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July 20, 2020MPM735 – International Business Management
July 21, 2020Question: https://cheapestassignment.com/mpm735-international-business-management/
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The product
The product for export from Australia to Switzerland is an extract of a cultured mushroom that has medicinal properties. The mushroom (mycelia) is a rich source of immune supplements that have been confirmed through research and tests. Some of the finest research institutions have certified that the extract is good for human consumption and diet. Various universities in the US and UK also confirmed the nutritious value of the mushroom.
One of the major biochemical properties of the medicinal mushroom extract that is intended for export is its low molecular weight, which is about just 5000 daltons and contains large amounts of alpha-glucans, which facilitates absorption and metabolic efficacy. Technically the extract has the capacity to maintain NK optimal cell activity, facilitates cytokine formation, promotes robust T-cell function, and increase the health of dendritic cells.
Production and Supply
The sufficient production plants, support of the research evidence, and large consumer base have prompted the producers to market the mushroom extract to other countries. The company has the capacity to offer two metric tons of extract per month to the export market which is about one hundred thousand bottles per month. Though the company is not expecting large sales per month, it is intending to export around 1000 bottles of consumer packs to the Swiss market.
Characteristics of the Swiss market
Switzerland business people show a propensity to engage in international trade and prefer value-added products to its market from established companies (Beier, Hauser & Hogenacker 2016). The demand for high-quality products are high for a wide range of products and Swiss buyers enjoy travelling, are attracted to new and interesting products, and the buyers and consumers are meticulous about freshness and quality of the products when making buying decisions. The demand for natural and organic food is high in the Swiss country and they promote healthy eating in their homes and restaurants.
Swiss people are sensitive about their environment. They are proud of their beautiful countryside, take actions to preserve their natural landscapes and resources by reducing air and water pollution and protecting natural resources. Health and happiness are a priority among Swiss citizens, and their eating habits are around wellbeing and fitness. Hence, there is a good market for the mushroom extract.
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The quality and safety of food that is imported into Swiss have to comply with the European Union regulations (Charlebois, Sterling, Haratifar, & Naing 2014). The regulation demands to trace of origins of all raw materials and ingredients used in the food preparation. All imported goods must have the support of appropriate documents to be presented to the Swiss Customs office. Only legitimate goods are allowed into the country, hence the exporters must be careful about the export documentation and quality test reports.
Characteristics of the UAE market
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is considered as a large export market among Middle East countries. The country has been successful in diversifying its economy from Oil and at present seventy per cent of its revenues are from non-oil trade. It has the highest GDP growth after Saudi Arabia among gulf countries.
Dubai is the major city that imports goods from various countries. It has a diverse market, is a centre of re-exporting units, and it has no taxation on personal income and capital gains. Because of its strategic location, Dubai is a centre for business tourism and international trade.
Some of the challenges to export to Dubai include the mandatory labelling in Arabic, disadvantages are dependence on the oil and gas industry and establishing a business relationship by managing business culture in UAE (Kingdom of Netherlands u.d).
Characteristics of South African Market
South Africa is having a sizable population with a strong economic base and encouragement for international business. It has rich resources that are unique which include platinum, vanadium, etc. (Fine 2018). The primary economy of South Africa is agriculture, mining and fishing, and secondary includes manufacturing and utilities.
The business management environment that includes marketing, accounting, legal, process technology, etc. are best in South Africa among African countries. South African middle class are flexible people who are willing to accept good products and services from other countries. The mushroom extract from Australia can penetrate into the market easily with appropriate marketing strategies.
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Charlebois, S., Sterling, B., Haratifar, S. and Naing, S.K., 2014. Comparison of global food traceability regulations and requirements. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13(5), pp.1104-1123. Accessed on 18th March 2018. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1541-4337.12101
Beier, M., Hauser, C. and Hogenacker, J., 2016. Domestic business-to-business relationships and the internationalisation of SMEs: evidence from Switzerland. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(1), pp.84-101. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Beier/publication/292346448_Domestic_Business-to-business_Relationships_and_the_Internationalisation_of_SMEs_Evidence_from_Switzerland/links/56b8a1f408ae44bb330d37b0/Domestic-Business-to-Business-Relationships-and-the-Internationalisation-of-SMEs-Evidence-from-Switzerland.pdf
Fine, B., 2018. The political economy of South Africa: From minerals-energy complex to industrialisation. Routledge.Chapter 7, https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429964558
Kingdom of Netherlands (u/d) Doing business in UAE, Accessed on 18th March 2018, https://www.rvo.nl/sites/default/files/2015/02/Doing%20Business%20in%20the%20UAE.pdf
Vanhove, N., 2017. The Economics of Tourism Destinations: Theory and Practice. Routledge. (economic characteristics of tourism) https://books.google.co.in/books?id=20dBDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false