Sustainability and Ethics
November 3, 2023
Applying Ethical Theory – Big Data: More isn’t always better
November 4, 2023Introduction:
The report m inlay focuses on cross-cultural issues and in that connection compares two different journal articles. The report also consists of different theories and concepts on cross-cultural issues and at the same time describes the cross-cultural issues that a person can face while in some other country. The report focuses on multicultural themes that are necessary to work in a diverse work location. The report however answers two main questions that are related to this topic and emphasizes the important points that for a part of the multicultural aspect. The report very distinctively compares two journals that are about cross-cultural management issues to elaborately explain the topic. The report also points out the 5 key issues that one can face while working in a different working atmosphere or a different country like China. The report in a very systematic way puts forward the aspects and the theories that are associated with it and also points to the issues that are there in this prospect.
Journal article by Taylor and Stacy:
The journal on cultural diversity and performance of the employees is mainly focused on the United States, though it brings into consideration all the countries in general since in today’s competitive market working in a multicultural atmosphere is so very common and a part of daily routine. This journal shows that there lies some problem in managing a multicultural workforce since all their beliefs, their outlook varies and that in a way can affect the work in the organization. It also shows the areas where the managers can work upon to bring competitive advantages like the workforce, their creativity, their working approach, and their valuable views and suggestions. “Inevitability of diversity” is something that is termed by the authors of this journal since this phenomenon is inevitable in every working sphere of life. The analysis of the multicultural working atmosphere in America shows that the percentage of blacks working in organizations is much less than that of whites (Cox and Blake 1991). This is one of the major management issues regarding cross-cultural aspects. In the United States, other cross-cultural management issues include cultural differences. It is the sole responsibility of the managers to solve these issues to make the workplace truly multicultural (Thomas and Peterson 2014). The journal is mainly focused on the study that is related to the U.S. Nonetheless it also shows how people from other countries who are coming to America for jobs or employment feel. The journal also brings to the forefront the points like marketing techniques, group discussion, administrative system and so on that are all related to the aspect of cross-cultural management. This is, however, the summary of the journal by Taylor and Stacy (Cox & Blake, 1991).
Journal article by Latif Abdul Ridha:
The journal by Latif Abdul Ridha says that diversity in work is something constant and this diversity should be used in such a way that further helps the organization. The time of study of both the journals also varies and that puts forward detailed insight into the matter. The journal by Taylor and Stacy is the study of the year, 1991 whereas the journal by Latif Abdul Ridha is from the year, 2016 (Atiyah, 2016). The findings from this journal have many similarities with that of the journal by Taylor and Stacy and at the same time has some dissimilarity as well. This journal is based on the findings of developing nations of the world. The author also says that the management issues in this aspect can be overcome by implementing the right policies and strategies that are associated with managing people from various backgrounds. This journal also cites one example from the U.S. that shows how the percentage varies regarding different people from various ethnicities like, Spanish, Indian, African, and so on the face while working in U.S. firms. However, both journals emphasized the issues that are there in cross-cultural management. It is from this discussion that it can be narrated that cultural management study is a wide area of discussion and the policies need to be shaped according to the scenario and the situation in the organizations (Atiyah, 2016). This journal puts special emphasis on the aspect of diversity and how that can lead to cross-cultural management issues.
Comparison between the two journals:
The two journal articles that have been selected for the discussion on cross-cultural management issues include a journal by Latif Abdul Ridha on the diversity of employee and organizational performance while the other journal that has been selected in this prospect include a journal by, Taylor Cox and Stacy Blake. Both journals are based on cross-cultural management issues and describe the aspects from various perspectives. The above description emphasizes the main features of both the journals and at the same time shows a comparison that can further be discussed here. The time of study of both the journals is different which are the years 1991 and 2016. The place focused on is also different. One journal particularly focuses on America while the other on the developing nations of the country (Ang & Van Dyne, 2015). The journal by Taylor Cox and Stacy Blake is on managing cultural diversity and how that is related to organizational competitiveness. The journal by Latif Abdul Ridha has used the conceptual method of study since this journal proposes many different aspects of cross-cultural management and the author himself uses his concept in various sections that provide further detailing to the work. On the other hand, the journal by Taylor and Stacy is based on qualitative analysis (Parke & Ladd, 2016). Qualitative analysis is something that is based on reasoning, analysis, and judgments (Cox and Blake 1991). Both the articles refer to some of the cross-cultural management issues and that forms the main base of the discussion.
Cross-cultural management theories, concepts, and literature:
Cross-cultural management concepts include a lot of aspects and it has some detailed study in it. The expatriates who come to work in a different country face a lot of problems and this aspect is fully connected with cross-cultural management. The cross-cultural theory by Kinloch and Metge says that it is a particular framework that has impacts on social values and cultures. However, in this scenario, the example of an expatriate coming to China and working there would be illustrated. Being new in the country the aspects that play an important role here can be discussed.
The five cross-cultural issues:
Five key cross-cultural issues are mainly discussed in this section further illustrating the multicultural management process. The cross-cultural issues in China can be discussed in appoint wise fashion-
- Formal nature-
The Chinese are very formal and unlike Western culture, they mostly keep to themselves. They don’t encourage any gossip or other related things in their organizations and this is one of the issues that one can face while working in China. They are very reserved and thereby any business dealings with them need special care and attention (Kinloch and Metge 2014).
- Cultural background-
The people of China are very much religious and respect their culture. It is thereby understood that employee from other countries working there also need to be respectful towards their culture. They have a deep-rooted cultural background and their business practices in the organizations are based on it (Eisenberg et al. 2013). It can thereby be a problem in cross-cultural management issues since any disrespectful behavior words their culture and religious beliefs can usher in trouble for an expatriate working there.
- Collectivism–
The people of China believe in collectivism and therefore they make decisions based on that idea or the concept of collectivism. An expatriate working in a Chinese organization needs to understand this situation and thereby act accordingly so that they also become a part of this collectivism. Decision-making, therefore, is dependent on this idea and if an expatriate manager makes any decision that is based on his idea, it will lead to cross-cultural issues within the organization (Eisenberg et al. 2013).
- Uncertainty avoidance-
Uncertainty avoidance is another cultural aspect that one might face while working in China. Unlike Western people, the people of China have less tolerance for emergencies or circumstances, and thereby their business often leads to problematic situations. For example, an American working in a Chinese organization may underestimate their capability to resist any emergency thereby leading to a cultural difference (Thomas and Peterson 2014). It is due to the ambiguous nature of the people of China that they can’t perform during time of emergency thereby creating a disparity in the working departments that consists of people from other countries as well.
- Orientation-
Another cultural management issue that expatriates can face is orientation. China strongly believes in its orientation and puts a special emphasis on its past. Chinese history has faced many crises and that is something that the people respect. In the working atmosphere, any deviation or ignorance towards this orientation factor by any expatriate can get him in trouble (Thomas and Peterson 2014). This is one of the cultural factors that one can find in the organizations.
The report therefore initially brings to the forefront the description of two journals that are related to cross-cultural issues and at the same time puts forward a comparison between the two. The report highlights the main aspects in this section and also in a detailed waypoints out the similarities and the dissimilarities. The report also points out the 5 key issues that one can face while working in a different working atmosphere or a different country like China. The report in a very systematic way puts forward the aspects and the theories that are associated with it and also points to the issues that are there in this prospect.
Atiyah, L.A.R., (2016). The Relationship Between The Diversity Of Employees And Organizational Performance. CrossCultural Management Journal, (10), pp.151-163.
Ang, S. and Van Dyne, L., (2015). Handbook of cultural intelligence. Routledge.
Cox, T.H. and Blake, S., (1991). Managing cultural diversity: Implications for organizational competitiveness. The Executive, pp.45-56.
Eisenberg, J., Lee, H.J., Brück, F., Brenner, B., Claes, M.T., Mironski, J. and Bell, R., (2013). Can business schools make students culturally competent? Effects of cross-cultural management courses on cultural intelligence. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 12(4), pp.603-621.
Kinloch, P. and Metge, J., (2014). Talking past each other: Problems of cross-cultural communication. Victoria University Press.
Parke, R.D. and Ladd, G.W. eds., (2016). Family-peer relationships: Modes of linkage. Routledge.
Thomas, D.C. and Peterson, M.F., (2014). Cross-cultural management: Essential concepts. Sage Publications.