ACC03043 Assessment Session
August 29, 2022Team Ethics & Competetive Advantage Help
August 29, 2022The Goals in Topic Selection:
- There must be literature including academic journal articles on your topic.
- Assignment 1 requires you to conduct a literature review. This requires you to find literature that argue contrary views on your topic. Fore example costs outweigh benefits and alternatively benefits outweigh costs, what is true at one point of time is not necessarily true at another point of time, what is true in one part of the world is not true somewhere else and /or x is better or worse than y.
- You must be able to describe and explain the gaps that exist in the literature. This is essential for you to complete assignment 2 where you need to describe research that you could conduct in order to collect data information and /or evidence that fills this gap. The gap may be that the literature does not have a broad enough scope (it does not consider all ages, all nationalities or changes over time and space). The found literature may be quantitative and therefore a qualitative investigation could be conducted or vice versa. You will need to formulate a research question and define and explain your research methodology.
- For assignment 3 you need to write your individual reflective journal concurrently to performing assessment tasks 1 and 2, i.e. from the first week of the subject. For each week students should reflect and compare the theoretical knowledge with what they apply into practice. As assessment 1 and 2 are completed, students should clearly identify learning goals achieved. SEE OVER FOR THE LEARNING GOALS (OUTCOMES) of the unit.