CP3401 – SEO and Google AdWords Campaign Strategic Proposal
August 31, 2022English for Acedemic Purpose
August 31, 2022For this assessment you are expected to define, plan and carry out a research project involving the collection, analysis and interpretation of data and theory appropriate to an approved industry topic and to write a formal research report summarising the research.
- Your research report should reflect the aims identified in the proposal and your discussions with your Academic Supervisor.
o See the following pages for a suggested description of the formatting of your report - Your research report is due on Moodle and in print by the beginning of Week 15 of the semester. Applications for extensions must be made in writing to the Academic Coordinator and your Academic Supervisor.
- You are entitled to have your work proof read by an approved proof reader in consultation with your Academic Supervisor. If so, you must also submit a draft of the report before it has been proof read.
- Note: As your host organisation might request a copy of your report, you are expected to ensure that the spelling, punctuation, grammar and formatting of your report is at a professional standard.
o You will have access to a Grammarly account which should be used for all assessments.
If you fail your report, you are entitled to one formal resubmission at the Academic Coordinator’s discretion. The maximum grade you can achieve on the resubmission is 50% and the assignment must be submitted at a date determined by your Academic Supervisor.
Report length guidelines:
The word count is taken from the beginning of the Introduction to the end of the Recommendations. Your Academic supervisor will guide you regarding the length of your report. However, the following word length is given here as a suggested limit:
There are report templates on Moodle in the Information and resources tab.
Your Academic Supervisor might suggest a different structure for your report. You should follow their preferred method of writing the report.
The following pages provide a description of the information found in each section of a formal research report. There are also examples of research report styles on Moodle in the Information and Resources tab.
Title Page
- Include all necessary information
- Provide a summary of the Research Report including aims of the research, context, key findings and major recommendations. This should be 150 – 250 words.
Contents Page
- Show an appropriately numbered index of the main sections of your report, with corresponding page numbers (one page).
- Show a separate index list of Appendices for tables, figures and graphs.
- Provide an account of the background to the project. This should include the organisational context and provide a background to the organisation.
- Justify the need for the research and outline the research problem
- Identify the research problem or question
Literature Review
- Critically examine existing research and information related to the issue from a range of relevant resources.
- Use the literature to provide the context and justification for the research question.
- Use correct in‐line referencing techniques according to academic standards using the
APA 6th method of citation.
- This literature is based on the review from your proposal but should include more readings.
Research Methods
- Explain how the research was conducted.
- Explain the reasons for the selection of the chosen research methods.
- Describe limitations and ethical considerations of the research methodologies used.
Research Results
- Present a description and discussion of the data collected during the research.
- Include graphs and tables where relevant to present the results.
- Use relevant statistical analysis of data where necessary.
- Present results in relationship to the research question(s).
- Synthesise the information from the literature search with other research results.
- Use the results to answer the research question(s).
- Discuss the limitations of the research including the research methodology used and reliability/validity of the research results.
- Draw conclusions by relating the analysis to the research question or problem
- Identify what areas need further research to more adequately answer the research question(s).
- List feasible, practical solutions for the organisation given its limitations of available time, resources, and internal and external environmental constraints.
- Identify a list of references you have directly referred to as either quotes or paraphrased in completing your literature review.
- Use correct referencing techniques in the reference list according to academic standards using the APA method of citation.
- Attach a copy of all data collection instruments to the printed copy of your report as Appendices. These should include all participant consent forms, questionnaires, interview schedules, or other tools used for gathering information.
Submission instructions
Upload the final document to Turnitin as well as submitting a hard copy to your supervisor, if required.
- Line spacing for the assessment is to be 1.5 line.
- Include page numbers and your ID in the footer.
- Set the page margins to the default (4cm left and 2.5cm right, 2.5cm top and 2.5cm bottom.)
- Use an 11‐12 point font.