DATA4900 Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics A3
November 25, 2022
November 25, 2022In this assignment, you need to provide a critical comparison of the ebusiness strategies between two companies operating in the same industry. First, you need to choose a specific industry (e.g., banks, supermarkets, personal computers, mobile phones, etc.) to study. You then need to identify any two companies in your chosen industry to compare their e-business strategies. For example, if you decide to study the personal computers industry, you can compare the e-business strategies between Dell and Apple, or between Dell and HP. The following guidelines explain
what should be included in your report. Standard UoL penalty applies 1. Introduction (maximum 400 words)
In this section, you need to provide a brief introduction of the industry and the two companies. You can include any background information that is relevant and suitable for facilitating comparison in the next section. 2. Comparison (maximum 1500 words) This is the major part of your report. In this section, you need to provide a critical comparison of the e-business strategies between the two companies. You need to focus on any three dimensions of e-business strategies (e.g., business model, revenue model, online marketing strategies, social media strategies, etc.). For each chosen dimension, you need to explain the specific strategies adopted by the two companies, compare their differences, and point out the corresponding strengths and weaknesses. 3. Recommendation (maximum 600 words)
In this section, you need to provide recommendations for the two companies regarding their e-business strategies. Your recommendations should be linked to the comparison and discussion you make in the previous section. In all the three sections, it is important to provide relevant references to support your explanation and arguments. References can be from various sources such as books, journal articles, annual reports, and companies’ ebusiness sites. You can even include the e-business sites’ screenshots in your report to illustrate your points. The Harvard referencing style is currently used by the Management Make sure School (http://libguides.liverpool.ac.uk/referencing/harvard). your referencing style is correct and consistent.