MGMT20144 – Management and Business Context
August 19, 2022
HI5004 Marketing Management
August 19, 2022Assessment Description
Assessment 3: Group report and presentation (Group of 3/4 students)
Weighting: 20% +10%
Length: 2000 words approximately
Due: Week 12
For this assessment, students are to select two hotels /accommodation in your local city. Go to their website and identify, evaluate and compare following components. Prepare a report based on your evaluation and areas that may need improvement. This analysis is based on any information available publicly. You are not required to visit any site.
You are required to:
- conduct an in-depth investigation on
- product(room types, conference/meeting facility, restaurant/bar, additional facilities such as pool, wifi etc. )
- price(differences based on booking time/season, cancellation policies)
- place(GDS, Internet, phone booking, Intermediary i.e. agents)
- promotions(free breakie, airport transfer etc. ).
- You are to use the report format and include title page, executive summary, introduction, description of your business, analysis of above mentioned factors and recommendations
- Students are to work within groups of three to four students.
- Use figures and tables to present your findings
Your lecturer will provide more details during the tutorials to assist with this assessment.
Tips for Working in groups:
Group assessments are a great tool for learning and are used in top universities around the world. Some of the major benefits of group assessments are as follows:
- Promotes communication skills.
- Promotes and rewards teamwork and collaboration.
- Promotes project management skills and interdependence.
- Emphasises the need for accountability.
- Becoming work ready.
- For a number of reasons group work may not work well. If this happen within your group, you should raise this issue with your Lecturer as early as possible so that steps may be taken to resolve the issue or issues. Please note students may not pass a group assessment if there is insufficient contribution.
The Presentation: to be done in class during week-12
Present your findings from the group service audit report in class during lecture and tutorial time with the use of Power point and other appropriate audio/visual support.
- No more than 20 minutes with a 10-15 minute presentation and 5-10 min Q & A .
- Visual content of slides & multimedia content is expected
- All group members must present and be involved
- Suggested number of slides max 10-12 to be handed in at time of presentation