LIBS1910 – Environment Science
January 21, 2022Rhetorical analysis of a Coca-Cola advertisement
January 21, 2022The business plan is on diet planning. Diet planning is a crucial component of personal training that helps in keeping one fit. Taking the right food diet is important in achieving the best body fitness results. To achieve this, my business will have a meal timetable that would be sold to individuals with the desire to acquire knowledge on the right kind of food to eat (Linderman, 2020). My target market for this business product is women aged between 21 and 40 years. Research has shown that women in the U.S today have a high desire to keep fit while avoiding being overweight which comes along with numerous health complications (Linderman, 2020). The business on diet planning will therefore help these women who want to keep know the right food to eat that will complement regular body exercise.
The product I intend to offer my target clients is a diet plan. A diet plan helps in complimenting body exercise most people engage in regularly, thus a very important component of those hoping to keep fit. Living a healthy life includes taking the right kind of food diet as well as carrying out regular body exercise. The diet plan of my business will help in telling clients what kind of food to eat, how to eat that kind of food, and when to eat it which is very important in maintaining optimal health (Renfors, 2020). The diet plan is also important as it ensures that clients get optimal nutritional food values from the food they eat.
Due to budget limitations, social media is the ideal media platform to reach out to the target market. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp are ideal sites that will be used in marketing this business (Roberson, 2017).
The online presence is an important aspect of any health-related business. These social media platforms help in creating awareness for many clients as most clients have accounts on such platforms. Besides, social media provides clients with room for two-way communication (Roberson, 2017). To put my business plan into action, five important steps need to be taken. These steps are; i) writing up a diet plan, ii) identifying the target audience, iii) conducting piloting of the diet plan using a few potential clients, iv) setting up social media accounts for the diet planning business, and v) boosting the posts to reach out to the potential clients in the local vicinity.
Linderman, R. (2020). Cooking-on-a-Budget Workshop business plan.
Renfors, S. M. (2020). Business from Nature: Handbook of Green Business Planning in Micro-Enterprises.
Roberson, M. T. (2017). Exploring the Utility of Mindfulness and Self-regulation Assignments for Business Students.