BME0003 – International Economics Assignment Help
January 21, 2023
Strategic Management in Organisations
January 24, 2023Task of the final report:
The task is to research and present a report about the memorable travel experience based on a list of travelogue and the contemporary theories. The element of the report includes:
- Critical literature review: Critically review the current theories on the ‘memorable tourism experience’ and ‘experience economy theory’;
- Evaluation of travelogues: Evaluate a list of travelogue on the memorable tourism experience, and present the results; (Analysis of at least 6 travelogue)
- Discussion: Explain the results of the travelogue by adopting the current theories;
- Suggestions: Provide suggestions to tourist destinations in order to create a memorable tourism experience for tourists.
Assignment Notes:
a) Be structured under four headings: Critical literature review; Evaluation of travelogues; Discussion, and Suggestions.
b) References / bibliography;
c) Referencing of published sources using APA 6 th format; (http://hud.libguides.com/referencing/guides);
d) Use Times Roman font size 12;
e) Have 1.5 spacing between lines;
f) Include page numbers in the bottom right corner;
g) Around 2,500 words (with a 10% above or below the specified word count boundary);
h) Be written in clear English and free from spelling and grammatical errors;
i) Facing page giving: programme, class, module, name of lecturer, title of work, word count, due date of work and name;
j) All work must be electronically submitted to: turnitin.
When researching and writing the report you will need to decide what information is most important and relevant; this may differ depending on your destination. You will also need to summarise information (e.g. statistics), write in a clear and simple manner (e.g. use bullet points where appropriate) and write in your own writing (e.g. do not
copy large amounts of text or paraphrase by changing a few words. Use a report format to write the report. Use a reference list.
The University regards any action by a student that may result in an unfair academic advantage as a serious offence. It is your responsibility to ensure at all times that the assessments you complete are entirely your own work and that
you have used the relevant referencing technique correctly and in full. The full set of regulations which govern Academic Integrity can be found under Section 4, Assessment Regulations 3 and 4 . http://www2.hud.ac.uk/registry/students_handbook.php
Further information on academic integrity, including an overview of the support available for referencing, can be found within your course handbook; it is important that you familiarise yourself with this information.