MN7012 Research Methods for Marketing Sample
October 18, 2022
BIN3038-N Contemporary Issues in Business Management Sample
October 18, 2022Module Learning Outcomes Module learning outcomes detail the specific knowledge and understanding, cognitive and intellectual skills, practical and professional skills, and the key transferable skills that you will develop during this module. The learning outcomes for this module are detailed below. These learning outcomes will be assessed when marking your assessment. On successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Personal & Transferable Skills
- Evaluate ethical dilemmas and make appropriate ethical decisions based on the evidence base.
- Question orthodoxy using balanced, logical and supported argument.
Research, Knowledge & Cognitive Skills - Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic and changing nature of the business environment at a strategic, local, national and international level.
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of organisations: their nature, structure, governance and internal processes and the associated individual and organisational behaviours that exist within and between organisations.
Professional Skills
Be reflective: evaluate own learning through applying own practice to current thinking around business issues.
Engage effectively in academic debate and present arguments through answering examination questions around current business issues
Indicative Content
As this is a contemporary issues module, the content may change to accommodate emerging business issues. The module is structured around three key interrelated contemporary issues facing businesses and typical content may include:
- Internationalisation
The global economy; emerging economies; global workforce
- Technological innovation
The digital age; emerging technologies; technological interaction; disruptive nature of technology
- Sustainability
The ethical consumer; corporate social responsibility; fraud; dirty work; hidden work the role of business in society; emotion work
Module Delivery
Learning Strategy
In order to help you best prepare you for level 7 study and the working world, the teaching style for this module will be somewhat different to what you have experienced during your time at Teesside University Business School. Your timetable highlights two, 2 hour lectures equating to 4 hours per week. Given the diverse expertise of the teaching team, teaching styles vary therefore every week will be different.
The teaching philosophy adopted for this module will follow this simple model:
The first part of the session will be lecture led ‘Input’ through which you will have the opportunity to challenge your own thinking about key theoretical terms, ideas and concepts. You will be expected to take ‘Action’ and apply new and existing knowledge to a specific scenario using a learning style that suits your individual leaning needs. Finally, the ‘Reflection’ stage will allow you to make sense of emerging themes, reflect and provide solutions to contemporary issues in business management.
Module Assessment
Formative Assessment
Each week, students will be required to prepare for weekly activities related to a specific theme. Activities will include reading journal articles and practitioner reports; preparing for and participating in debates and presentations. Peer and/or tutor feedback will be given for each activity and this feedback can be used to develop knowledge, understanding and skills.
Summative Assessment
The assessment for the module is a 100% end course assessment related to the key themes explored during the module.
Making reference to a range of contemporary issues highlighted throughout the module, you are required to:
- Critically evaluate a range of contemporary issues linked to internationalisation, technological innovation and sustainability (Ideas can be found within the indicative content).
- Discuss the implications for business.
- Make cohesive links and connect with relevant academic/professional sources.
The assessment meets all learning outcomes.
Assessment Methods
Students can choose from a range of assessment vehicles to address the brief, (this must be agreed by the tutor before week 4). Assessment vehicles include:
- A written report comprising of 4000 words;
- A 20 minute presentation supported by a written executive summary of 1000 words;
- A video or podcast lasting 20 minutes supported by a written executive summary of 1000 words.