MKT2011 – Contemporary Literature Review
June 15, 2022
PRM6001 – Project Management and Risk
June 16, 2022Assignment Task
Task 1
You have joined the technical support team at a small firm (100 employees) with plans for rapid expansion. The company has been overly reliant on paper based systems up to now. There are a core team of staff who are IT literate but the majority of staff has significant gaps in their skills and knowledge of the benefits of productivity tools.
Prepare a report for the employees of the company explaining the benefits of using Microsoft Office tools, using references to relevant literature and reports that highlight the need for skills in these applications. This literature may highlight the skills required by learners (e.g. undergraduate students developing employability skills) as well as
those already working in industry. Use Microsoft Word to produce your report, using relevant features of the application to format and present your writing such as Table of Contents (TOC) with auto Page Numbers, Headings, Tables, Figures, creation and use of References by Manage Sources etc. The report should be error free. Submit your completed Word report to the submission portal, name the file with your student number not your name.
Task 2
Having explained the benefits of using productivity tools, you have been asked to analyse some sales data held by the company. This data will be unique to you (provided to you by Tutor) and will not be the same as any other. This data is not in an easily usable format for analysis, being comprised or a series of pages. In total there are details of 20 sales. Create a spreadsheet that presents this data. You should utilise the features of a spreadsheet that allow you to present this data in a logical and accessible way e.g. formatting of text and numbers (where appropriate format as currency for example), use of headings, adjusting column widths where necessary, naming of worksheet tabs, creation of a cover page Perform the following calculations on the data: Add a new column called Profit and calculate the profit on each sale. If the selling price of each product was increased by 10% what would the profit have
been? Create a new column called Predicted Profit 10% and calculate for each sale the profit that would have been generated if this increase had been made. Calculate the total profit generated across all sales, format and label this dataappropriately.
How many instances of the London district are there in your data? There may be none. Use a COUNTIF function for this and label the data appropriately. How many instances of the Envelopes product are there in your data? There may be none. Use a COUNTIF function for this and label the data appropriately. Create and format charts for each of the following in new worksheet tabs in your spreadsheet, name each tab to show which chart it holds: Sum of quantities sold per salesperson Sum of quantities sold per district Sum of quantities sold per product
Task 3
Create a PowerPoint presentation for managers at the company that shows them the charts you have created in Task 2. In the presentation, include content that explains each of the charts such that the managers can understand what decisions they need to make in terms of sales (e.g. best/worst performing products in terms of profit, best worst performing salesperson, best/worst performing region). In total, including a title slide and a summary slide you should aim for at least 8 slides in your presentation. In creating the presentation, you should demonstrate your ability to use features of the application that enable you to communicate effectively with the intended audience.
Due consideration should be given to use of slide design, use of colour, typefaces, media elements etc. Submit your completed PowerPoint presentation to the submission portal, name the file with your student number not your name.