HI6006 Competitive Strategy Individual Assignment
December 21, 2017Contemporary Issues in Business & Management
December 21, 2017Assessment task 3: Individual Assessment (40%)
This assignment will help you provide adequate and effective feedback, which is a vital part of successfully communicating with other stakeholders and colleagues. Effective feedback, regardless of negative or positive, can help individuals to become better at what they are doing. Effective feedback has two components: content and structure. Content is concerned with the performance criteria, and good feedback is primarily concerned with the criteria based on which the individual is assessed. The structure of the feedback helps you to give feedback in the most effective and least offensive manner, which is especially important when giving negative feedback.
The Task:
Provide feedback to four (4) group presentations (please see the allocation that will be published once all groups are finalised). The feedback must be based on the assessment criteria outlined in the marking sheet handed out during the presentations, including content and structure, delivery, group integration, and professionalism. The feedback given must be supported by relevant references, and must be written in a professional and supportive way.
Weight: 40%
Word limit: 500 words per feedback (x 4) = 2000 words total (not including the cover page or references)
Include references to relevant texts formatted in the HARVARD UTS style. See the Faculty of Business Guide to Writing Assignments free download: http://www.business.uts.edu.au/teaching/guide/guide.pdf
Or the UTS LIBRARY guide to HARVARD referencing: https://online.uts.edu.au/bbcswebdav/pid-844076-dt-content-rid4238305_1/courses/21878/UTS_Interactive%20Harvard%20Guide.pdf
- Title page with name and number of subject, your name and student number and date of submission
- Numbered pages: e.g.1/4
- Name and number of subject, your name and student number in the footer of every page.
- Use a common file format (MS Office — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project etc., or PDF). Material from other files within your assignments (such as graphics, or tables etc.) must be Embedded Objects and not Linked Objects.