August 13, 2022BHO0002 Employment Relations: Essay Advice
August 13, 2022Elements specific to the assignment:
Title, introduction, conclusion: 1 pt. ____________
Paper has a title that refers to the content (NOT “assignment #1”)- .5 pt. Paper begins with an introductory overview of the contents, and has a concluding statement – .5 pt.
Theory: 7 pts. ___________
Description of the theory would be clear to someone who has not taken this class and does not know anything about communication theory. Description is detailed enough to give an overview of the depth of the theory.
Update: 4 pts __________
Analysis of how the theory could be updated to account for the current and changing media environment would make sense to someone who has not taken this class and does not know anything about communication theory. They might say, “Wow, that’s such an interesting way to think about that!” Examples used are clear, detailed enough for someone unfamiliar with the situation to understand how they apply to your proposed update of the theory.
Bibliography/referencing: 3 pts. __________
All quotes and paraphrases are properly cited in text (APA style), all in-text citations have corresponding bibliographic entry. Bibliography is proper APA style
General elements of the paper:
Clarity: 1 pt. ___________
Paper is clearly written, thoughtful, demonstrates understanding. It would make sense to someone who has not taken this class and does not know anything about communication theory.
Grammar, punctuation, structure, presentation: 4 pts. ___________
Sections are logically sequenced and linked with appropriate transitions Proper grammar and punctuation. Professional-looking, no typos, meets page limit.