MBA402 Governance, Ethics, and Sustainability Assessment
April 26, 2019Ethical Essay for Nursing
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Job satisfaction can be defined as a measure to determine the satisfaction or contention of employees with their job or work culture. This concept is relatively new and is affected by several factors. Some of these influencing factors are salary and other benefits given to the employees, nature of the job, working environment and type of leaders and leadership. Culture, management style, hierarchy, the involvement of employees, flexibility in work, empowerment, etc. also have the power to influence job satisfaction level among employees. There are several ways available which help in recording the reactions and responses from employees regarding their job by using scales. Company-Specific job satisfaction studies are quite rare in the case of Australia. The intention of performing this research is to examine the factors that affect the level of job satisfaction of employees in a particular Australian organization (Beauregard, 2009).
Management of people is a very important aspect of any organization. This is because human resources and organization work hand in hand. The organization must maintain a work environment full of commitment and cooperation by using strong policies to have loyal and motivated employees. Most of the research in this regard has been done on the manufacturing sector but the retail industry had been left out form this discussion for quite a while. So, the results from previous studies do not apply to the Australian retail sector. For getting a complete view of the situation, organizations need to consider factors like fair wages, support motivation, and satisfaction, etc. to improve organizational commitment. For discussion, we are taking Wesfarmers, Australia as the retail organization in Australia which is to be studied (Dishman, 2015).
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Problem Statement
Employees are the most important asset for any organization and for organizations to survive or grow further, it is very important to provide job satisfaction to their employees. According to the discussion in above section, the aim of this research study is to identify the impact of work environment, pay and promotions, security of job, relationship and co-ordination among employees, relationship with supervisor or manager and the amount of fairness on the job satisfaction level of employees in an Australian based retail organization, Wesfarmers, Australia. We have chosen this topic because as per 2015 Annual Report of Wesfarmers, it is the largest private employer in Australia having more than 2 lac employees working for them. So, to understand the general mindset and preferences of employees especially in Australian Retail Industry, it is important to research the factors which influence job satisfaction in case of Wesfarmers, Australia (Van der Voet, (2014).
Research Aim and Objectives
The given research aims at determining the factors which influence job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
Following are the objectives that the given research studies id going to address:
- To analyze the importance of job satisfaction for employees in Wesfarmers, Australia
- To determine the key factors which influence the job satisfaction level in Wesfarmers, Australia?
- To determine the amount of impact job satisfaction has on the performance of employees at Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To determine the relationship of the working environment with the job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To determine the relationship of pay & promotion with Job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To determine the relationship of job security with the job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To determine the relationship of co-workers with a Job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To determine the relationship of a supervisor with Job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To determine the relationship of the level of fairness with Job satisfaction level of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- To provide general recommendations to practitioners.
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Justification of Potential Output of the Research
All the processes and activities involved in any work process in an organization such as manufacturing, planning, etc. the foundation is laid by their human resources. So to grow in the business, organizations need to satisfy their employees at the workplace. But, there are several factors which influence the job satisfaction level of employees likes, for example, demographic factors, social factors, etc (Fleetwood, 2007). These factors change from one organization to another so it is important to work on the right set of factors to reach the desired level of job satisfaction in an organization. This would require the factors which have an influence on job satisfaction of employees and how we can modify it and at what extent. This research helps in determining all the above information with regards to the retail industry in Australia. With the help of this information, an organization can improve the level of employee motivation and work efficiency. It will also help in lowering the attrition rate and eventually reducing the cost to the company. The research is performed by keeping one company in mind but this would help other organizations too due to a large number of employees involved in the research (Csaszar, 2012).
Conceptual Framework
Research Model
The above figure is the research model for a given research study which shows that job satisfaction is a dependent variable which has a dependency on several independent variables such as working environment, pay and promotion, job security, relation with co-workers, relation with manager and supervisor and lastly the level of fairness. The list can be modified with the type and nature of business the company is in but in the case of Wesfarmers, these factors affect job satisfaction.
- Working environment and job satisfaction- many researchers in the past have studied the importance of the working environment in different aspects of the organization. But the previous researches mostly focused on the physical aspects of the work environment such as noise, physical location, etc. and not the overall picture. The work environment has a great connection with the attrition rate of the company as this is the major factor which influences the decision of an employee to stay with the company or leave for any better opportunity. Based on the past studies, the current hypothesis regarding work environment states that working environment and job satisfaction holds a positive relationship in the Wesfarmers, Australia (Galinsky, 1990).
- Pay, Promotion and Job Satisfaction- Many studies have already been conducted on the relationship between remuneration ad rewards and job satisfaction, especially in the retail industry. A job has different features and characteristics which together forms the job satisfaction level for employees. One of the most features which ranked first in the list of employees as compensation. Also, the most motivating factor in the workplace for employees was their salaries. So, to keep the attrition rate low, it is important to rightly compensate the employees. This would be helpful for those also who are associated with the company for several years as this would enhance the loyalty quotient in those employees. It creates a sense of belongingness and importance among employees. As per the previous studies, the present hypothesis states that pay and promotion improve the level of job satisfaction of employees in Wesfarmers, Australia.
- Job Security and Job Satisfaction- this can be said that the thing employees are most tensed about is their job security and if they get job security from their employers, they tend to become loyal and committed towards the company. This has been concluded from previous research studies that employees with higher job security tend to perform better than the one who does not. Based on these studies, the current hypothesis states that job security and job satisfaction holds a positive relationship in the case of Wesfarmers, Australia.
- Relationship with the colleagues and other employees in the company – Many researchers (Galinsky, 1990) have established the link between the level of job satisfaction and relationship with the employees with each other. They have shown that a healthy relationship among employees can be big factors in motivation and satisfaction. The reason for the same can be understood from the fact that if there is supportive environment from a co-worker and there is healthy competition then the same allows them to develop without fear and express themselves in the company. Thus we have taken this factor to see what is the relationship between co-workers in Wesfarmers and does it leading to job dissatisfaction.
- Relationship with the reporting manages as well as supervisors – There are many studies which have carried to see the relationship between the impact of the behavior of manager on the level of motivation and job satisfaction. If the manager has behavior that can be called rude and doesn’t appreciate the efforts that have been made by the employees then they lose the interest and can leave the company despite being paid well. There has been famous saying that people leave managers not company hence the behavior of manager is one of the most crucial factor here. Thus, we are also going to analyze the relationship of superior to subordinated and will try to understand the impact of the same on the level of motivation.
Impact of social networking on Australian employees’ behaviour
- Level of Fairness and Job Satisfaction- As indicated by some past researches about, there exists a decent and positive connection between fairness of work strategies, insurance policies, and working hours and job satisfaction. Through a game-plan in light of work-life guideline, a react can end up on a superior position to have the capacity to take into account the requests of clients for better administration availability. Through this, the company can likewise achieve strategies to work with the reformed ways that will wind up fulfilling both the businesses and the workers. On the premise of earlier investigations, the present examination hypothesized that the expanded level of fairness in the job significantly affects job satisfaction in Wesfarmers, Australia.
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Research Methodology
The research methodology that has been used here primarily concerns with the collection of data and its analysis.
Data Collection – As stated earlier, the collection of data has been done by 2 sources – Primary and Secondary. The primary sources are the ones where the collection of data has been done for the first time while the secondary sources are the ones where we have analyzed existing data. Thus for primary data questionnaire has been designed and use to get the responses from the employees of Wesfarmers. For the same, the secondary data has been in the forms of various theories on employee motivation and satisfaction. This analysis has been done using books, research publications, and journals as well as websites (Martin, 2012).
In the case of primary data, the sample has been increased to 200 now. For the analysis, we have selected the mid and upper level of employees. Over 4 weeks, we have given them a questionnaire and collected the filled file from the same. The questionnaire was designed on the Likert Scale where there were variables forms 1 to 5. Here 1 refers to strongly agree while 5 refer to strongly disagree. This process has some cons such as individual prefers their privacy hence are not very agreeable to speak against the company as well as they might not prefer to speak their heart out.
Data Analysis Method: For the analysis of the data that has been collected – qualitative as well as quantitative methods were used. The reason for the same is that here there are dependent and independent variables and we have to measure the relationship of the same. Thus in qualitative analysis, we have used multiple regressions with defined variables. We have used descriptive analysis where we have analyzed and tabulated the findings. These tables are used to aid us in the analysis of the relationship (Claver-Cortés, 2012).
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Thus in the correlation model that has been used as independent variables like work conditions, supervisor relationship, promotion, job security, compensation, fairness. These independent variables impact the dependent variables i.e. Job satisfaction. Here since we have many independent variables thus our model can be defined as follows:
Y= Ao +A1V1+ A2V2+ A3V3+ A4V4+ A5V5+ A6V6+ C
Y= Job satisfaction (dependent variable)
C= Constant
A1= Working environment
A2= Pay & promotion
A3= Job security
A4= Relationship with supervisor
A5= Level of fairness
Here if the value of the correlation is close to 1 means there is a relationship between these factors and level of job satisfaction and we have also drilled down individual variable and its impact on the level of job satisfaction.
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Organization of the Study
The organization chosen in Australia for discussion of factors affecting job satisfaction of employees at workplace is Wesfarmers, Australia because as per 2015 Annual Report of Wesfarmers, it is the largest private employer in Australia having more than 2 lac employees working for them. So, to understand the general mindset and preferences of employees especially in Australian Retail Industry, it is important to research the factors which influence job satisfaction in case of Wesfarmers, Australia (Gurchiek, 2008).
Project Budget
The major expenses related to the given research study is money spent on getting the questionnaire filled. Next, come the expenses on interviews. Other expenses which are to be included in the research budget are money spent on refreshments and data analysis. We have also added some miscellaneous expenses. Below is the table which shows the complete budget of the project (Csaszar, 2012).
Project Schedule
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Gantt chart
If the workers are fulfilled, the administration quality will enhance thus will the representative fulfillment. In such a circumstance it is savvy for strategy creators and supervisors to turn their concentration and consideration regarding their representatives, with the goal that they are fulfilled. The point of this investigation was to test all the conceivable variables that can influence telecom part representatives in work fulfillment. Through the outcomes, it was induced that the components influencing work fulfillment were exceptionally all around disclosed and to improve business incredible care and consideration ought to be given to the representatives. From the outcomes that were acquired one might say that the key factors that add to worker fulfillment are advancing, pay, reasonableness and working conditions. The significance of cash for this situation ought not to be disparaged. Everyone needs cash. All representatives work with the goal that they can win cash.
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