155100002-A21/22 Numbers and Quantitative Reasoning
May 2, 2023
SG5013 – Business Management Internship Placement Assignment
May 2, 2023Assignment type Portfolio
Weighting of assignment 100%
Size or length of assessment 2,000 words
Unit learning outcomes
- Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Of the research process and the key methods of analysing data within social science research - Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:
Able to write a feasible research question that is related to the course content, searching the literature, collecting other types of existing data and conducting data analysis in secondary research.
- Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Assessment 1 is a secondary research portfolio demonstrating data analysis. Students are expected to produce evidence of data analysis including, initial coding, refining codes and generation/development of themes based on a feasible research question. Students should also provide evidence of developing a clear search strategy and rationale for data selection.
Portfolio should include evidence of:
- identifying a research question
- an initial search strategy and selection of appropriate data (journal articles, newspaper articles, political speeches) to analyse in relation to their question
- Provide an overview of the characteristics of data collected (e.g., journal articles: author, date of publication, journal, research question(s), participants, methods of data collection.
- Evidence of two out of three of the following methods:
- a thematic literature review.
- Content analysis (either quantitative or qualitative)
- Discourse analysis
- Include evidence of initial coding of chosen documents
- Produce evidence of the development of themes/data analysis – such as a coding grid
- Write 500 words methodology section.
- Define explain themes/trends.
- Demonstrate logical choices in their decision-making regarding choice of data and methods chosen
A template portfolio would be provided to students.
- Ensure that you include sufficient references to support the points you are making, this will include justifying the data collection and analysis methods chosen, supporting your rationale with evidence and citing all your data sources. You will need to refer to at least two books on social research methods together with peer-reviewed journal articles and other appropriate sources.
- You are expected to develop a specific research question. It is strongly recommended that you start developing your research question early and have your question confirmed by the seminar tutor before starting work on your assignment.
- You must choose appropriate research methods which allow you to collect and analyse the data you need for answering your research question.
- Ensure that you include your in-text references. In all cases, in-text references must match up with what appears in your reference list. Every in-text citation should correspond to a reference on the list at the end (and vice versa).
- You must use the Harvard referencing system. The University officially advises students to use the following website for referencing guidelines: https://www.citethemrightonline.com/
- You must write in your own words. You are reminded that plagiarism of any type will be penalised and result in a fail.
Students are expected to read the assignment brief carefully (especially the rubric in the ‘Marks and Feedback’ section) and complete this section during the teaching sessions in which the assignment is discussed.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
- Develop a feasible research question for a small scale undergraduate secondary research project
- Collect appropriate data and analyse the data using one of the methods allowed to answer the question
- Maintain focus and present your findings in a logical manner.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
This section is to be left blank and completed by the students in an in-class Assessment Dialogue.
The assessment brief is discussed during an in-class session with students, explaining the assessment, the rubric and marking criteria.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
You will develop your enquiry skills through exploring different types of qualitative and quantitative data and analysing the data using various research methods. As we cover a different method of analysis each week, you will be expected to actively participate in the process of data analysis during the workshops to identify key themes and trends in data.
You will develop knowledge and understanding of different methods of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. You will understand how that data analysis stage fits within the whole research process.