July 1, 2022
Effective Coaching Behaviour
July 2, 2022The first assessment point is the submission of the individual design solution report and an individual log book from each group member.
The individual design solution report is a document which aims to define the purpose of the Industrial Group Design Project, describe its progress to date and to demonstrate the author's understanding of and contribution to this.
The quality of the report is more important than the size. To encourage work which is clear and concise, the main body of the report must be between 2500 and 3000 words. Reports outside the agreed limits will be penalised. Note, however, that appendices are not included in these totals and may be included where necessary to deal with certain topics in more detail than in the main body of the report.
In preparing the individual design solution report it is essential that you reference your work correctly. Page 11 of this document contains important information. Please read it. The contribution of each student to the group effort will be determined, in part, by the group members themselves. Each group member is required to give an assessment of every other member by completing the peer assessment form GDP1 (individual design solution report stage) at the back of this handbook. This must be completed and submitted by the individual design solution report submission deadline stated on page 3 of this document. This process is completely confidential.
The log book is an ongoing record of all matters connected with the Group Design Project and is also used to assess the amount of effort that is made. The log book and an electronic copy of the individual design solution report must be submitted by the deadline stated on page 3 of this document using the digital drop box.
Unless detailed otherwise by the supervisor, the assessment of the individual design solution report, log book and the contribution of the student to the group effort will be performed using the criteria detailed on pages 6 and 7 of this document. All criteria should be addressed, but they need not be used as section headings in your reports.