Module 2 Legislation Grid
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022Chapter 1: Introduction
The aim of the research is to conduct the consequence of Covid-19 on employee’s motivation and commitment.
- To understand the current situation of Covid-19
- To interpret the concept of employee’s motivation and engagement
- To identify how Covid-19 affects employee’s motivation and engagement
- To understand how employees overcome the pandemic problem and remain motivated
Research Question
RQ1: What is the current scenario of Covid-19?
RQ2: What is the concept of Employee motivation and engagement?
RQ3: How does Covid-19 impact employee motivation and engagement?
RQ4: How could employees overcome their own issues during Covid-19?
Background context
The employee’s motivation and engagement is a key factor for any organization, there are many factors that affect the levels of engagement of employees like job satisfaction, work culture, payroll many others. Employee motivation is the way in which they are bound by the organisation both emotionally and physiology (Fiaz et al., 2017). However, In 2020, the world couldn’t have imagined being affected the way it had because of Covid-19. In June, due to rising Covid-19 cases all over the world, the organization decided to change their policies and started the concept of work from home where the employees have to remotely perform their job, because of which employee engagement dropped to an all-time low record.Covid-19 had hugely impacted employees’ motivation, thereby decreasing the overall productivity of the organisation. On the other hand, it is time to evaluate employees’ benefits and rewards to overcome this problem.
Problem statement
The challenges that the employees have to face during the pandemic are, to manage and engage from remote places. However, maintaining the trust and building communication was also a major issue. In addition, being productive and motivated during this situation was difficult. The employee faces low morale, anxiety pressure insomnia and many others (Bostan et al., 2020).
The pandemic that occurred during the first quarter of 2020, which was thought to be temporary has developed into a permanent situation, it affected severally the working culture of organisations throwing the employees to work from remote places, due to which employees well being and engagement towards organisation was hampered. All this information reflect that the respecting topic was interesting to be researched.
Due to Covid-19, the organisation has adopted several methods and policies, in relation to employees, it showed that employees are an integral part of the organisation and their mental wellbeing and engagement is of utmost importance. Thus, this research or study seems to be important to those readers or audiences, who might seek how to engage and motivate employees during drastic situations such as (Covid -19).
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Chapter 2: Literature review
Current situation of covid-19
According to Sun et al., (2020), Covid-19 is known as the third zootomic coronavirus disease after MERS and SARS. The World health organisation has given the name of this novel virus as (2019-nCov).the, symptoms of Covid-19 is severe in older age group allergic, asthma and chronic pulmonary disease. According to the reports produced by the china, it shows the fatality rate has increased by 31.7%. At present the patients treated with SARS‐CoV‐2 infection are indicative. On the other hand, Ahn et al., (2020) stated that covid-19 cases are gradually being reported by 170 countries, which lead to lockdown. At present various vaccines and research are being conducted to stop the speediness of Covid-19.
Concept of employee’s motivation along with engagement
Badubi, R. M. (2017) commented that Motivation emanates from within an employee for the desire to work and produce results. Employee motivation can be defined as the amount of zeal, commitment, creativity the employee is bringing to the organisation. There are seven types of motivation such as Achievement motivation, Affiliation motivation, Competence motivation, Attitude motivation, Incentive motivation, Fear motivation; these motivational factors play an important role in the organisation because it helps the employees to focus their efforts on specific objectives. Motivation encourages the employees to deliver higher levels of performance and quality of service. On the other hand Cesário, F., & Chambel, M. J. (2017) stated employee engagement towards work is a multidimensional emotional concept reflecting individual physical, cognitive and emotional energy. Employee engagement means the degree to which the employee is passionate about his work. When employees are engaged in their job it leads to higher productivity, work quality and ensures top talents. There are certain ways by which the organisation can increase the engagement of employees such as by increasing the core values and emphasizing a mission, prioritizing feedback, recognition of top performers, conducting employee engagement surveys every month. Due to Covid-19, the organisation has also started providing e-training to employees to increase their engagement.
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Effects of Covid-19 on employees’ motivation
On the other side Akkermans et al., (2020). Covid-19 can have several career shocks which have several attributes to impose. Due to the rising cases and globally lockdown, all companies opted for work from home where the employees have to virtually be engaged in the operations of the business. Due to this communication with the organisation became vital, but it has limitations too such as family conflict, stress, digital inequalities not only this cybercrime is also major issues like hacking into a home network leads to difficulties in performing from a remote environment. Employees’ mental health is also one of the reasons for lack of engagement like fear of losing their job. The employee health risk was also at stake during this pandemic, the employer’s support has 10% less as compared to other times, which lead to demotivation in the employees
Theoretical perspective on motivation and engagement
In accordance with Badubi (2017), there are numerous theories on motivation and employee engagement that attempt to explain the nature and condition of employees’ motivation and commitment in an organisation. Maslow’s theory of motivation states that people prioritize their importance based on what they want to achieve in their life. Maslow’s theory basically states that people are motivated by five basic needs namely n. Physiological needs, safety and security needs, social needs, self-esteem and self-actualization needs. Physiological needs are water, food, shelter, and sex. Thus, one of the basic needs of the employees is physiological needs, if the employee’s physiological needs are meant; it will show a sense of value to the employee, thus increasing his motivation towards work. The organisation should make sure that the employee’s basic needs are being fulfilled in such tough times (Covid-19). Safety and Security needs mean security in employment, security in income such as salary, health facility, security in keeping the information confidential. Safety concerns for women will show the employee that the organisation will keep intact his dignity in the workplace. Due to rising Covid-19 cases, the organisation should make sure to keep the safety of the employee intact; it should provide drop pick services, needs to aid all the medical help and provide PPT kit as well. Social needs consist of relationships with family, colleagues, team members and the community of the society, the social needs will help the employee to generate a self of belongingness and love among the members. Self-esteem needs include status, respect.
Recognition, promotion many others, will give a sense of acknowledgement of his work in the organisation. In this pandemic situation while the employees are working hard, with all the mental stress it is essential for the organisation to provide a sense of recognition. Self-actualisation needs consist of the actualisation of potential, capabilities and abilities. Thus, it will give the desire for higher accomplishment or leaving behind a legacy. On the other hand, Sahito et al.,(2017) opined that Herzberg’s Two-factor theory, is also known as ‘Motivator–Hygiene, it was an study which was conducted among accountants and managers to make them feel good or bad about his work. Herzberg’s theory states that there are five factors that work as a ‘satisfaction’ namely, Recognition, Achievement, Responsibility, Advancement and The job itself.
These motivating factors are directly attributable to higher performance and creativity. Thus it can be seen that hygiene factors maintain the health, comfort, and social well being of the employees. On the other hand, it creates opportunities for personal growth and development. Thus, employees should be given a promotion after completing a certain stage in their career and should give recognition for special achievements for example when they have achieved exponential results in their specialized area, they need to be given the responsibility to handle tasks in their specific job areas. Job satisfaction also plays an important role, as the employee needs to like the job and the job culture in which he is currently engaged. The hygiene factor should be implemented effectively in an organisation, denial to which will lead to dissatisfaction among employees. Herzberg told that motivation is like a self-charging battery, the desire should come from within. For Herzberg, they have internally generated drives and not externally stimulated incentives (Rizkallah et al., 2017).
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While analysing the above research it can be summarized that Covid-19 has adversely impacted the overall scenario, it shows that the employees couldn’t perform to their best of abilities, major reasons like mental pressure, fear, health risk, lack of proper recognition lead to employees feel demotivated. Even with all the efforts of the organisation, certain internal factors was not under the control of the organisation.