LT6018ES Strategic Planning for the Hospitality Industry
December 12, 2021
SOE11147 Assessment Two – Coursework
December 12, 20211. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:
Recognise and understand the different methods of collecting data in quantitative and qualitative research approaches; the basis of selecting methods of data collection and understand the ethics underpinning the collection of data.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:
Able to choose a method of collecting data that is appropriate to answer a research question. The ability to identify to ethical principles that underpin the respective methods of data collection chosen.
Assessment 1 is a 2000 word primary data collection plan. You are expected to choose one of the five broad topic areas provided, specify a social group, develop a specific research question for primary research relating to the chosen topic area, discuss the methods of data collection and ethics, and create a topic guide, a discussion guide or a questionnaire (depending on your choice of research methods).
The five topics areas are as follows (you must choose one and link the topic to a social group of your choice):
- Social media
- Education
- Care (including health care, social care, formal care, informal care)
- Mental health
- Crime and Justice