DATA4000 – Individual Case Study
May 31, 2023
May 31, 2023Assignment number and title 1 – Case Study
Assignment type Case Study
Weighting of assignment 100%
Size or length of assessment 2,500 words
Unit learning outcomes On completion of this unit you should be able to:
- Demonstrate a detailed and critical understanding of different forms of contemporary forced migration and the type of policy responses to these different scenarios
- Investigate the reasons for, patterns, forms and responses to forced migration and communicate this knowledge effectively and precisely in written and oral forms
What am I required to do in this assignment?
You are required to write a 2,500- word case study. For the case study, please follow the following three steps:
- Choose a case study of one country (Colombia, Afghanistan, Syria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Belarus) that demonstrates the multiple ways in which people are forced to migrate from their country of origin.
- Analyse and discuss both the human rights situation in your chosen country and the nature and scope of forced
migration from that country - Examine the extent of asylum applications or cases of human trafficking in the UK from the country of origin chosen.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass the assessment, you will need to:
- Select, collect and analyse data on different forms of forced migration from one country of origin.
- Outline the human rights situation in that country, linking your data with the human rights and refugee legal
frameworks introduced to you in the unit. - Examine the extent of asylum applications or cases of human trafficking in the UK in relation to the country of origin.
Furthermore, please take note of the following requirements:
- You are expected to use a minimum of seven sources to pass this assessment.
- You are expected to use a minimum of two academic texts (peer-reviewed books/journals).
- You must use the Harvard referencing system in your text and in the reference list.
- Please include a word count for the case study.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
- Attend all your lectures and seminars.
- Independent study – to receive high grades you will need to demonstrate your wider reading.
- Engage with the weekly readings beforehand and take notes of or highlight important points or questions
- Engage with all of the resources provided as they offer useful background reading for the material in this unit.
- Read the marking and feedback guideline below. This will help you to see how a good grade will be awarded and what you need to do to achieve this.
We will discuss this further during the first teaching session and again during subsequent sessions.
Please bring either a printout or upload this brief onto your laptop/device for this discussion.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The lecture series prepares you for the assessment. The lectures identify legal and conceptual definitions associated with forced migration, they introduce the key legal frameworks that are relevant to the protection of refugees and the displaced, they introduce case study examples. The lecture programme also discusses what it is like for refugees and asylum seekers as they seek to resettle in host nations, such as the UK, linking with relevant national and international frameworks.