Nissan Company Analysis
January 20, 2022
Omni-Channel Communication
January 20, 2022Through COLLABORATION AT VARIOUS LEVELS, THE Coca-Cola Company has shown its commitment to its CSR activities. The company is one of the members of The Per Cent Club, which is a group of companies that are committed to making sizable changes in the communities they operate and must contribute at least 0.5% of their profits towards CSR activities. It is in this spirit that the 2019 Business and Sustainability report highlighted the various initiatives that the company was involved in—the Coca-Cola companies as made significant contributions in many ways. The company has also attended and hosted various forums, meetings and entered into partnerships aimed at discussing and finding alternative solutions to address the emerging issues caused by the activities of organizations that will inform initiatives to improve their sustainability efforts. Notable among these are joining the global 2030 Water Resource Group meeting in Peru, our partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to collaborate with other organizations to improve the availability and uptake of medicines and health services for the vulnerable in Africa and engagements with United Nations General Assembly for sustainable development.
The company has also made tangible efforts towards meeting its CSR goals. In 2019, they reported compliance to the requirements of their stakeholders with regards to sustainable production and marketing initiatives, which creates economic value to the stakeholders that comprise their customers, governments, suppliers, partners, distributors, and investors and protected the interest of all parties through sustainable leadership initiatives. The company responds to the need for improved nutrition in their products by introducing new products that are healthier, which include plant-based and dairy products, adding vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals to their products, promot9nlow calorie options, creating avenues for portion control through smaller packaging as well as reducing added sugar in some of their recipes.
The company also aims to make 100% percent of their plastics recyclable by the year 2025 sights the need and its commitment to play a role in dealing with the ecological crisis caused by plastic pollution. Additionally, it aims to have 50% of its products out of recycled material by the year 2030. Coca-Cola has come to the aid of various communities when disaster strikes by mobilizing support relief and recovery efforts in collaboration with other organizations. In the last few years, they have made a contribution towards assisting the needy. Notably, the company donated $400,000 to the salvation army and assisted victims of tropical storms and hurricanes in Pabuk in Thailand, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Australia, Japan, and Brazil. Coca-Cola’s aim with regard to their employee e4ngagement is to provide a fair and safe working environment, and the company has made efforts to ensure diversity and inclusion in their recruitment efforts, which came amidst backlash of claims of racial discrimination that resulted in a lawsuit I 2012. within the company. https://www.workforce.com/news/coca-cola-unit-sued-for-alleged-racial-discrimination
These efforts come in the backdrop of various initiatives previously carried out by the company, which include their efforts to reduce carbon emissions by 15% by the year 2020, based on the 2007 baseline, efforts to improve stakeholder relationships and input, goals to replenish 100% of the water used back to the communities, contributing to women empowerment, development of disadvantaged youths and improving access to safe drinking water through various cash donations to communities and NGOs. https://www.smartrecruiters.com/blog/top-20-corporate-social-responsibility-initiatives-of-https://www.researchgate.net/publication/300083861_Examining_Public_Response_to_Corporate_Social_Initiative_Types_A_Quantitative_Content_Analysis_of_Coca-Colas_Social_Media and https://www.smartrecruiters.com/blog/top-20-corporate-social-responsibility-initiatives-of-2018/
The company has laid out considerable effects with regards to efficient water management, waste management, sugar reductions, and sustainable agriculture. Additionally, to decrease its carbon footprint across all systems within the organization, the company published a Science-Based Target2 to this end. However, it is worth noting that some of these initiatives are still in various stages of achievement, and the Coca-Cola company still needs to make considerable efforts to achieve these initiatives.
As a world-renown company, the company also has court controversy that has resulted from its activities and operations that are considered destructive to the environment and the communities as well as its various stakeholders, chief of whom are its customers. The company has previously been accused of deflecting criticism regarding the harmful effects of the sugar contained in a majority of its drinks. Through its spokespersons and reports, the company backed reports that a lack of exercise as the leading cause of food-related diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Through a laws suit filed against the company, it was accused of misleading and confusing the public and other health agencies regarding the scientific consensus regarding harmful health effects of sugar-sweetened beverages. . https://www.healthline.com/health-news/coca-cola-false-advertising-unhealthy-drinks#:~:text=The%20lawsuit%2C%20filed%20in%20the,scientific%20consensus%20that%20consumption%20of
The Coca-Cola Company is the largest plastic polluter in the world as a single business entity with a release of over 3 million tonnes of plastic used in its packaging on an annual basis. Chalabi Plastic is known to be harmful to the environment because it is non-biodegradable, leads to the death of aquatic life when dumped in waterways, and leads to blockages of drainage and sanitation pipes. The company has resisted efforts to cut down on plastics or introduce mechanisms such as container deposit legislation stating its convenience to customers. The failure of the company to achieve its target of using recycled material from renewable sources was cited by a report published by Greenpeace in 2017 in addition to the company’s failure to reduce the use of single-use bottles in its packaging. The company has ironically also campaigned against recycling and deposit return schemes in some European countries, which casts doubts on its plans for reducing plastic use.
The Coca-Cola Company produces a number of popular drinks that are rich in sucrose, which causes dental carries if consumed frequently. The high amounts of calories also contribute to food-related diseases, including obesity and diabetes. These are major health issues in many countries of the world. A report published by the Havard School of Public health found that people who ingest 1-2 cans of sugary drinks are 26% more likely to develop type 2 Diabetes. Though the company claims to have reduced sugar content in their beverages, this has been criticized by researchers who claim that a can of Coca-Cola with stevia, which is one of the healthier options provided by the company, still contains 37% of the recommended daily sugar intake which is still relatively high. Stanton One of the greatest areas of criticism that the company has attracted is in regard to its water use and management activities. The company has been severely accused of depleting water resources in areas where water is a scarce commodity in several countries in which it has operations. Water is a more component of the products produced by the company, and its act ivies have resulted in destroying local agriculture, drying up farmers’ wells. Thus, the company has played a role in exacerbating water shortages in places with a lack of rainfall and water resources. This was most openly seen in India, where major campaigns were done, which resulted in a boycott of the company’s products. These water reservoirs that coca-cola exploit represent the heritage of entire communities based on the vast subterranean chambers that hold water resources that have accumulated over the years. Such activities cast doubt on the company’s adherence to local and global water management initiatives.
In 2017, the Tamil Nadu Vanigar Sangangalin Peramaipu (TNVSP), which is made up of 6,000 local trade associations in India, urged its members to boycott Coca-Cola products, which resulted in many companies choosing to stop stocking their products amidst widespread protests because of the drought that limited their access to water.
The company has also been criticized for supporting controversial groups and organizations. In 2017, reports emerged that the company had donated some funds to a far right-wing organization I’m Tirtzu and requested to have the donation private but was forced to publish it by the Israeli Corporations Authority due to the organization’s resemblance to fascism. Yotam. Further, the company was also reported to support pro-abortion campaigns and organizations in the United States. A matter that raised eyebrows and led to more stringent anti-abortion laws in states such as Georgia.
For the company to address the challenges faced with regard to its sustainability initiatives as well as the negative impact that the company has had on communities and stakeholders, the company must be decisive in resolving environmental and social problems while incorporating the needs and wishes of its stakeholders.
Additionally, it must continue to evaluate its economic performance and company objectives on a continual basis to ensure sustainable development that positively impacts the environment.
The company has previously outlined its commitment to monitoring its performance with regards to social responsibility against benchmark brands and continues in efforts to operate as a business model business citizen by continuously re-evaluating its decisions to improve the quality of life within the communities in which it operates.
However, it must go a step further to ensure that all its approaches result in positive influences with regard to the health and well-being of humanity. 2019
The company must align its initiatives through collaboration with governments and its stakeholders to enable it to play a role in contributing to awareness on environmental issues. It should also ensure that its CSR initiatives, particularly those that deal with water management and replenishing as well as plastic management and recycling, are turned into a reality.
It should also continue its various CSR efforts in infrastructure and community development as well as incorporating its CSR policies and efforts within all areas of its business units to achieve all-around and realizable gains. `