Healthcare management and leadership
January 7, 2022
Marketing Plan Tesla Motors Sample
January 8, 2022Introduction
Experts proclaim that leadership and management are the two faces of a coin and they play a vital role in the case of the improvement associated with organizational performance. These two terms are taken as the same every so often, however, the perspectives of these are quite different. This essay will take to understand the fundamentals of a leadership style and a management style that are involved in the healthcare field. According to management professionals, a good manager always tries to be an effective leader. It is because in this modern era of high competition creativity is everything and an effective leader can be identified with his/her skills to shape a management style and to implement it on the organizational level (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013).
The aim of a robust management is only for the efficient delivery of healthcare services to the common people in an appropriate, sustainable as well as equitable manner. Leadership and management also determine the status of various other organizational aspects, such as human resources, aspects associated with care delivery, hardware, and finances. Clarity about the various tasks, purposes of the projects, nice organizational skills, the ability to proficient interactive communication, first-class delegation skills, etc. are some of the traits of a successful leader and a manager with a clear vision (Blumenthal et al., 2012).
Leadership and management are considered as two crucial positive features that exist in the organizational environment, especially inside healthcare facilities. As per the study of Grint leadership is just a relationship function among the leaders and the supporters and not entirely a trait of leaders (Baker & Denis, 2011). Healthcare organizations all over the world spend lots of funds towards the renovation and infrastructure development of healthcare facilities. On the other hand, very few facilities across the globe focus on the management level that works at the ground level. Nowadays, most of organizations have accepted the fact that for smooth functioning in the case of a healthcare organization, an effective kind of leadership and management style is necessary (Cunningham et al., 2012). From the beginning of the introduction to this time, there have been numerous theories about leadership and management put forward by visionaries. In this essay, Collaborative leadership along with conflict management is the center of focus looking at the wide application of these two concepts.
Collaborative Leadership
Collaborative leadership is a widely used phenomenon that is followed in the management of healthcare establishments. This leadership concept has been derived from the word- collaboration, and it is a term defined by both assertive as well as collaborative processes executed by the individuals (Cheng et al., 2012). In this case, the individuals work with a combined effort to accomplish mutual benefits from an organizational standpoint. Collaborative leadership simply reflects effective communication of information among the associates or fellow workers as well as among various organizations. With this approach of collaborative leadership, the organization allows the staff to suggest their decisions to the figureheads of the healthcare field (Connolly et al., 2012).
Strategies of collaborative communication play a crucial role while thinking about the collaborative style of leadership in healthcare society. These strategies improve the several points related to healthcare management by,
- Motivating the multiple stakeholders to share information, experience, and knowledge
- Reducing the higher complexity level present within the organizational environment
With this leadership style, the healthcare personnel present at diverse responsibility levels get a chance to engage with the collaborative style of leadership. In addition to it, they get to involve in the communication as well as validation of the needs of every individual working for the progress of the organization. Recognizing the modifications required in numerous practices of healthcare so that concentrating on the changing demands will be easier. With the encouraging effort of working in partnership, the synergic organizational environment is obligatory for the effectiveness of a collaborative style of leadership in the healthcare sector (Cowden et al., 2011). This type of collaboration requires next-generation leadership plans so that the management in future will not get hampered and for the implementation of quite a few beneficial practices. This leadership style helps in promoting the positive sensation associated with the mixing of two cultures or more. This type of collaboration also smoothens the progress of integration among many of the stakeholders and also supports interdependency among them. Shared visions of many executives of renowned healthcare organizations with shared values unify the individuals of multiple organizations (Gillam, 2011). In this way, the collaboration of many organizations can attain their desired outcomes that must be better than that of the total of their individual efforts. With the collaborative leadership, the leaders are at first given the chance of modeling various collaborative behaviors. Then, they raise the motivational levels present in each of the organizations to elevate the interdependency standard among the healthcare practitioners.
Conflict Management
According to many management specialists, a very small proportion of instances is used to think about collaboration regardless of the magnitude related to collaborative work practices. Therefore, conflict is an insidious effect that always has a chance of happening in the health organization. It is a pervasive force, and it exists within the collaborative environment of the healthcare organizations (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2013). Hence, there is also a fair chance of developing gaps within communication which can lead to work practice failure. So, the leaders and managers have to distinguish the general sources that may lead to a situation of conflict. Those common sources are-
- Individualistic approaches and behavior present in the healthcare organization
- Poor level of communication and communication mode
- Organizational structures
- Conflicts of inter-individual or else inter-group nature
It has been observed that conflict remains in the fundamental and primary issues and then gets developed. From this, one thing is quite clear that antecedent conditions are always there. This situation can progress to an apparent conflict in future and then gets developed into a manifest conflict that is the behavioral or the action phase. The last stage is known as conflict aftermath (Kelly, 2011). Here, the leaders of healthcare organizations have to choose the most suitable way of handling the conflicting issue at an early stage with an intention of generating positive outcomes. It has been seen that many leaders employ different strategies to support conflict management. Those strategies are based on-
- Competition
- Avoidance
- Compromise
- Accommodation
- Collaboration
- Negotiation
- Mediation
- Communication
- Searching for consensus
- Stimulating vision
The roles of managers and leaders can’t be overlooked here as all the leading and management-related strategies and policies will be formulated by them. Therefore, the roles of leaders and managers in healthcare area determine the efficiency of the leadership as well as a management style. The numerous roles of managers and leaders in the development of healthcare system have been illustrated below (Kakuma et al., 2011).
Assessment related to the delivery of all the healthcare services and medical coverage is the major role of the manager. Resource management and accessibility of the resources that comprise budget management, construction, and infrastructure management, financial management, staffing, drugs, supplies and equipment availability, information management, etc. are the responsibilities of the managers. Assigning and expanding the workforce so as to deliver quality services in time is another role of manager (Lega, Prenestini & Spurgeon,2013). Offering the personnel the most encouraging style of coaching, mentoring, training, etc. so that their learning ability will be increased- It comes under one of the core roles of the managers. Monitoring the communication approaches among the staff and members of staff and patients is also a task. In the healthcare industry, the managers are assigned for the vital management planning known as financial management. Accomplishing long-term goals is the most important role of the leaders. Monitoring and evaluation of many of the healthcare practices going on in the organizational environment and recognizing new talent from this monitoring process are the responsibility of a leader. A leader in healthcare sector always thinks about planning and comes up with an innovative approach that must be beneficial for the organization as well as for the patients (Munir et al.,2012). Fast decision-making approaches but effective ones along with creating strategies for the improvement of the healthcare system is a major role of leaders. The evaluation of learning strategies and promoting teamwork, culture alongside with reward management strategies are some of the key roles (Reichenpfader, Carlfjord & Nilsen, 2015).
There are some principles adopted by the leaders of healthcare management with the help of which they make sure that the working environment is quite effective. These principles are based on four major points, known as shared goals, clear roles, mutual trust, and measurable procedures as well as outcomes (Tsai, 2011). When it comes to values, there are five personal values that ensure an effective environment. Those values are- honesty, discipline, creativity, humility, and curiosity. The purpose of a nice working environment with greater efficiency is to offer professional care to the patients through a greater level of coordination. Coordinated activities among the practitioners help to accomplish continuity of service, increased access along with improved communication. A clear-cut division of functions and responsibilities among the entire workforce optimizes the efficiency of the organization. Therefore, the leaders believe in a uniform division of labor (Talib, Rahman & Azam, 2011). In this way, the objectives are also achieved in shortest time because of the teamwork. There is also a principle that the leaders teach to the staff, and that is- professional care duties towards the patients and implementation of personal values. Priority of the health organization is on refining the communication skills for which the principle of the leaders reflects ultimate accessibility and usability of the candid communication all over the settings.
A codified framework known as leadership and management pipeline is the most followed structural outline for the development of leaders and managers by healthcare organizations. There are some core guiding codes that the organization follows to develop the skills of leaders and managers and also to find the new talents from the workforce. Many a time, the healthcare organization feels reliable to find new and fresh talents from the experienced teams. They have innovative ideas and top-notch strategy building approaches. With the proper analysis of this framework, an organizational role of a healthcare facility in the development of effective leaders and managers can be studied further (Connolly et al., 2012). It has been observed that various healthcare organizations mainly give attention to the developing talents. Moving talent can be recognized with the use of this framework in accordance with the assigning of work alongside diverse positions of the staff. Sustainable operation and function with absolutely transparency is the major effort by which an organization develops effective leaders as well as managers. Policy implementation associated with putting daily assessment into practice can improve the development of leaders (Baker & Denis, 2011). Coaching, mentoring, real-time experiences, shadowing, training etc. are the modern techniques by which an organization can shine regarding the progress of leaders together with managers.
There four major sections present in this essay that describe the profound knowledge regarding collaborative leadership along with conflict management in case of healthcare organizations. The first section is about choosing one leadership style and one management style related to the healthcare industry. Here, collaborative style of leadership and conflict management style have been selected for the study. In the case of collaborative leadership, collaboration is the core term, and this type of leadership is applicable to both individuals and multiple organizations. Conflict management style is the primary concern of an organization with appropriate strategies by which conflict among individuals or organizations can be diminished (Connolly et al., 2012).
The second section of the essay is about managerial roles along with leader roles in healthcare organizations. The third section reflects the principles adopted by the leaders so that an effective organizational environment will be possible for a healthcare organization. The last part of the essay puts light on the role of healthcare organizations in developing effective managers and leaders. The overall essay has been devised in proportion to the previous researches of the management experts. Moreover, it can be optimistically stated that this essay will show the new direction to the researchers who are trying to establish ground-breaking studies about leadership and management (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2013). The entire essay illustrates the concepts, theories, and literature based on leadership styles as well as management approaches regarding the healthcare sector, this will help the researchers who ardently search for studies regarding leadership style with management in healthcare organizations.
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