Compare and Contrast Psychological
August 1, 2023
Could Team Leidos Enhance its Logistics Supply Chain Process
August 2, 2023Assessment 3
Assessment Overview
Key Assessment Information
Overview | Length or Duration | Worth | Due |
Develop a curricular experience for children that could be used in an early learning setting. Written or video. | Approximately 900 words OR 3-4 minutes +/- 10% | 35% | After Last Session (By April, 11:59 pm) |
The purpose of this assessment task is to:
- LO 2: Articulate what capable children can do with their bodies across early childhood settings.
- LO 3: Design curriculum reflective of moving with children that is complex, ethical, and political.
Assessment Structure
For this project, you will develop a curricular experience for children that could be used in an early learning setting. You will present your curricular experience, and your reflections on how it unfolded via a written and/or video presentation.
Optional Videos for observation
VIDEO 1: Engaging the community within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early education – Queensland Department of Education
VIDEO 2: BUSH KINDER exploring nature woodlands historic park Craigieburn kindergarten – Hothlyn Drive Childcare – Craigieburn
VIDEO 3: The Land – New Day Films – Children, Youth, & Families – Anthropology – New Day Films
VIDEO 4: Powerful Learning Environments – Pinnacle Preschool
Instructions with sub-instructions
To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions. Use this template to help stay on track: Assessment 3 Template 2007 EBEI
- Observe & Record (over time) (You can use the children you work with or choose one video from the assessment resources.)
- Please note, when we say “observation” here, we don’t mean “write a single observation” in the way that is possibly used at your centre to write down what you see happening in a particular moment in time (eg Story Park, anecdotal observation, running record etc). We use the term to describe noticing “across time” for a bigger picture.
- For those working in ECE we want you to notice what is happening over time. With the guiding question “how do children move in my classroom/home” and the additional prompts above in your mind, notice what is happening across the day/s. When you see something interesting in relation to movement, make a written (or voice recorded) note of it. This is the collection of the “data”, or a collection of what you have observed or noticed.
- Begin by noticing how children move in your classroom, or in the videos provided:
-their physical movement
-their interactions with space and place
-their relationships with other children, adults and animals. - What patterns, connections, relationships, places, and materials are part of children’s movement here?
- Observe & Record (over time) (You can use the children you work with or choose one video from the assessment resources.)
Write down in full sentences the significant, important or interesting things that you have observed.
- Analysis
- Reflect on these stories in your collection of notes (observations)
- Draw on the knowledge you have gained throughout the unit (the weekly discussion posts, readings, podcasts, the developmental milestones and early childhood frameworks and other class content). Eg. moving as political.
- Make connectionsbetween your observations and your learning from the unit so far. What do you think you have learnt about the children’s movement in your observations?
- Make sure that you include:
- the most interesting or important things that you notice
- then what you think thismeans or why this is important.
- Whilst we might ask ourselves, “Is there anyone missing out,” or “Is there anything that is stopping movement?” (critical lens/theory), we’re notlooking for what children can’t We’re looking at what children can do and are showing us they are ready to learn (strength based practice).
- Planning
- Thinking about your analysis above, develop a well thought out experience or collection of experiences or provocations that are:
- clearly relevant to the chosen group of children
- considering movement through and with place.
- is descriptive and specific enough that someone reading your work will be able to implement this experience and will know why they are doing it.
- Be very clear on:
- what possibilities for movement are generated from your experience
- why these possibilities are important
- what possibilities for learning are made possible through this experience.
- Rationale: You must justify why you have planned this experience.
- How does it link with what you have observed?
- How does it take into account place and space?
- How is it appropriate for the chosen age group?
- How does this link to the theories and research we’ve been looking at in class. For example: I will …(set up), in order to … (for what purpose) because … (why)
- A minimumof 5 resources including 2 academic references from the unit material, (plus EYLF/VEYLDF in addition).
- Ensure you have consulted the APA 7th Referencingfor both in-text citations and a reference list (Please note, this is not a bibliography. Only list the references you have used in your in-text citations.)
- Implementation
- Thinking about your analysis above, develop a well thought out experience or collection of experiences or provocations that are:
Wherever possible, please implement your experience and be ready to reflect on the experience with the class.
- Submitto Drop box:
- Presentation paper orLink to your video presentation (uploaded to somewhere such as YouTube)
- Reference list
Assessment Criteria
The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:
- Criterion 1: Observations and planning
- Criterion 2: Reflection and rationale
- Criterion 3: Integration of unit materials
- Criterion 4: Clarity and communication (video or written)
- Criterion 5: Referencing
Access Rubric Assessment 3 for the full marking criteria.
Submission Instructions
Please submit your completed assessment electronically via the DROP-BOX
Ensure any password protected links are accessible for your lecturer