2001). In any case, regardless of this, it is critical to examine in books of record from the point of view of any slip or controls as it might be the situation.
Perception 2: Inventory has been expanding at a higher than typical rate
Flexcom is into the innovation space so stock changes at a fast pace for the organization and the benefit of the association relies on the brisk stock turnover for the association. If there should be an occurrence of an out of date stock organization would need to confront critical misfortunes. Old stock can be the explanation behind the drowsy deals and stock heap up too (Palepu & Healy, 2007). So it is imperative that stock positions ought to be followed appropriately.
Perception 3: Allowance to decrease stock outdated nature
Stock positions are of most extreme significance for Flexcom and any out of date innovation would prompt lower net pay for the association. With lessening in stipend for old stock it is normal that a higher measure of stock would be accounted for and this would prompt lower expense of products sold and along these lines higher net pay for the association. In any case, this ought to be explored painstakingly as lessening in remittance limit from the association would indicate their purpose to exaggerate the stock levels trying to improve the benefit of the association (Ittelson, 2009). This can be the control to improve the benefit of the association so fitting stock levels with the sort of stock accessible to the association ought to be finished. Stock review can be directed with a specific end goal to think about the stock positions.
Seeing the various pros and Cons of the management of financial accounts, all the aspects of the study of finances have been explored. The real-life scenario of the importance of financial statements has been observed and as shown with the help of cases. It is seen how, with proper evaluation of them, risks are avoided, and values added and financial management is made easy. The assessment of the financial stability and growth potential for the suppliers would help to reduce supplier risk for the organization (Palepu & Healy, 2007). The impacts of various proposals that come to the organization are used to add to the short and long term profitability of the organization. Proper, deep analysis of the financial statements is mandatory to the good health of an organization, as well as for keeping problems at a bay; problems like errors that affect production, judgments that lead to losses, etc.
Beaver, W. H., McNichols, M. F., & Rhie, J. W. (2005). Have financial statements become less informative? Evidence from the ability of financial ratios to predict bankruptcy. Review of Accounting Studies, 10(1), 93-122.\\
Financial Statements. (2012). Review of Income and Wealth, 58(4), pp.774-785.
Hung, M. (2000). Accounting standards and value relevance of financial statements: An international analysis. Journal of accounting and economics, 30(3), 401-420.
Ittelson, T. (2009). Financial statements. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press. (Ittelson, 2009)
Palepu, K., & Healy, P. (2007). Business analysis and valuation: Using financial statements. Cengage Learning.
Saving and Investing. (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2015].
Wild, J., Bernstein, L. and Subramanyam, K. (2001). Financial statement analysis. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill.