Company Research Report
October 11, 2022Applying Ethical Theory
October 11, 2022APPENDIX 2: Individual Coursework Brief
Write a report with 1500 words that covers the following:
- Critically evaluate two different journal articles, which discuss a cross-cultural management issue, published at least 10 years apart. Compare and contrast the method used for the studies (conceptual, qualitative, quantitative etc.). Critically evaluate the findings from both studies and suggest possible explanations for the
similarities and differences in the findings [similarities and difference could be due to, method, location (country), time of study etc.] Finally draw conclusions for cross-cultural management studies and practice. (15 marks) - Use your understanding of the cross-cultural management concepts, theories and literature to advice a prospective expatriate coming to work in a new host country (preferably, your country of origin) about 5 key cross-cultural issues that he/she should be aware of as well as prepare for before embarking on the assignment. Using relevant literature would strengthen your suggestions. (15 marks)
- Conclusion: Critically evaluate the conclusions from the first section with your suggestions in the second section. Make recommendations for future cross-cultural management studies to improve international management. (6 marks)
- Good introductory section and academic writing skills (language, structure, referencing, criticality, presentation etc.) (4 marks)
Guidance for Individual Coursework
Use a report format. The report should have the following structure and attributes:
Introduction: Clear introduction with relevant well-referenced contextual background as well as the scope of the report which should indicate how the report is organised.
Main Content: Should deal with questions in separate sections. Use tables or diagrams if necessary. Please note the marks allocated to each question and ensure that you provide enough content to match marks allocated. Ensure the report, at least, cover the following requirements:
• Application of relevant concepts, theories and literature
• Logical and well-structured presentation, linking the various sections
• Evidence of additional research (e.g. journals, books, newspapers, online resources)
Conclusion: Should summarise and reflect on the preceding sections of the report and suggest some recommendations. (Good recommendations will attract bonus marks).
Referencing: Should show good in-text referencing and should list all references at the end of the report (Harvard Style)
• Although the word limit is 1500, ±15% is allowed (select relevant and important information and avoid repetition)
• Bonus marks will be given to students with good presentation, structure and referencing. (Please check spelling, punctuation and grammar)
• Please refer to the ‘Instructions for Submitting Coursework’ and ‘Plagiarism and Academic Honesty’ sections of the Module Handbook.
SUBMISSION• Submit electronically ONCE via Turn-it-in on UniHub, My Learning MGT3203 site, which will be checked for plagiarism and kept for records.