MBA503 – Consultancy Webinar
June 6, 2022DATA4900 – UX, CX and Ethical Innovation Case Study
June 6, 2022Assessment Description
In order to synthesise what you have learnt throughout you Analytics degree you need to submit an
industry research report. This report needs to:
1. Outline a business industry problem that can be addressed through data analytics
2. Apply descriptive and predictive analytics techniques to the business problem
3. Provide recommendations addressing the business problem with reference to by data
visualisations and outputs
4. Communicate these recommendations to a diverse audience made up of both analytics
and business professionals within the report
The 10 highest performing students in the capstone project will be given an opportunity to apply for
an IAPA student credential (see details below).
Assessment Instructions
In your report please follow the below structure.
1. Executive Summary (100 words)
• Dot point summary of business problem and data-driven recommendations
2. Industry Problem (500 words)
• Provide industry background
• Outline a contemporary business problem in this industry
• Argue why solving this problem is important to the industry
• Justify how data can be used to provide actionable insights and solutions
• Reflect on how the availability of data affected the business problem you eventually
chose to address
3. Data processing and management (300 words)
• Describe the data source and its relevance
• Outline the applicability of descriptive and predictive analytics techniques to this data
in the context of the business problem
• Briefly describe how the data was cleansed, prepared and mined (provide one
supporting file to demonstrate this process)
4. Data Analytics Methodology (400 words)
• Describe the data analytics methodology and your rationale for choosing it
• Provide an Appendix with additional detail of the methodology
5. Visualisation and Evaluation of Results (300 words not including visuals)
• Visualise descriptive and predictive analytics insights
• Evaluate the significance of the visuals for addressing the business problem
• Reflect on the efficacy of the techniques/software used
6. Recommendations** (800 words)
• Provide recommendations to address the business problem with reference to data
visualisations and outputs
• Effectively communicate the data insights to a diverse audience
• Reflect on the limitations of the data and analytics technique
• Evaluate the role of data analytics in addressing this business problem
• Suggest further data analytics techniques, technologies and plans which may address
the business problem in the future
7. Data Ethics and Security (400 words)
• Outline the privacy, legal, security and ethical considerations relevant to the data
• Reflect on the accuracy and transparency of your visualisations
• Recommend how data ethics needs to be considered if using further analytics
technologies and data to address this business problem
8. Self Reflection (100 words)
• In your view, how has this project contributed to you satisfying the course learning
outcomes for the KBS analytics program?
• Note: Your self-reflection section does not carry any marks. However, it must be completed
in order for you to receive a grade for this assessment.
The 10 highest-scoring reports will be submitted to IAPA for evaluation, and the authors may be
eligible for an IAPA credential after a video interview. IAPA is looking for students who:
a.can assist with the delivery of analytic plans to address the business challenge under
b.can investigate and apply basic data cleansing, preparation, analysis, data mining and
analytics techniques and technologies to support the generation of insights and
c. Can present and visualize data
• The students who authored the 10 highest scoring reports can complete the online
application form attaching the necessary supporting information and documents.
• The students will be subject to IAPA assessing each student against the criteria for the
Credential. IAPA’s assessment may include a video interview with each student.
• IAPA will notify KBS within 30 days after receipt of the completed applications which students
have satisfied that criteria and provide certificates confirming the Credential for those
• Students who have satisfied the criteria for the Credential will be entitled to state on their
CVs, LinkedIn profiles, email signatures, etc. that they are “Student IAPA-certified”.
• The Credential will be valid for two years from the date of the certificate and will be free of