BSBPEF501 – Manage Personal and Professional Development
March 31, 2023FIN9006 Corporate Finance
March 31, 2023Questions
1 Prepare definitions for the following recruitment, selection and induction terminology.
a. Applicant
b. Behavioural interviewing
c. Bias
d. Contract of employment
f. HR specialist
g. Induction
h. Job offer
i. Legal requirements (in HR)
j. Organisational policies
k. Organisational procedures
l. Person specification
m. Position description
n. Probationary
o. Recruitment
p. Selection
2a What are the key elements of our workplace relations framework covered in the Fair Work Act
2009? List a minimum of FIVE (5) elements from the Act.
2b Name TWO (2) agencies that help execute the Fair Work Act 2009 and briefly explain each role.
2c List and briefly explain each of TEN (10) minimum entitlements under Australian National
Employment Standards.
3 What is the name of the Act that regulates how you should treat the gathering of a candidate’s
personal information during the recruitment process?
4a What is the name of the Victorian State Act that addresses discrimination in the workforce?
4b Describe in a sentence the key objective of the above Act.
5a What are the names of the FIVE (5) Federal Acts addressing discrimination in the workforce?
5b What Federal Government authority has statutory responsibility for the Acts identified in the
previous question?
6a Describe in a sentence the purpose of employee contracts.
6b List any five elements included in employment contracts. Briefly describe what information you
would find in each listed element.
7 Why are terms and conditions of employment an important aspect of recruitment?
8a Provide THREE (3) reasons why an organisation may choose to utilise recruitment specialists
during the recruitment and induction process.
8b List FOUR (4) examples of different types of recruitment specialists.
8c Outline at least THREE (3) examples of the services recruitment specialists can provide.
9a What are the common recruitment and selection methods?
9b What are the THREE (3) main reasons an organisation might outsource?
9c Give THREE (3) examples of functions or services that are often outsourced.
10 In relation to recruitment, what is the relevance and purpose of:
a. Psychometric testing
b. Skill testing
11 Outline the TWO (2) main advantages of panel interviews.
12a Identify at least three methods used for selection of candidates.
12b Briefly describe the information collected in each method.
13 Explain in your own words how technology can be used effectively during the recruitment and
selection process.
14 List THREE (3) ways to obtain support for policies and procedures from senior managers.
15 Explain how you can check whether or not induction processes are being followed across the
16 Explain the reason why it is important to gather feedback and improve induction policies and
17 What are the minimum requirements for the provision of documents and induction processes
for a new employee?
18 What do you need to consider whilst determining future human resource needs?
19a Describe how to communicate recruitment policies and procedures to relevant staff?
1b Describe three (3) processes to provide training in the recruitment process to relevant
20 Name at least three (3) processes would you use when updating organisational recruitment policies and procedures?
21 In your role as an HR manager explain how should you advise unsuccessful candidates of
outcomes and respond to queries?
22 How do a job description and a job specification help to ensure the most suitable person for the
job is recruited?
This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.
Student Instructions:
For this project you will be required manage aspects of recruitment selection and onboarding processes
in accordance with organisational policies and procedures relevant to an organisation or using a
simulated organisational process.
• You must complete the full project and provide enough information to demonstrate sufficient
understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency
• Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand the project, he/she may be able to re-word the requirements for you or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable Adjustment Policy”
• Answers should be your own work, in your own words and not plagiarised, nor copied. However,
if an answer is cut & pasted (such as a definition), then the source should be referenced.
You will be required to undertake and create THREE (3) project tasks in order to successfully complete
this assessment. This project assessment requires you to demonstrate evidence of your ability to:
▪ Update organisational policies and procedures f for recruitment
▪ Identify the need for recruitment
▪ Prepare and oversee appropriate documentation required for recruitment
▪ Select and advise job applicants appropriately
▪ Manage the onboarding process
▪ Comply with relevant legislation and organisational requirements.
You may complete this assessment project by working either individually or in groups of between 2 and
3 students.
You (and your group if applicable) are to assume the role of an HR manager at your current workplace
and or assume that you are employed by Growth Management and Strategies Pty. Ltd. See the
scenario below for details.
In order to be competent in this unit, you will be required to complete the following tasks:
1. Developing Recruitment and Onboarding Policies and Procedures
• Identify Updates to Recruitment Policies and Procedures
• Assess options for technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment process
• Prepare forms and documents supporting recruitment policies and procedures and make adjustments, where necessary
2. Managing the Recruitment Process
• Determine future human resource requirements in collaboration with relevant stakeholders
• Ensure selection procedures are according to legislation and organisational policies and procedure
• Ensure processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are followed
3. Managing Staff Onboarding
• Develop the onboarding/ induction schedule for New Recruits
• Develop and deliver an induction training program for Supervisors and Managers
• Collect feedback from participants and relevant stakeholders on onboarding process according to its objectives
• Develop the induction schedule for a new employee
• Conduct a probation review meeting
• Develop and deliver an induction training program for managers
• Obtain feedback and identify areas of improvement
You are the HR Manager at Growth Management and Strategies (GMS) Pty. Ltd., a new business
consulting company for small businesses. The CEO, Bill Dawson, has asked you to undertake
recruitment, and onboarding of several new employees to support the growth of the business. Refer to
the business plan at Appendix 1 for details.
After having discussions with Bill, he has agreed to the following:
• The office will be open 5 days per week, 9am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.
• All employees in supporting roles (e.g. Administrative assistants, Accounts officers, Office
management, Receptionist) will work during office hours.
• Consultants will be allowed to change the hours depending on client’s needs.
• The company will offer individual employment contract to all employees.
• The budget for new employee head account is $300,000 including superannuation.
Bill and yourself have conducted the interviews for each of the short-listed candidates. You are
responsible for final selections and advising each candidate of the outcome.
Organisational policies and procedures are part of an organisation’s critical resources, which drive the
organisation’s ways of working and overall culture. Organisational policies are generic statements of
how an organisation wants to act. Organisational procedures outline exactly how an activity is to be
performed step by step. Organisational procedures may also specify who in the organisation is
responsible for particular tasks.
Together, organisational policies and procedures offer guidelines for the way decisions need to be
taken and activities need to be performed in an organisation. Well-designed organisational policies and
procedures are important to ensure accountability, consistency, and transparency in the organisation.
In your HR role, your responsibility to identify the need for recruitment by analysing organisational
policies and procedures in the specific context of recruitment, selection, and onboarding of new
employees into an organisation.
Firstly, you need to identify the relevant existing policies and procedures in the organisation and assess
how the procedures can be improved by leveraging technology into the hiring process.
Secondly, you need to update the policy and procedure documents and ensure that the updates are
accepted and supported by your organisation’s leadership and colleagues for easier execution across
the organisation.
In order to facilitate the recruitment and onboarding process for new employee and comply with
relevant legislation and organisational requirements you must prepare and oversee the
appropriate documentation required by completing the following tasks:
1. Specifying organisational policies and procedures that are relevant to recruitment, selection, and onboarding of new staff that are included with the organisation’s human resource (HR) policies and procedures
2. Specifying commonly used technology applications in recruitment to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness when recruiting new candidates
3. Outlining approaches to update organisational recruitment policies and procedures for recruiting new staff
4. Classifying ways in which recruitment and onboarding policies and procedures can be supported when recruiting new candidates
5. Outlining common documents and forms used at various stages to support the recruitment and onboarding policies and procedures when recruiting new personnel
6. Establishing communication best practices to be followed for both communicating and training in relation to recruitment and onboarding policies and procedures when recruiting new candidates
The best way to identify and plan for current and future requirements to recruit your organisation’s
human resources is in collaboration and discussion with the key stakeholder.
In the context of managing the recruitment process and identifying the current future human resource
needs of your organisation, relevant stakeholders may differ from those with whom you have worked
previously for inputs on and support for recruitment and onboarding policies and procedures.
Remember that you may need to collaborate with the same individual, however, who may be performing multiple roles or having varying responsibilities related to recruitment, and therefore may be a relevant stakeholder for multiple activities and decisions.
Continuing in Your HR role and in order to manage the recruitment and onboarding process for
new employees and comply with relevant legislation and organisational requirements you must:
1. Prepare and oversee appropriate documentation required for recruitment by addressing the following:
a) How to identify the need for recruitment and determine future human resource requirements when recruiting new staff
b) Standardised format and structure for position descriptors so that these descriptions are organised and have the same appearance for the recruitment of new staff
c) Key features of vacancy advertising when recruiting new staff
d) Key areas where specialists are used to support and improve an organisation’s recruitment and onboarding procedures when recruiting new staff
e) Steps/ approaches to make sure that selection procedures are compliant when recruiting new staff
f) Processes for advising both successful and unsuccessful applicants or candidates of the selection outcomes. (Sample draft of successful and unsuccessful letters).
g) Sample draft of employment contracts one for full time employment and the other contract for casual employment
2. Select and advise job applicants appropriately in accordance with legal requirements and organisational policies
You are required to review the interview summary at Appendix 4 and undertake selection for two (2) roles.
h) Consultant
i.Select the most suitable candidate.
ii.Explain the basis for choosing one applicant over another. E.g., particular strengths and skills and why the applicant are seen to be more suitable.
i) Finance Officer
i.Select the most suitable candidate.
ii.Explain the basis for choosing one applicant over another.
Onboarding is the process by which new employees are familiarised with the organisation and its ways
of working and are provided with the necessary guidance and coaching to make the new staff ready to
perform the duties for which they have been hired.
Onboarding is one of the most important elements and touchpoints that impact employee experience
and, therefore, employer branding. Onboarding creates the first impressions on new employees about
what type of organisation they have joined.
A good first impression through a great onboarding experience can have a direct impact on employee
turnover and the associated costs. When new hires leave the organisation within a short period of joining,
one reason for leaving can be a negative joining experience due to the lack of any initial support in the
form of inductions and training given by the organisation. This increases the cost and time of recruitment
because replacements now need to be hired, and the entire recruitment process must be repeated
without having got any real value from the first round of hiring.
Continuing in Your HR role, in order to comply with relevant legislation and organisational
requirements, you must manage the onboarding process of newly selected recruits by finalising
the following:
1. Onboarding/ Induction schedule
Referring to the Appendix 5 template, develop a 4-week induction schedule for one of the new Recruits.
2. Onboarding/ Induction training development
Develop a training program for the Supervisors and Managers who will be delivering the inductions for
the new employees. This must be observed by Trainer.
Ensure the induction program complies with the company’s policies and procedures. The program may
be either a PowerPoint presentation or a set of instructions, which should include the following:
• Onboarding processes and objectives
• Key objectives of onboarding
• Training during the onboarding process
• Various methods and approaches to ensure that onboarding processes are followed across the
• Management of Probationary Employees
• Providing feedback to managers on their handling of probationary employee
• Different methods and mechanisms that are used to get feedback
• Relevant Stakeholders for Feedback Collection
• Feedback collection techniques from participants and relevant stakeholders on the onboarding
• How to confirm onboarding objectives were met according to the results of feedback
• What managers must remember when updating onboarding policies and procedures
APPENDIX 1 – Business Plan
1. Executive Summary
Growth Management and Strategies (GMS) is an innovative new company that is attempting to turn the
small business consulting business on its head. With an experienced consultant at the helm as the
CEO, GMS intends to grow at more than 50% per year through solid customer service, a great sales
plan, proven competitive strategies, and a group of people that bring dynamic energy to the company
and the sales process.
The goal of GMS is to build the business one client at a time, and to serve each client as if it were the
last. This is how loyalty is generated, and cultivated. Customer service is what GMS will do best, and is
a large part of the company’s overall mission.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives for Growth Management and Strategies are:
• Grow the company from 2 employees in Year 1, to over 10 by Year 5.
• Increase revenue to over $3 million by Year 3.
• Increase client base by 450% in three years.
• Maintain job costing that keeps margins above 70%.
1.2 Mission
The company mission is to serve small business clients that are in need of logistical, technical, and
business strategy services. All projects will be chosen based on the availability of human resources,
and each individual employee will be given the respect of a contract worker, and will share in profits for
each job. Politics have no place at GMS, and to limit the affects of favoritism, the company will
implement and clearly communicate a performance review policy that applies to those at the bottom as
well as the top of the leadership ladder. Credit will be given to the person who performed and/or
innovatively modified a project, and compensation will be both financial and in the form of
GMS is a company that respects the needs and expectations of its employees and clients. If either is
compromised, adjustments will be made so that the company culture may remain intact.
1.3 Keys to Success
Our keys to success are:
• To maintain client satisfaction of at least 90%.
• To keep overhead low.
• To ensure professional marketing and presentation of services.
• To provide an active and functional website.
2. Company Summary
GMS was established as a company. The headquarters are located in Melbourne, VIC. The company
was established as a result of the efforts of its owner/the CEO, Bill Dawson, and his experience in
leading small businesses into prolonged periods of growth and innovation. Dawson worked for
McKinsey before being hired away to Bain and Company. Dawson spent hundreds of hours each week
for nearly a year, slowly building the company to where it is now
The company has had numerous successes this year, including one client that was purchased by a
major multinational conglomerate, and another that experienced product sales growth of over 700% the
first year.
3. Services
GMS offers a variety of services to the small business client. Many of the services are customized for
each client, and a bidding process is observed. The company also offers a traditional fixed rate sheet
for its services.
4. Strategy and Implementation Summary
GMS will pursue a strategy in line with the experience of the CEO, and implementation will be
performance based and follow a clear path. The overall company strategy is tied very closely with the
sales strategy, that is, with the front lines of the business. One of the biggest threats to any strategy is
that they can become too high-minded, and not literal enough to translate into action. This will not be
the case with GMS, a solid company that hires top talent and achieves it’s goals on time and on budget.
4.1 Sales Strategy
GMS plans to develop and train 2-3 new salespeople and 1-2 people in supporting roles by year two.
Upon start up, the primary sales contact will be Mr. Dawson, but this will change as the revenues
increase, and the company is able to invest in human capital.
GMS has a sales strategy that focuses on an initial needs analysis. Once the results of the needs
analysis has been forwarded or described over the phone to a potential client, the salesperson will ask
for a personal interview, a chance to sit down and discuss specifics. At no time should this be perceived
by the potential client as “pushy” or “agressive.”
The goal of this sales process is to get behind the numbers, and the business successes, to identify
where the client’s needs lie. Once this is mapped out, GMS will decide how these problems can be best
addressed, and will offer both a bid and some action points. If the client wants to use the action points
to move forward on their own, this is very acceptable. GMS’s research has in fact shown that the clients
that choose this path, often come back to seek additional information, and more often than not, accept
the bid.
This strategy differs from the course often taken by large consulting firms in that the customer is not
condescended to, or treated as if the knowledge isn’t right there in their own heads. Often, consulting
companies will send a large ego to clean up a client’s mess, and find that the strategy backfires when
the client only chooses to give the consultant the chance to bid. GMS’s sales strategy revolves around
customer service and empowerment, not condescension and sales “closers.”
5. Management Summary
The management team will initially consist of Bill Dawson and HR Manager. Many consultants are
trained to believe they are right and the client was put on this earth to learn from the consultant. That is
not the case for GMS, as the management team takes a different tact. The consultant acts as an
interviewer, learning all that is possible to learn about the client in a one or two week period. As a
management tool, this approach is very effective because it gives the sales team flexibility in dealing
with potential customers, and relieves the uncomfortable pressure to close the sale.
The approach to managing customers is also the approach the company will take in dealing with their
salespeople. GMS doesn’t need a hefty management structure, or administrative overhead. Many of
those processes may be handled through outsourcing and Internet technology. On the contrary, the
management structure at GMS is designed to reward the performer and educate the underperformer.
Each salesperson is given a battery of psychological and rational tests, and most importantly, are
screened based on how well they will fit into the Dawson management style. This leaves little to
chance, and encourages a team atmosphere that remains light-hearted and fun.
5.1 Performance Management
It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to ensure that managers and supervisors
• familiarise themselves with the performance management system objectives and procedures;
• carry out their responsibilities according to this policy.
It is the responsibility of Employees to:
• participate openly and honestly in planning and assessing their own performance objectives and
receiving feedback from their Manager or Supervisor.
It is the responsibility of Managers to:
• set reasonable performance goals, standards and deadlines with employees;
• consider reviewing an employee’s role and changing it if workflow is becoming
• inform employees about unsatisfactory work performance in an honest, fair and constructive
way that allows for mutual discourse;
• Be objective and confidential when discussing sensitive issues
• ensure employees’ position descriptions are up-to-date and reflect their current roles;
• seek regular feedback from employees about their health and wellbeing;
• provide employees with the resources, information and training they need to carry out their
work safely and effectively.
<Annual Review>
• Managers must complete a Performance Review interview with their employees every 3 months.
• The Manager must review the employee’s performance against his or her agreed performance objectives, targets and measures, as well as performance against the agreed competency levels.
• The individual’s agreed performance objectives and competencies should be reviewed against the set performance ratings.
• To ensure a degree of objectivity is apparent throughout the review process, the “next-inline” Manager will continue to be involved in the review process and must agree with the review and sign it off.
Source: Business Consulting Business Plan by Bplans
APPENDIX 2 – Staff Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy
1. Purpose
The Staff Recruitment Policy has been established to ensure Growth Management and Strategies
(GMS) has the opportunity to attract the best available staff for all available positions. This policy
relates to employment of all staff other than the CEO.
2. Policy
GMS is committed to providing high quality programs and services to our clients. To support the
achievement of this objective we recognise the importance of employing the most suitable applicant for
all vacant positions.
GMS will ensure it has the best opportunity to attract the best available staff by broadly advertising
(internally and externally as deemed appropriate) all vacant positions.
GMS will take all reasonable steps to ensure that applicants may be safely entrusted with the duties of
their position.
GMS will internally advertise all vacant positions to current staff to encourage career advancement and
increase participation.
GMS is committed to providing a work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.
All recruitment and selection procedures and decisions will reflect GMS’s commitment to providing
equal opportunity by assessing all potential candidates according to their skills, knowledge,
qualifications and capabilities. No regard will be given to factors such as age, gender, marital status,
race, religion, physical impairment or political opinions.
APPENDIX 3 – Growth Management and Strategies Pty Ltd – Recruitment, Selection and
Induction Process
The shortlisted applicants are:
1. Mia Jones
2. Noah Wilson
Recruited Position: Consultant
Selection Criteria
• Undergraduate degree in business and/or management
• Proven experience consulting businesses to grow
• A focus on and a commitment to real value creation for the client
• A demonstrated capability to work with the organisation
• Personal attribute that engenders trust into getting the effective solution
Summary of the Claims and Information Gathered About Shortlisted Applicants
1. Applicant’s Name: Mia Jones
Creative / Patient / Empathetic / Committed / Disciplined
Perfectionism / Too detail-oriented / Not confident at public speaking / Take on too much responsibility
results in poor time management
6 years working with various consulting companies, helping businesses to grow, particularly with their
Internet marketing needs.
Bachelor in Management
<Other information>
Very focused on problem solving by the deadlines. Total rate 85/100
2. Applicant’s Name: Noah Yap
Enthusiasm / Respectfulness / Honesty / Collectivism / Dedication
Too critical of himself / Attempting to please everyone / Being unfamiliar with the latest software
3 years working with a large consulting company followed by running own consulting company for 3
years, helping businesses to grow, particularly in the field of performance management.
Master of Management, Diploma of Coaching (workplace coaching)
<Other information>
Able to work well with others. Excellent communication skills. Prefer to work as a contractor. Total rate
The shortlisted applicants are:
1. Alisha Liu
2. Kiran Raja
Recruited Position: Finance Officer
Selection Criteria
• Tertiary qualified in finance/accounting
• Minimum 3 years in a similar role
• Attention to detail, self-motivated and organised
• Prior experience using Microsoft Office and MYOB
• Customer service focused
• Ability to work autonomously
Summary of the Claims and Information Gathered About Shortlisted Applicants
1. Applicant’s Name: Alisha Liu
Work well under pressure / Good communication skills / Self-motivated / Organised
Can be stubborn / Try to multi-task resulting in unfocused / Sometimes overwork
4 years’ experience as the Accounts Clerk in busy construction industry.
Diploma of Accounting
<Other information>
Has strong work ethic. Total rate 90/100
2. Applicant’s Name: Kiran Raja
Attention to detail / Patient / Collaborative / Flexible
Not comfortable taking risks / sometimes lacking focus / Limited experience in MYOB
3 years working as the Accounts Clerk in financial services industry, using QuickBooks.
Cert IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
<Other information>
Has positive attitude. Confident to be trained to use MYOB in a short period of time. Persistent to balance
the book. Total rate 88/100
APPENDIX 5 – Onboarding/ Induction Schedule Template
Activity Contact, Resources, Details When Completed
Welcome and Introduction to colleagues
Tour of building
Go through Induction plan
Day 1
Workstation Supervisor/colleague to show how to use:
• Log in
• Phone
• Outlook
• Calendar sharing
• Software: <list>
Day 1
The following documents have been returned:
• Acceptance of Offer
• New Employee Information form
• Banking Details
• Tax File Number Declaration
• Superannuation Form
• Equal Opportunity Data Collection
• Original Birth Certificate or Passport
• Original Visa (if applicable)
• Original evidence of change of name (if
• Original qualifications
• Required documents are listed on your offer
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Name: Job Title:
In which areas of work is the employee particularly successful (give details)
Where improvements could be made? (give details
Overall Summary of Performance
How do you rate the employee in the following aspects?
Very Good Good Satisfactory Requires
Willingness to work
Overall, do you feel the employee:
1. Meets the knowledge and skill requirement of the job? Yes No
2. Fits in well in department/company Yes No
3. Does employee have any difficulties with Yes No
Colleagues, travel, hours of work etc?
4. Does general conduct and communication meet Yes No
TRAINING Give details of further training attended since last review.
Course Title Date Attended Results
TRAINING PLAN Give details of further training requirements
Type of training When required
Management is firmly committed to a policy enabling all work activities to be carried out safely, and with
all possible measures taken to remove (or at least reduce) risks to the health, safety and welfare of
workers, contractors, authorised visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations.
We are committed to ensuring we comply with the Work Health and Safety Act 2012, the Work Health
and Safety Regulations 2012 and applicable Codes of Practice and Australian Standards as far as
Will provide and maintain as far as possible:
• a safe working environment
• safe systems of work
• plant and substances in safe condition
• facilities for the welfare of workers
• information, instruction, training and supervision that is reasonably necessary to ensure that
each worker is safe from injury and risks to health
• a commitment to consult and co-operate with workers in all matters relating to health and
safety in the workplace
• a commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety
Each worker has an obligation to:
• comply with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and others
and damage to plant and equipment
• take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others
• wear personal protective equipment and clothing where necessary
• comply with any direction given by management for health and safety
• not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety
• report all accidents and incidents on the job immediately, no matter how trivial
• report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager.
Application of this policy
We seek the co-operation of all workers, customers and other persons. We encourage suggestions for
realising our health and safety objectives to create a safe working environment with a zero WorkCover
This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers
are required to work off-site.