MK4111 International Marketing Management
December 31, 2021
Corporate governance and social responsibility Sample-2
January 3, 2022The three-year-old Syrian refugee found dead on the Turkish coast
Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old boy was found dead on the Turkish costs was widely reported in newspapers. This incident created a lot of unrest in the Islamic state. Aylan Kurdi along with his family was making a transit to immigrate to Canada due to the destructions happening in Syria and Iraq. This incident reflects on the unrest and conflicts affecting these regions. The clashes between the Western Countries and the Islamic States, made this family take the decision to emigrate. The family has said to make a request to Canada’s immigration minister due to the conditions in Iraq and Syria.
This incident also reflects the story of millions of other people facing the same situation in Syria and Iraq. Either they are dead or have been trying to run from the continuous destruction. This situation has led them to turn into refugees and leave their country in search of a better and peaceful place (Carlisle and Bowman, 2007). The situation becomes even worse when these refugees cannot leave the island without proper papers.
Corporate governance and social responsibility – CASE STUDY ASSESSMENT
In addition to the news, Social media too has reacted quite strongly by creating artworks symbolizing sadness and grief, and disgust over the death of the young boy. For instance, an Indian artist named Sudarsan Pattnaik’s huge sand sculpture was rolled through the internet strongly. This was on the Puri beach near Bhubaneswar, India (Mail Online, 2015). Similarly, the innocent three-year-old’s corpse depicted, drowned next to his mother and brother five-year-old brother, on a Turkey beach named Bodrum. This was propagated much through social media.
Paris Attack on Friday, 13th November 2015
A series of attacks took place in different areas in Paris which are known to be done by terrorists. This attack which took place on 13th November this year is said to have killed around 130 people. These suicide bombings took place in restaurants, music venues, cafes. The terrorist group, Islamic State of Iraq, and the Levant has been found responsible for such act (Esposito, 1992). This is done as revenge for French airstrikes on the Islamic states of Syria and Iraq.
This series of attacks led to an emergency in France. The aggressiveness of these attacks was very severe and was the worst attack after World War 2. The country has been on high alert since the occurrence of such terrorist activity.
The public, at that time, used Social media through Twitter hashtags for offering shelter. They shared information regarding embassies and positive and negative developments. There was a live commentary across social media of news, prayer unions, and activities. The hashtag #Prayers4Paris was allowing people to send supportive messages.
Other social media sites let Parisians share information about the safety of loved ones. Facebook actively came up with a safety check labeled ‘Paris Terror Attacks’. People checked in and checked if their contacts were safe. The reactions of the media started immediately as the French capital was debilitated in terror and confusion. Facebook also launched a helpful tool that could a few times used to track down known ones. On Twitter, many hashtags were created for finding people, helping them, and providing shelter. Social media captured the panic of Paris in the horrific attacks.
The hashtag #rechercheParis was also in the league trying to locate acquaintances, family and friends post the treacherous attacks. The same hashtag, which translated to “search Paris,” later, was used by a French woman at 2 a.m. on Saturday and an hour and a half after that, 100+ tweets per minute accessed the hashtag. Later, by evening, 64,000+ tweets had used #rechercheParis. Photos were posted globally to locate, descriptions were updated and contact information accessed. There were thousands of retweets. Even tweets other than #rechercheParis spread and picked up fast. Successful reunions were also highlighted on Saturday, thanks to the social media’s reaction or efforts.
Russian plane crash in Egypt
The plane crash which took place in the Sinai Desert of Egypt led to the death of all 200 passengers on board. The plane was flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg. The plane was said to carry a bomb and the investigators confirmed that it was due to terrorist activity. A homemade explosive device which is similar to 1kg of TNT was placed in the pane. This explosive went off which led to the destruction. This was the reason when the plane came swiping down and scattered over a large area. The evidence has also been found in the record on the flight recorder (Jozwiak, Marianski, and Cwik, 2015). This record shows the sound of an explosion before the plane came crashing down.
The FSB further confirmed that the explosive has been made outside Russia. The Russian President, Putin gave assurance to the citizens and the world that proper investigations would be conducted in this regard and those who would be found guilty would be punished (Korosec, 2015).
The social media came up with a more open expression of regret and anger over the act as the government will not embrace that it had been warned many times about the risks of flying over the Sinai. The equipment and pilots were obviously out of the scene and the known reason was the extremists, who were propagated as a reason of risk. This aspect of danger was neglected and thus many people died. Social media came up with tweets, articles, blogs, and shared views on this kind of incident of death of many innocent people in the wake of violence (Katz, 2002).
Also, a part has been attributed as highlighted by the social media news, to the airport negligence. It has been said that the number of staff these airports handle is way too much than they can keep track of. These low wages staff and employees have a very high turnover rate which makes it difficult to keep track of their activities (USA TODAY, 2015). Thus it might be some ground staff at the airports supporting such activity. But the reason not being this, it was dismissed as a weakness in the system which should be rectified to avoid any ugly and unwanted incidents of the same kind. Many such points that the news would not touch were addressed as a part of the social platform’s reaction to this incident.
Carlisle, R. and Bowman, J. (2007). Iraq war. New York, NY: Facts On File.
Esposito, J. (1992). The Islamic threat. New York: Oxford University Press.
Grote, R. and Röder, T. (2012). Constitutionalism in Islamic countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
IoT multiplies the risk of attack. (2015). Network Security, 2015(5), p.20.
Jozwiak, I., Marianski, A. and Cwik, M. (2015). The probability of dying in a plane crash or having a safe flight. Aviation, 19(1), pp.1-6.
Korosec, K. (2015). Social Media Is a Bullhorn of Support in Wake of Paris Attack. [online] Fortune. Available at: http://fortune.com/2015/11/13/social-media-paris-attack/ [Accessed 30 Nov. 2015].
Mail Online, (2015). Outpouring of grief continues for dead Syrian toddler Aylan, three. [online] Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3222829/Outpouring-grief-continues-images-Syrian-toddler-Aylan-Kurdi-s-dead-body-Turkey.html [Accessed 30 Nov. 2015].
USA TODAY, (2015). Russian plane crash in Egypt kills all 224 people aboard. [online] Available at: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/10/31/russian-plane-crash-egypt/74934010/ [Accessed 30 Nov. 2015].
Yannai, E., Gorzalczany, A. and Peilstacker, M. (2003). A Group of Vessels from the Syrian Coast Found in the Coastal Plain of Israel. Levant, 35(1), pp.101-116.