SSC120 Dimensions of Health and Social Care
February 14, 2024
February 15, 2024THIS IS THE QUESTIONReflective Journal (1500 words- due week 4- 30%)
Students are required to reflect on three clinical issues they experienced in the past related to their specific area of practice. Students can reflect three themes as follows ( but are not limited to): meeting the educational needs of the patients, families and significant others; functioning as a nurse in a multidisciplinary health care team, communication problems with colleagues/clients/clients’ families; clinical issues and ethical dilemmas. Students must follow Gibb’s cycle when they are writing their reflective journals.
In the journal, students will also identify their clinical objectives to achieve an understanding of an advanced level of nursing practice. These objectives should be clearly stated in the introduction of the journal. Students will evaluate the achievement of the objectives and critically analyse and reflect on the experiences of their practice based on current literature.
Assessment criteria
Select at least six literature/research articles that provide the strongest evidence for your topic.
Your articles must be ≤ 10 years old.
USE APA FORMAT. APA websiteLinks to an external site.
Information cited from unreliable websites, pamphlets or magazines is not acceptable for this paper.
The assignment will be marked according to the rubric/marking guide in the unit guide
Assessement 1
Assessement 1
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reflective journal entries
Reflect upon your learnings and understanding to develop a reflection which incorporates how your future practice will be informed
15 to >13.0 pts
High Distinction
A comprehensive critical analysis of a minimum of three clinical practice issues that have been identified. Response demonstrates an in- depth reflection on, and personalisation of the concepts, which includes personal thoughts and feelings and/or strategies presented in the journal entries. Viewpoints and interpretations demonstrate insight into issues presented.
13 to >10.0 pts
A broad critical analysis of a minimum of three clinical practice issues that have been identified. Response demonstrates a very good reflection on and personalisation of the theories, concepts which includes personal thoughts and feelings, and/or strategies presented in the journal entries. Viewpoints and interpretations demonstrate insight into issues presented.
10 to >7.5 pts
An adequate critical analysis of a minimum of three clinical practice issues that have been identified. Response demonstrates a good reflection on and personalization of, the theories, concepts, which includes personal thoughts and feelings and/or strategies presented in the journal entries. Most viewpoints and interpretations demonstrate insight into issues presented.
7.5 to >7.0 pts
A brief critical analysis of a minimum of three clinical practice issues that have been identified. Response demonstrates a basic reflection on, and personalisation of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the journal entries. Some viewpoints and interpretations demonstrate insight into issues presented.
7 to >0 pts
An inadequate analysis of the clinical practice issues; 3 issues have not been identified. Response demonstrates a lack of reflection on, and personalisation of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the journal entries. Viewpoints and interpretations do not demonstrate insight into issues presented.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evidence and literature
5 to >4.0 pts
High Distinction
Excellent evidence of synthesis of ideas presented, and insights gained. The implications of these insights for the respondent's overall practice are thoroughly detailed, as applicable.
4 to >3.0 pts
Very good evidence of synthesis of ideas presented, and insights gained. The implications of these insights for the respondent's overall practice are well presented, as applicable.
3 to >2.5 pts
Good evidence of synthesis of ideas presented, and insights. Implications of these insights for the respondent's overall practice are presented, as applicable.
2.5 to >2.0 pts
Basic evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained. Some implications for the respondent's overall practice are presented, as applicable.
2 to >0 pts
Poor or no evidence of synthesis of ideas presented and insights gained. No implications for the respondent's overall practice are presented, as applicable.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Logical ordering of ideas; transitions between major point
5 to >4.0 pts
High Distinction
Logical and sequential arrangement of arguments and discussions within the body of the paper. Conclusion provides a very clear summary of the presentation. No new information is provided.
4 to >3.0 pts
Very good flow of ideas within the body of the paper. Mostly logical and sequential arrangement of arguments and discussions. Conclusion provides a clear summary of the presentation. No new
information is provided.
3 to >2.5 pts
Good flow of ideas within the body of the paper. Mostly logical and sequential arrangement of arguments and discussions. Conclusion provides an adequate summary of the presentation. No new information is provided.
2.5 to >2.0 pts
Inconsistent referencing. Lack of clarity with ideas and inconsistent structure with the arrangement of arguments and discussions within the body of the paper. Conclusion provides a poor summary of the presentation. No new information is provided.
2 to >0 pts
Incoherent structure. Ideas do not flow in a logical or sequential manner. Poor planning of the paper. Transitions are required between ideas. Conclusion is not provided.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format and References
5 to >4.0 pts
Full marks
Paper contains 1-2 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling. Paper meets APA guidelines regarding margins, font, references, etc. All content follows current APA writing guidelines.
4 to >3.0 pts
Paper contains less than 2-4 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling. regarding margins, font, references, etc. Most content compliant with current APA writing guidelines.
3 to >2.5 pts
Paper contains less than 4-6 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling. Paper uses minimal APA guidelines regarding appropriate margins, font, references, etc. Minimal compliance with current APA writing guidelines.
2.5 to >2.0 pts
Paper contains more than 6 grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. Paper attempts to use some APA guidelines for appropriate margins, font, references, etc. Most of content is not in compliance with current APA writing guidelines.
2 to >0 pts
No marks
Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. Paper does not use appropriate margins, font, references, etc. The content is not compliant with current APA writing guidelines.