ASS134-3 Health Services Planning and Management Help
June 20, 2023
Health Services Planning and Management Assignment Help
June 21, 2023Task 1:
The responsibility of an HR professional in the context of the concerned organization, People R Us, has to be realized through communicating the appropriate suggestions for HR development. The organization is proposing to enter into a contract with Sun Court Residential Homes Limited which facilitates residential care services for patients suffering from dementia to provide training facilities. So the organization should anticipate all the requirements to address human resource management concerns such as training of employees (Alhejji & Garavan, 2016). However, the implications of government pressure on prices and the unwillingness of management to invest capital in training staff have to be considered by People R Us so that they can provide appropriate training to the staff for the delivery of services in dementia healthcare.
1.1Comparison of learning styles:
The necessity for effective learning is observed in the context of Sun Care since they have to address cost pressures alongside effectiveness in the delivery of their services. Therefore the trainees are required to understand the significance of the comparison between different learning styles that could be applied to the training of human capital. As per Delahaye, expectations of the workforce regarding the learning environment could vary from a flexible system to a serialist or holistic system (Delahaye, 2016). Therefore, it is an uphill task to maintain functionality in the training of staff to accomplish change objectives as intended by Sun Court in its service specialization. The uniqueness of the learning style of every individual is explicitly observed and every individual doesn’t need to have a similar learning approach.
Learning theories serve as the appropriate frameworks required for understanding the conceptual frameworks associated with the acquisition of new information or competencies. Two of the prominent theoretical frameworks which are considered significant for anticipating the learning style of an individual include Kolb’s learning styles and the learning styles proposed by Alan Mumford and Peter Honey (Garavan & Akdere, 2016).
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Kolb’s learning styles theory indicates that individuals generally follow four distinct learning styles which can be arranged in a sequential order. The four learning styles identified in this case are diverging learning style, assimilating style, converging style, and accommodating learning style. According to Garavan, et al, the specific characteristics of the diverging learning style indicate that the individuals observe real experiences as sources of learning (Garavan, et al., 2016). The individuals adopting the diverging learning style are generally inclined towards ascertaining a firsthand impression of the concerned task by observing and then drawing inferences. People following the assimilating learning style are known for emphasizing their learning inferences based on theoretical and logical information (Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, 2016). The individuals with converging learning styles are completely in contrast with the diverging learning style since it is emphasized on practical work and they are not for indulging in practical understanding of concepts and experiments. The accommodating learning style is characterized by an individual’s approach toward learning through cognitive reasoning and they are more likely to follow their intuition rather than emphasizing any logical explanation (Garavan, et al., 2016).
The accommodating learning style of an individual is reflective of the fact that learning is based on previous works of other people such as case studies which facilitate a legible impression of the task at hand. Individuals with an accommodating learning style are also known for not engaging in research or analysis (Girma, et al., 2016).
The approach to learning was described by Honey and Mumford indicating four different styles such as activist, theorist, reflector, and pragmatist. The model presented by Honey and Mumford is reflective of inputs from the model presented by Kolb’s learning cycles only with certain variations. The model could also be considered as the combination of different learning cycle stages involved for a specific task (Grobler & Warnich, 2016). The first stage identified in the theory refers to the activist learning style which is characterized by the individual’s experience with new activities without any concerns for consequences. The learning outcomes from this stage are generally associated with the identification of approaches to address novel issues in the practical application of learning.
As per Hughes, Lusk & Strause, the reflector learning style is observed in the second stage which is associated with a review of the experience gained from the first stage. Individuals are required to collect opinions from other people and review their experiences to reach favorable conclusions (Hughes, Lusk & Strause, 2016). The theorist learning style could be ascertained in the third stage of the learning cycle as defined by Honey and Mumford which reflects on deriving conclusions regarding the practical activity experience. This stage is associated with the explicit utilization of information sources and logical reasoning to resolve issues.
The final stage identified in this model is reflective of the prominence of the pragmatic learning style and individuals are required to experiment with their new ideas and theoretical concepts acquired from the above stages to address potential challenges that may emerge in the future.
1.2 Learning curve:
The learning curve of an organization could be assumed as the most crucial entity in the learning process since it serves as a representation of the track record of learner performance. It is also imperative to observe that the effectiveness of learning can be realized only if it is transferred to the real world in the workplace environment (Knowles, Holton III & Swanson, 2014). Different learning styles have their specific objectives which could be accomplished only through transferring to the workplace environment.
The learning curve is a graphical representation of the variations in the degree of learning concerning the level of experience. It can be imperatively considered as a major tool for evaluating the impact of a training program that has to be administered in the case of Sun Court. The learning curve is used for investigating the crucial highlights of the learner’s progress and achievement which could lead to the formulation of appropriate training and development policies (McCarthy, 2016). The learning curve also presents opportunities for positive outcomes in the domain of planning for resource requirements and establishing incentive rate schemes.
The necessity of learning transfer to practical applications in the organization’s workplace environment could be apprehended from the time, energy, and funds invested in the training of the workforce. The significance of learning transfer could be aptly realized in the form of adding value to the organization and improving the productive utilization of organizational resources.
According to Memon, the implications of learning transfer such as references to case studies suggest opportunities for the workforce to address similar situations they encounter in the existing workplace environment (Memon, 2017). This would enable employees for practical implementation of their competencies alongside being responsive to emerging challenges.
1.3 Contribution of learning styles and theories in the planning of a learning event:
The significant objective for the training of the workforce is to develop productivity and induction programs adopted by organizations could be associated with effectiveness only if they are capable of facilitating learning. The situations which are perceived in the context of learning events refer to feedback provided to workers for accomplishing their objectives effectively the learning activities are focused on the requirements of workers and also provide the necessary platform for experiencing new learning practices (Murphy & Garavan, 2016). The training program has to be characterized by the outlining of specific tasks that should be included in the training program which would ensure that the outcomes would be aligned with the objectives of the organization.
The theoretical studies about learning styles facilitate outcomes in the form of different skills which include verbal communication, attitudes, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, and motor skills. The motor skills enable an individual to conduct a physical task with effective timing which could be considered in the case of planning for the learning event in Sun Court (Nolan & Garavan, 2016). The requirement of considerable motor skills in assistance for patients in residential care homes for dementia care could be observed profoundly in demonstrating the approaches to assist the patients in their daily activities. The verbal communication competencies enable the individual to define the specific components of the training and development plan for the workforce such as elucidating the purpose of the specialization training program.
As per Watkins & Marsick, the attitudes competencies observed as inferences from the learning theories indicate that personal behavior can have a considerable influence on the outcomes of a learning event. The examples of consideration of workforce feedback regarding the learning event could be assumed as an example of alignment of the competence of attitudes with learning objectives (Watkins & Marsick, 2016). The intellectual capabilities of an individual could also be accounted as major contributors to the application of general rules and policies in the context of the learning event. Cognitive strategies are required for the management of the learning and thinking process which enables the workforce at Sun Court to reflect on their personal experiences in the professional practice.
This aspect in the planning and design of the learning event considered for this task is crucial for developing workforce competencies and productivity. Interpretation of different learning theories suggests the prominence of employee motivation as a major rationale for the learning theories. Furthermore, it can be apprehended that the use of learning theories would facilitate opportunities for developing flexible learning frameworks for a workplace characterized by varying requirements and psychologies (Murphy & Garavan, 2016).
4.1 Role of government:
The UK government has a formidable role in the training and development of workers for private organizations and the organization of training activities by the government through facilitating professional instructors to assist employees. Sun Court, a notable residential care home in the UK is inspected regularly by government authorities such as quality commissions to apprehend the internal development of the organization.
The assistance of the government is profoundly required in human resource department development to realize the outcomes such as improving HR effectiveness and economy industries (Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, 2016). Apprenticeship programs introduced by the government for addressing youth unemployment could be leveraged by an organization to gain access to a wider base of the untapped pool of talented candidates. The role of government is also identified in the reduction of disparities between competencies and unemployment that can be used for addressing the insufficiencies of workers to gain knowledge about the work setting.
The formidable levels of competition in the market imply organizations to address their performance gap effectively which can be validated through the initiatives of private institutions to improve investments for addressing performance gaps, especially in terms of worker performance (Alhejji & Garavan, 2016). The impact of the competency movement has led to the compliance of the workforce with distinct learning styles that facilitate insights for the resolution of inefficient service quality, limited productivity levels, and low inclination for taking initiatives.
4.2 Contemporary training initiatives of government:
The different initiatives taken by the UK government for enhancing the distinct aspects of HR performance such as skills, training, and development among which the labor market policies introduced by the government can be considered as an example. The classification of active and passive policies could be observed in the context of the government contributions to the HR development of Sun Court (Garavan, et al., 2016). Passive policies implemented by the government refer to the provision of replacement income for employees in scenarios of unemployment and training which refer to the implications of unemployment insurance services, voluntary retirement services, etc.
These policies are integral for the motivation of employees to undertake training initiatives flexibly. Active policies ascertained in the case of the UK government are inclined towards the reintegration of the labor market through the creation of jobs, promotion of entrepreneurship, assistance in job searching, and training in the context of the labor market. The active policies are characterized by a limited compulsion for employees to participate in training programs and also include references to a provision of incentives for the employment of unemployed candidates (Knowles, Holton III & Swanson, 2014). These policies are responsible for increasing employee participation in the training events thereby leading to prolific outcomes from the training and development of the HR department of Sun Court.
Task 2
2.1 Training needs of staff at different levels:
The organizational levels included at Sun Court are profound indicators of the different responsibilities and functions associated with individual levels. The requirement of staff training is perceived at every level so that the workforce is consistently updated regarding the work structure for delivering the services in dementia healthcare. As per Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, the necessity of staff training at different levels is validated for the improvement of the overall efficiency and productivity of Sun Court (Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, 2016). The different levels of the workforce that can be apprehended in the case of Sun Court for which training needs have to be determined include the organizational level, occupational level, and individual level of staff.
The training needs perceived at the organizational level are primarily associated with the accomplishment of organizational goals and the training needs are primarily directed towards anticipating an employee’s approach to attaining the goals. The particular training needs in the case of Sun Court have been identified in the case of the human resources department which implies the requirement of training for the HR department to ensure appropriate practices for managing the training and development of the workforce for accomplishing desired objectives (Garavan & Akdere, 2016).
The training needs of an individual at the occupational level could be identified in the form of requirements for skills and information related to the fields in which they are employed. From the perspective of the HR department in this case, it can be identified that the occupational training needs could be identified in the training of employees for specialized dementia care services which would enable them to provide the necessary level of effectiveness desired by the organization. The individual level in the organization could also be associated with specific training needs which could be largely observed in the intentions of employees to improve their competencies in specific areas (Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, 2016). In the case of Sun court, the individual-level training needs of employees could be identified in the needs of certain employees to improve their communication skills to deal with patients. The individual-level training is executed on a one-to-one basis and could be leveraged by employees as an opportunity to acquire the necessary skills required for effectiveness in their professional ventures.
2.2 Advantages and pitfalls of training methods:
Training is a prime concern of Sun Court in the context of this task and has to be administered to employees in an organized format. The different techniques that have been implemented for facilitating training to employees refer to the definition of training methods. As per Hughes, Lusk & Strause, the training methods are primarily classified into on-the-job and off-the-job training which is aligned to the distinct requirements of training for different employees in the workforce. The design of the training event and methods also integrated the implications of trainee requirements and the proposed course of training (Hughes, Lusk & Strause, 2016).
The requirements of training identified in the above case refer to the training of employees in HR management, specialized dementia care, and communication skills. The individual training needs could be addressed through the utilization of different training methods. Communication competencies of the workforce at Sun Court could be addressed through the methods of e-learning and action learning. The training needs for specialized dementia care could also be addressed by action learning and participation in seminars. However, the learning methods used in the training process are associated with advantages and disadvantages which can be illustrated as follows.
Seminars are associated with the prominent advantage of the presence of different individuals with appropriate knowledge of the topic under concern for training. The presence of such individuals in a discussion provides a feasible platform for sharing updated information with all the members of the seminar (Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, 2016). However, it is associated with certain disadvantages such as the costs involved in conducting a seminar and the probability of false information provided by the seminar attendees. E-learning is capable of facilitating learning opportunities for employees while engaging in their professional field which is responsible for limiting the needs of cost arranging the training event at another physical location.
The setback that can be identified in the method of e-learning reflects on the ambiguities about the attention of employees to the training process during their involvement in the workplace. The monitoring of training outcomes becomes difficult in such scenarios. The application of sessions as a training method has also been related to certain disadvantages despite their flexibility in realizing training outcomes for employees and provision of direct contact between the trainees and the manager (Garavan & Akdere, 2016). The disadvantages of sessions could be identified profoundly in the form of higher costs and resistance of employees due to obligations for managing their work according to the timing of the training sessions.
2.3 Systematic approach for training and development plan:
The distinct steps that should be followed for the development of a plan to conduct a training event for Sun Court can be identified distinctly in the identification of training needs, outlining of objectives, planning and implementation, and the evaluation of training outcomes.
The initial step in the training is to identify the distinct training needs of the workforce in Sun Court which would facilitate the HR consultant to frame an appropriate training program that would cater to the immediate objectives of the organization to provide specialized care in dementia. The training needs that were identified in this case comprised primarily of references to computer skills and communication proficiency. The next step is associated with the estimation of clear objectives for the training and the individual organizational levels of the organization should be informed about the individual training objectives.
The estimation of objectives is followed by the planning and implementation of the training approach which is associated with the recognition of duration, venue, time, and participants in learning events. Training outcomes have to be reviewed in the final stage of the learning event which is associated with calculating the effectiveness of outcomes derived from the training event. Performance management is assumed as a feasible indicator of the effectiveness of training outcomes and could be realized effectively also through a review of feedback from employees at Sun Court and the training personnel of People R Us. The issues that can be identified in the case of planning could be observed in the aspects of several trainees, location, content, training personnel, budget, and time (Alhejji & Garavan, 2016).
3.1 Evaluation plan:
The evaluation of the outcomes of the training program could be realized through the application of distinct methodologies by managers. The senior management of Sun Court could approach through a comprehensive analysis of distinct elements and the cost-benefit analysis for the activity to decide the feasibility of undertaking the training event (Garavan, McCarthy & Morley, 2016). The model that could be applied to the evaluation plan is based on a five-tiered approach which assumes a single activity and establishes formal disparities between actual and expected outcomes.
Program clarification could be defined as the assessment of distinct training needs stages that have the capability of predicting the potential that can be derived from specific training activities.
The need assessment tier implies the resolution of questions about the pressing issue for an organization.
Accountability and monitoring could be used in the evaluation plan for observing the efficiency of the workforce considered responsible for the delivery of training services and the capability of employees to address the identified requirements.
The progress tier in the evaluation plan would be related to the assessment and identification of the degree of progress in the training of employees involved in the process.
The program impact dimension should be associated with the utilization of experimental criteria for the evaluation of the effects of the training event.
3.2 Execute an evaluation program:
The evaluation of the training event applied in the context of Sun Court would provide insights into the capability of the effects of training and learning on the performance of an individual. The training event would be also evaluated on the grounds of the contribution of outcomes to the organizational goals. According to Murphy & Garavan, the training program to be implemented in the case of Sun Court has to be evaluated on the grounds of returns on investment, social and financial benefits for the organization, and the level of employee competence (Murphy & Garavan, 2016). The individual levels of evaluation techniques that can be applied for evaluation of the training program applied in this case refer to the reaction level, learning level, behavior level, and result level. The reaction level is realized through the observation of participant reaction towards completion of training which is associated with the descriptors of satisfaction level.
The learning level is associated with the evaluation of the learning outcomes of the training event. The learning level is realized through the use of case studies and role plays, in this case, to determine the effectiveness of employees of Sun Court to demonstrate their theoretical learning competencies. The behavior level observed in the evaluation stages for the organization could be associated with the observation of reforms in the performance and behavior of employees as a response to the training. In the case of Sun Court the application of the training program results in the improvement of the confidence of employees in communication skills which motivates their performance at the workplace. The resulting level could be reflective of the assessment of the returns on investment for the training event and assumes inputs from the other levels of evaluation.
3.3 Identify the success of evaluation methods:
The performance of evaluation methods should be considered as a significant entity for an organization to ensure feasible and productive returns on investments. The review of the success of evaluation methods could be based on the identification of the specific needs for the evaluation, responsible personnel, aspects under the scanner of evaluation, and timing of evaluation (Nolan & Garavan, 2016). In the context of this case, the framework used for evaluation is the five-tiered approach that provides the opportunity for judging real-life situations according to a planned approach.
The resolution of issues is ensured through a comparison of the actual and standard outcomes of the training activity. The model also provides opportunities for analyzing the evaluation of workers through additional activities which could affect the development process. The use of measures for audit such as training audit, feedback, observation, performance evaluation, and questionnaires could depict the effectiveness of the evaluation technique of Sun Court.
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