PDE4911 Individual Coursework Assignment
March 27, 2022
BHO0217 Global Management in Context Coursework Sample
March 27, 2022Coursework Requirement:
GMiC Assignment 1 – Constructing the Global Manager in Context from Grounded Research
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
Answer –
1. Understand the complexity surrounding the notion of global management and being a global manager.
2. Critically appreciate the nature of change that is reshaping the role of being a manager in global contexts.
3. Understand the possibilities and new opportunities that a widening global perspective affords the manager, both for their organisation and their own capabilities.
4. Critically articulate the nature of global management, its nuances and paradoxes, as well as its opportunities.
The Global Manager is an emergent concept drawing on a broad range of competing notions. Using your Grounded Theory research, and supported by the Formative Assessment ‘Manifesto’ framework, and Plato’s Café dialogue, develop a coherent and argued assertion of the key concerns that your Global Manager must be aware of over the next 10-15 years.
Highlight the complexity surrounding the discussion of global management and being a global manager.
Also address the nature of change in the current season and how this might affect the ideas within ‘being a global manager’.
Offer some broad recommendations on what the ‘global manager’ might need to be mindful of. These should take the form only of appropriate questions for the mid and long-term rather than hard or didactic actions for the short-term.
Where you can identify complexity and paradox about the future context for ‘global management’ e.g. changes in the nature of long-term value, these should be included.
Your answer should be in an assignment format.
Tutor referral will apply to this assessment component. Tutor–referred work must be resubmitted one week after notification.
The work will be assessed in three areas:
Thematic connections: The work will clearly demonstrate the building of a coherent argument drawn from the semi-structured content from Plato’s Café engagement and Grounded Theory research. The description should be avoided, instead of critical evaluation of the ‘key concerns’ that relate to the notion of a ‘global manager’ and her/his context is preferred.
Evidenced argumentation: Assignments will give strong argued reasoning for the points raised. They will demonstrate wider reading and cite examples from Plato’s Café engagement and Grounded Theory in support. A wide variety of academic materials is recommended including textbooks, journal articles and reliable websites all of which should be accurately referenced. Indicative reading lists are available in the handbook but original, relevant research will be recognised.
Structured insights: There will be an appropriate level of coherency within arguments where the semi-structured ideas have been brought together to offer key concerns. Appropriate assignment format. Please make an appointment with the Academic Skills Tutors for any additional help needed with assignment writing and referencing.
Pay close attention to the Assessment and Grading Criteria at the end of this document. These criteria will be used to provide feedback on your marked assignment.
GMiC Assignment – Constructing the Global Manager in Context from Grounded Research
Weak structure and not in assignment format. Poor coherency. Poor presentation, and limited critical development and referencing not using the recommended/consistent system.
Assignment format is used but not effectively as possible. Presentation, structured insights and coherency are satisfactory. The attempt made to reference using the recommended/consistent system but may not be accurate.
Assignment format used and appropriately structured work. Coherency is good. Reasonably presented. Bibliography/ referencing is offered appropriately but may contain errors.
Assignment format used with a good standard of presentation, coherency and a structure that reveals critical perspective. Bibliography/ referencing should be accurate using the recommended/consistent system but may contain minor errors.
Very good assignment structure with the discussion being logically developed and very coherent. Significant critical developments are carefully structured, including links to the more critical ideas. High standard of presentation and accurate bibliography/ referencing using the recommended/consistent system.
Coursework Requirement:
GMiC Assignment 2 – Global Management Case-Study
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
1. Understand the complexity surrounding the notion of responsible global management and being
a global manager.
3. Understand the possibilities and new opportunities that a widening global perspective affords the manager, both for their organisation and their own capabilities.
5. Critically evaluate a wide range of organisational management practices that might require adaptation in the face of global change, both conceptually and practically.
6. Offer practical and higher-level creative suggestions that develop management practice for organisational managers facing global pressure for change.
Question 1
Using your Manifesto what critical guidance would you offer James, as Chairman, in order to critically develop him to lead the Board of a growing global organisation? You will need to refer to the case study as part of your answer, highlighting some examples.
Question 2
Using your Manifesto what critical reflections should Stefan Ellis-Hao consider in order to critically review his management practice if he was to seek a new position with another global organisation? You will need to refer to the case study as part of your answer, highlighting some examples.