Strategic Management – Individual Authentic Research Portfolio
July 21, 2020The Athlete’s Journey Through Sport – Sample
July 21, 2020
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The educational system is primarily responsible to provide a robust education model for the students by creating the most suitable policies and frameworks. The educational governance plays a vital role as it guides the educators to adopt effective educational governance approaches that can help the students to develop and learn in the process. In layman’s language, educational governance can be defined as the models that encourage the most appropriate educational and learning programs that are aimed at students and learners (Carver, 2001). The aim is to capture the core elements that can strengthen the effectiveness of educational governance model.
Who gets to participate and how?
The core issues in the educational governance model can be resolved if the appropriate policies and standards are in place that can guide the educators and the teachers to act and behave professionally in the educational context. Thus the active participation of the policy-makers, the leaders, the school management and the teachers is necessary to strengthen the educational governance model for the better for the end-users. Governance in the education context involves a multitude of actors including the school leaders, teachers, intermediary institutions, students and the textbook publishers, who can participate and strengthen the education system. Their coordinated participation and action have been identified by Herbert Altrichter as the main pillars of education governance (Altrichter, 2015).
According to Costandi et al., (2018) the fundamental responsibility for governance is mostly concentrated on the “rules and procedures” that guide the teachers and the professionals to use the suitable educational tools and equipment and create a healthy educational setting for the students and learners. Similarly, there must be scope for the students to participate as well because they are the ultimate service users in the process. The participation can be ascertained by developing an intentional plan so that they can understand their involvement. The input regulation by the state, the external control model and the self-control in the academic setting can play a vital role to guide the participants to strengthen the educational environment for the learners. The role of leaders is highly important as they set the path and guide the remaining participants on how the education model and the governance system can create value.
The major decisions and actions that could be implemented in the education backdrop must be are made by applying the useful principles of governance so that a ‘good and constructive governance’ model could be established in the process. It would play a vital role to make sure that the needs of the circumstances, the learners, the community and the educational staff members are met in the process (Edwards & Brehm, 2016).
During the policy-making process relating to the educational governance, the participation of the core participants is of vital significance to make sure that the education model is not only functional but it also creates value for all the stakeholders that are involved in the system. This involvement would be necessary within the educational system to find the solutions to different governance issues relating to the poor education imparting system, the high rate of absenteeism among the teaching staff and the lack of enthusiasm among the students to learn and strengthen their academic ability (Lewis, Sellar & Lingard, 2016). The collaborated functioning can upgrade the quality of the education model and can create value for the students, their parents and the entire community. It would create a constructive learning environment.
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In what ways can education governance be planned and auctioned?
While planning an education governance model it is necessary to take into account the fundamental objective of the education system i.e. the learning objective of the students. Similarly, it is highly important to capture the needs and expectations of all the involved parties in the education delivery process starting from the policy-makers to the teachers, students, parents and the community so that the education governance plan can be laid down in the best possible manner and it can create value for all the involved stakeholders (Lingard & Seller, 2014). In order to effectively plan and action the appropriate education governance model in place, it is necessary to adapt as per the changing setting. According to the UNESCO paper titled “Policy-making, strategic planning and management of higher education” by John Taylor, the scope of the policies, the state control model, the supervisory model must be aligned with the school management model so that the structure and the process can be designed. The key factors relating to policies, current educational context, the influence of technology, the role of women, etc must be considered before executing the education governance model (Taylor & Miroiu, 2002).
There is the need to establish a transparent and effective communication mode so that the core elements of the governance model can be communicated to all the involved members (Moos & Paulsen, 2014). The key features of a good plan include a forward view, establishment of measurable targets, developing means to achieve the target and establishing a direct relationship with the resource allocation model. In order to activate the educational governance model in an effective manner, it is necessary to capture the core components and factors that could come into play in the actual scenario and have an impact on the ultimate education model that is delivered to the young learners and students.
The course of action must be set effectively by allocating the available resources and capabilities. The teachers and the academic instructors must be given proper training so that they can play an active role while delivering education to the students in the highly competitive academic setting (Morgan, 2017). Since the teachers are the main factors with whom the learners directly have interaction, they must play an active role to make sure that the learners are able to gain high-quality experience and knowledge in the educational context. Thus core elements that must be taken into consideration while implementing the educational governance include holding the major participants and assessing their strengths, capturing the functions of the resources, and working on the external interaction model. The leaders must play an active role in the process to ensure its effectiveness (Merki, Langer & Altrichter, 2014).
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What is the relationship to government?
The educational governance model that is implemented has a close association with the government. The policy governance model that is adopted in the educational context has an impact on the learning model of the students, their patents and the overall society. The leaders that function in the educational context use their expertise and have an interactive relationship with different governing bodies (Rogers, 2018). Thus the different decisions that are taken in order to boost the educational governance model in the process are somewhat related to the government. In the former times, all the policies in the education context were established by the government but currently, a number of bodies have established that lay down the rules and policies for the education context. Today, education governance has become decentralized that allows the robust engagement between the educational institution and the communities. According to Ka Ho Mok, there is need to strengthen the link between the education governance and the government so that the government can play an active role to build a strong infrastructure that supports the education infrastructure and the education environment. Today the presence of the government can be observed in the values and perspective of the education governance model, its approach towards order and consistency and the change in the policies and standards (Mok, 2005).
In the education context, effective educational governance is a highly important ingredient as it strengths the value system and enhances the learning of the students. The policies that are created in the educational context are influenced by a number of factors including the policies that are laid down by the government. These policies shape how different educational governance issues are seen and perceived (Sjøberg, 2015).
The leadership model and the decision-making process that are adopted to formulate the educational standards and policies are affected by the government and the government agencies to a significant extent (Tong, 2016).
What is the “problem” represented to be?
The fundamental educational governance issue that has been highlighted relates to the high rate of absenteeism among the teachers that ultimately could lead to dropouts in the education system. This problem could deteriorate the overall quality of the education model that is given to young students and learners. This issue mainly arises in the educational context and adversely affects the educational content and the overall learning that is imparted to the students and the learners in the process (Williamson, 2016). One of the core reasons for the governance issue arises due to the poor policy formulation model and the lack of motivation of the teachers. The teachers and faculty members can be encouraged to upgrade their overall participation in the educational context to resolve the identified problem.
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In the educational context, the ultimate service that is delivered is an educational context that expands the knowledge of the students and helps them to learn different academic principles and concepts. The teachers need to play an active role in the setting so that the best possible value can be created for the students to learn and develop. In order to tackle this educational governance issues in a smart way, there is need to adopt an integrated and collaborative approach so that the policy-makers, teachers, educational staff members, the parents of the students and the learners can be involved in the process (Merki, Langer & Altrichter, 2014). It can make sure that quality education model is followed that can import relevant and useful educational content to the learners most effectively and creatively. The identified educational governance problem has major implications which can be seen and observed by adopting the long-term outlook. The teachers are one of the key participants that have a direct impact on the educational practices and the learning outcome of the students. The policies must be carefully set keeping in mind their career opportunities and growth prospects so that they can strengthen the education system for the students. Such an approach can play a vital role to make sure that a robust and effective learning setting is created for the students where they get the opportunity to learn and grow at the same time (Lewis, Sellar & Lingard, 2016).
Conclusion to the synthesis of the four responses
The effective educational governance is necessary to make sure that a healthy and constructive educational system is created for the students and the learners where they get ample opportunities to develop their academic skills (Edwards & Brehm, 2016). The highlighted issue relates to the poor quality of the education model due to the non-collaborative approach. The role of the policies and standards is critical in this scenario. In order to make the education governance effective, there is a need to adopt an integrated approach so that all the stakeholders can be involved in the education system to create value for the learners. A participatory approach is necessary for the education context to strengthen the effectiveness of education governance.
Approach to the governance issue
In the educational context, the role of a strong and effective educational governance model is highly crucial to make sure that the children get to learn and develop their skills at the right age. The right approach to the governance issue can be adopted if the teachers and faculty members play an active role in the educational system. It can be said that there is “no one-best governance mechanism” in the educational setting. The teachers need to proactively participate and make the students participate in the learning process so that educational practices can create value for the young learners and students (Lewis, Sellar & Lingard, 2016).
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The basic principles relating to the educational governance that revolve around the children, their learning experience, their development, the community and the staff members must be followed so that the educational governance can be strengthened and it can employer the young learners in the best way possible so that they can be transformed into learned adults of the future. The role of the educational policies is highly necessary as they fundamentally guide the teachers to adopt the most suitable teaching models to enhance the learning process of the students (Sjøberg, 2015).
The school-based management can come into action to guide the teachers to adopt the most suitable and student-friendly learning tools that can empower them in the best possible manner to gain knowledge and wisdom in the process. The role of the school leaders is highly critical to lead from the front and create an interactive educational forum where the students can get the chance to strengthen their academic skills and knowledge (Lewis, Sellar & Lingard, 2016).
The core educational governance issue that has been captured can be solved by adopting a collaborative approach between school teachers and school management. The students and learners must also be involved in the process to ensure that the educational model creates value for them and they get the chance to grow in the academic sense (Lewis, Sellar & Lingard, 2016).
To strengthen the educational governance model the role of the policies is highly important as they act as the main framework that guides the educators and the teachers to follow the suitable learning models that can create value for learners and students. The main governance issue that has been presented here relates to the creation of a strong learning environment that can create value for the students. Since children are the future of tomorrow, good educational governance is extremely critical to boost their learning experience in a constructive learning environment.
The fundamental message that must guide all the education systems around the world is the “education for all”. The collaborated approach must be adopted by the teachers and the policy members so that the outcome can be useful for the young minds that are willing to learn new things in life. The most suitable approach to deal with the identified governance issue is to adopt a collaborative approach that is guided by effective and transparent policies that boost the education and learning model.
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Altrichter, H. (2015). Governance in Education: Conceptualisation, Methodology, and Research Strategies for Analysing Contemporary Transformations of Teacher Education. In Governance in der Lehrerausbildung: Analysen aus England und Deutschland (pp. 9-30). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Carver, J. (2001). Carver’s Policy Governance® Model in Nonprofit Organizations. Gouvernance: Revue Internationale, Hiver, 2(1), 30-48.
Costandi, S., Hamdan, A., Alareeni, B., & Hassan, A. (2018). Educational governance and challenges to universities in the Arabian Gulf region. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1-17.
Edwards, D. B., & Brehm, W. C. (2016). Getting to the Decision-Making Table in Educational Governance. In The Political Economy of Schooling in Cambodia (pp. 35-53). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Lewis, S., Sellar, S., & Lingard, B. (2016). PISA for schools: Topological rationality and new spaces of the OECD’s global educational governance. Comparative Education Review, 60(1), 27-57.
Lingard, B., & Sellar, S. (2014). Representing your country: Scotland, PISA and new spatialities of educational governance. Scottish Educational Review, 46(1), 5-11.
Moos, L., & Paulsen, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). School boards in the governance process. Dordrecht: Springer.
Mok, K. H. (2005). Fostering entrepreneurship: Changing role of government and higher education governance in Hong Kong. Research Policy, 34(4), 537-554.
Morgan, C. (2017). Constructing educational quality in the Arab region: a bottom-up critique of regional educational governance. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15(4), 499-517.
Merki, K. M., Langer, R., & Altrichter, H. (Eds.). (2014). Educational Governance als Forschungsperspektive: Strategien. Methoden. Ansätze (Vol. 17). Springer-Verlag.
Rogers, B.(2018) Educational Governance.
Sjøberg, S. (2015). PISA and Global Educational Governance-A Critique of the Project, its Uses and Implications. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(1).
Taylor, J., & Miroiu, A. (2002). Policy-Making, Strategic Planning, and Management of Higher Education. Papers on Higher Education. Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Ltd., Customer Services Department, 325 Chesnut Street, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Tong, Z. H. A. N. G. (2016). Research on reforming educational governance in the context of internet plus government affairs. Education of Chinese Medicine, 6, 002.
Williamson, B. (2016). Digital education governance: data visualization, predictive analytics, and ‘real-time’policy instruments. Journal of Education Policy, 31(2), 123-141.
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