SH5052 Assessment details and guidelines
April 27, 2023Developing Leadership Qualities in the Peri-operative care environment
April 29, 2023Purpose of this Assessment
Your team has been commissioned by the CEO to do a group diagnosis and identify key issues impacting on the Case Study organization. Main recommendations in design for change and analysis of implications for the case organisation is required.
The analysis which is required to be presented must highlight the key issues impacting on the Case Study organisation with an analysis of their implications for the company and its place in society. The report should conclude with a brief indication of recommended action.
The formal academic/management nature of this report requires a formal, mature and analytical writing style. Appropriate linkage between sections should be evidenced. The diagnosis report must be structured as follows:
A Title Page Detailing the title of the report, the name of the author and programme of study, word count and the submission date
Executive Summary Key elements of the report including report aim, case context and key issues, implications and indication of the way forward comprehensively and well summarised on a single page
Main Report
Introduction The aim, outline of case context and structure of the report are succinctly set out.
Case Diagnosis & Analysis Clear and succinct critical review of the case organisation
of Combined Implications reflecting acute perception of key issues and effective analysis of the potential current and future implications incorporating scrutiny of the wider global environment, with attention to CSR, Business Ethics and appropriate citation of sources. The discussion should be well scoped, logically structured, evidence-based, appropriately detailed and demonstrate wider reading. Where relevant, arguments made should be linked to appropriate theory. (Whilst it is valuable to use a range of diagnostic tools to assist with the analysis of the status quo, this section should focus on the results and analysis of implications. The tools used with relevant detail should be presented in Appendices)
Conclusion This section draws the report together by presenting a brief clear succinct summary of the key issues and an indication of required action (e.g. Change, the type of change and focus of change).
References* CTR Harvard: referencing sample for website, article and book:
AdvanceHE (2021) Anti-Racist Curriculum Project. Available at: (Accessed: 25 Feb 2022).
Jankowski, G.S. (2022) ‘Students’ understanding and support for anti‐racism in universities’, British journal of social psychology, 61(1), pp. 322-344. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12482.
Parson, L. and Ozaki, C.C. (2020) Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Higher Education Foundations. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Appendices* Well-presented collection of any relevant supplementary material. Appendices should be numerically and sequentially labelled (E.G. Appendix 1: PEST Analysis, Appendix 2: SWOT Analysis: The Detailed Picture) and referenced appropriately in the report.