BHO0257 – Digital and Social Media Marketing Assignment
September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022This paper provides further information and guidance for each of the different forms of assessment for this module. At the end of the paper there are some general points that apply to all forms of assessment.
Whichever form of assessment you choose you must demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate creative & innovative thinking in strategy development.
- Understand management and organizational theory, and relate this to strategy development.
- Critically investigate what comprises a strategy at the micro & macro level.
- Exhibit structured methods in strategic decision making through critical application of tools; methods & theory.
- Critically select appropriate change strategies & approaches to facilitate putting strategy into action.
Scenario based group presentation & individual reflective essay (2000 words):
When selecting this form of assignment you need to consider the challenges that working as a group can pose and ensure that you have good ground rules to ensure that all members contribute equally to the work
Working in a group you will develop a scenario that you will use as the basis for your work e.g. a fictitious hospital with a specific problem that you need to devise a strategy to address. Your presentation will focus on the following elements:
Analysis of the current situation – you can use a mixture of real policies etc. and fictitious materials to underpin this part (learning outcome 1, 2 & 3)
A minimum of three options to address the problem (learning outcome 1)
Option appraisal (learning outcome 4)
Implementation of change plan (learning outcome 5)
You will have to deliver your presentation on the submission date and the mark for the group presentation will be the same for each member of the group.
You also have to submit a 2000 word essay that will provide the underpinning theory of strategic management e.g.
Definitions of strategic management;
Critique of methods / process of developing strategies, (including a critique of any of the tools used in your presentation such as SWOT; PESTEL etc).
Discussion around option appraisal methods (again, critique whatever method you used in the presentation to appraise your options).
Challenges of implementing strategies and critique of change management model(s)
Business case:
Select an issue/problem to develop a strategy for. The problem needs to be a relatively small and focussed one so that you can demonstrate how you would develop a strategy to address it and include underpinning theory in the 3,500 word limit.
Your essay should demonstrate how you worked through the process of developing the strategy. The following illustrates what could be included in your essay:
Your introduction needs to briefly tell the reader what problem you are focussing on. Avoid going into a lengthy discussion of the problem at this stage. You should define key terms such as Strategic Management and tell us what approach you are taking to develop the strategy.
Explain the rationale for analysing the current situation & the approach you will take in this essay (underpinned with theory). The analysis of the current situation should clearly present the factors relating to the problem. Try to avoid repetition by using the tables to effectively present the relevant factors as opposed to discussing them & then repeating the information in the tables. Use more than one tool to analyse the problem (e.g. SWOT/PESTEL etc.). Critique any tool used, supported by underpinning theory. (Learning outcome 1, 2, 3 & 4).
Outline a minimum of 3 options, one of which can be to do nothing. (learning outcome 1).
Discuss strategic decision making & option appraisal (underpinned by theory). Present your option appraisal. (Learning outcome 2 & 4).
Critically discuss change management theory(s) that can be applied to the implementation of your strategy (underpinned by theory). You could include an implementation plan in the appendix. (Learning outcome 2 & 5)
Critical analysis of an organisations strategy & implementation
I have provided some strategy documents on blackboard, or you can select a strategy of
your own choosing to focus on, but it must relate to Health or Social Care.
There are two ways in which this essay could be approached:
- You write about the strategic management process and critically discuss each stage of the process and then critique the strategy.
- You could examine the strategy with a view to seeing if it could be implemented in your place of work or be adapted for your place of work.
The following could be included in your essay:
Your introduction needs to briefly tell the reader what strategy you are focussing on. You should define key terms such as Strategic Management and tell us what you plan to cover within the essay.
Explain the process of strategy development, underpinned by relevant theory (Learning outcome 2)
Explain the rationale for analysing the current situation when developing strategies (underpinned by theory). Demonstrate using the tools (SWOT/PESTEL etc.) to analyse the current situation and identify whether the strategy is still relevant (situations change and new policies come into effect so the strategy may need to be adapted to suite the current circumstances).
Alternatively you could approach this by analysing whether this strategy could be applied within your own place of work by analysing the current situation in your place of work to identify whether it could be implemented as it is or if it needs to be adapted. Critique the tools that you have used (learning outcome 1,2,3 & 4).
Discuss strategic decision making and option appraisal (underpinned by theory). If the strategy you are reviewing has outlined how they arrived at the strategy you could critique that.
If you are considering whether the strategy could be implemented in your place of work you could suggest alternative options to make it fit with your organisation.
(Learning outcomes 1,2 & 4)
Critically discuss change management theory(s) that can be applied to the implementation of your strategy (underpinned by theory). If you are considering implementing it (or another option) in your place of work you
could also include an implementation plan in the appendix. (Learning outcome 2 & 5)
Critically analyse the strategy & implementation for your place of work
The approach for this essay would be similar to the above example, with the emphasis on whether the strategy is still relevant or needs adaptation to meet the current needs.
Develop a toolkit to assist with strategy development & implementation
You will be expected to adapt or develop tool(s) or model(s) that can be used in the development of strategies e.g adapting or devising a new model / tool to help managers to analyse the strategic environment; or develop / adapt a tool for option appraisal or develop / adapt a change management model.
Your essay should demonstrate your understanding of the process of developing a strategy as well as the development of the tool / model. The following could be included in your essay:
Your introduction needs to briefly tell the reader what tool or model you plan to adapt or develop. You should define key terms such as Strategic Management and tell us what you plan to cover within the essay.
Explain the process and stages of strategy development, underpinned by relevant theory (Learning outcome 2).
You need to critically explore a few of the tools & models involved in each stage of strategy development e.g. analysis of the current situation; option appraisal; strategy implementation. This aspect is a theoretical discussion of the subject & should take about half of the overall word count. (Learning outcomes 2, 3, 4 & 5)
Introduce the model / tool that you are developing or adapting and explain why you have developed / adapted it (what does it do that existing tools & models do not). Explain the tool and how it can be used in practice. (Learning outcome 1)
Tips for all forms of the assignment:
Your introduction must tell us the form of assignment you are doing (business case; evaluating an existing strategy; developing a model or tool etc.).
You are developing a strategy / model / tool or reviewing an existing strategy to demonstrate your understanding of the subject of strategic management. Your work must be underpinned by reference to management theory (strategic management in particular).
Avoid repetition: do not write about the problem in the body of the essay and then repeat the information in the SWOT/PESTEL etc. tables. Your tables should succinctly provide information about the problem and the factors influencing the current situation. The tables should be presented in such a way that anyone could understand the various factors identified.
You can include three tables in your assignment that are not included in the word count BUT they must be no longer than one page long (each). When presenting tables you can remove the double line spacing and use font size 10 so that you can fit more in.
Reference all sources of information both in the body of the essay and in the tables. Please follow the referencing guidelines that have been put on blackboard.
If a strategy is to be accepted it must be understandable so the clarity of presentation (whether you are presenting your assignment or submitting an essay) will be assessed.