HSN705 Public Health Nutrition Assignment
December 28, 2022Assessment Task 2: Individual Reflective Journal
December 29, 20221. Aim and Motivation of the Project
(In here, you will write about your research aim, what motivation work behind the research, and little bit introduction of your research and literature gap, so at the end it will be your context of the research)
2. Research Question or Hypotheses Development
You need to write a literature review and justification how you
3. Research Design and Methodology
If you are doing quantitative research then you will have to provide the following section (Qualitative research project does not require this part)
Sample Selection
Data Collection Method
Sample description
Variable Definition
Dependent Variable Definition
Independent Variables Definition
Control Variables Definition (if you have any control variables)
Research Model (regression Model) and every variables short definition and how you will measure it
Data analysis Method (Descriptive Statistics, Correlation, Factor Analysis, Simultaneous Equation Model, Regression analysis and hypotheses testing, Graphical Presentation, Tabular presentation, Univariate analysis)
If you are doing qualitative research then you will have to provide the following section
(Quantitative research project does not require this part)
Research Method
Research Philosophy
Research Design
Research Scope
Population and Sampling
Sampling and sample size
Unit of analysis
Research Instrument
Reliability and Validity
Qualitative Data Analysis
Data Collection
Data Analysis Techniques (Interview/ Case Study/ Content/ Comparable/ Ethnography/ Direct Observation/ Focus Group discussion/ Tabular/ Graphical/ Pictorial Presentation/ Narrative Discussion/ Triangulation/ Discourse Analysis/ Phenomenological approaches (which one appropriate for your research
4. Expected Result from the research
5. Limitation of the research
6. Contribution and Conclusion