An Essay Focusing On Children’s Behaviour
June 28, 2020
BUSN11079 Analytical Thinking and Decision Making Sample
June 28, 2020Solution:
This assignment involves applying an analytical tool to a practical decision scenario and assessing the strengths and limitations of the analysis. This assignment is designed to assess your ability to:
1. Apply decision analysis to a problem involving multiple objectives.
2. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of your analysis
Produce a report of a minimum of 3,500 words that addresses the following questions:
1. Discuss the importance of decision making and the application of decision analysis.
2. Identify and outline a decision problem relating to your work or an external organisation, which involves multiple objectives. Typical examples might be choosing a new office location, a computer system, a raw materials supplier, a
software package or a new service provider. Outlined decision problem should have a clear business case.
3. Apply the simple multi-attribute rating technique (SMART) to the outlined decision problem. Each stage of the analysis should be clearly defined and presented.
4. Discuss and detail the strengths and limitations of your analysis in the context of your decision problem
The assignment should be presented within a report structure. Each section of the report should be clearly structured and defined and an introduction or overview should be provided. Across the report, you will also need to show evidence of assessing a range of resources, e.g. internet, journals, textbooks and company documents such as annual reports. A Harvard Referencing style should be followed.
Question 1 should be based on a critical review of relevant literature and discuss the importance of decision making and the application of decision analysis tools. Your answer may include the features of effective decision making or how decision analysis could be applied to support the performance of an organisation.
Within Question 2 you should select a clearly defined decision problem involving multiple objectives. This decision problem could relate to your work or a personal decision. However, the outlined decision problem should have a clear business context or application. Alternatively, the outlined decision problem could relate to a decision faced by an external organisation. The presented decision problem should be clearly presented and where appropriate supporting sources and references should be provided.
The decision problem should be of adequate detail in order to support the analysis.
The decision problem should involve multiple objectives and it is suggested that the decision problem consist, as a minimum, of at least 5 options (alternatives) and 5 attributes. The context and features of the decision problem should then be discussed. Following a discussion of the decision problem, a SMART decision analysis should
be applied. Within your answer to Question 3, you are required to outline and discuss the various stages and outputs of the analysis. Within your analysis, the sensitivity analysis should be critically discussed in relation to the decision problem and the influence of changes in the identified attributes within the decision problem discussed.
Finally, within Question 4 you should discuss, with the support of appropriate sources, the strengths and limitations of the analysis. The Marking Matrix is only indicative of the work/word-count required. This coursework assesses the following learning outcomes L1. Develop in-depth knowledge of management decision-making theory
L2. Critically evaluate models of management decision making L3. Gather and evaluate data to support analytical thinking and decision making in the organisation