Assignment Week #12 – Jazz
March 11, 2022Investment Strategy
March 11, 2022Introduction
Unethical advertising is misrepresentation relating to products and services. There is often the use of subliminal messaging so that it can fit within the hidden agenda. Such a form of advertising is often used the wrong way so that they can manipulate or can even convince customers. It can lead to buying the product by holding misleading claims.
How international advertising can be unethical
International advertising can be unethical with its look. Here is the manipulation of the base of human emotions. It is developed in such a manner that preys on unwitting customers. Such advertising generally looks with using socially acceptable imagery, so that they can get orders from the market. Often such kind of advertisements gives minor information, and hence it is incompetent. The unethical advertisements take no consideration over any issues and even do not have any concern for the environment (Ukaegbu, 2020). Often such international advertisements destroy the behaviour of humans along with the ethical environment among the audiences. It can be evaluated that misleading advertisement on the international platform is unethical. When a customer is unable to make good decisions and they wastes money on the products and services, then such advertisements are quite unethical. The wrong information brings the deceptive matter, which is quite not acceptable imagery taking the order in the market products (Bonsu, 2020). The more minorities within the advertisements bring the unethical concerns leading to the deception of customers.
Steps were undertaken by the firm to avoid unethical advertising
There are some of the considered steps by different firms in avoiding unethical advertisements. Such drawing of steps by different firms helps to omit the presentation of unethical advertisements. It includes:
Holding the key information: In the promotional marketing practices, the firms can develop prior information about the products and services. It can be represented in advertisements. It can help to bring clarities depending on the circumstances (Bonsu, 2020). For instance, Apple always brings a clear picture of key information about their product in advertisements. Hence, the company brings ethical promotional marketing practices.
Never exaggerating the capabilities of the product in the market: Advertisements of presenting the products need to be always drawn in a light manner. It must be taken considered that overclaim of the product must be avoided as it leads to misleading. There is obvious exaggeration taking the average customers can be only allowed. For instance, Unilever brings the right conduct of their product.
Ensuring the qualifications: There needs to have qualifying text, which can be shown in the small print along with footnotes. It can bring clarifying claims and even no hiding of information can mislead the customers (Berger et al. 2020). For instance, Coca-Cola can be taken as a possible practice in ensuring the qualifications.
Hence to conclude, unethical advertisements can be mitigated in the market by different firms. International brands can help to bring ethical practices in the development of products and services in the market. It can stop the deception of customers taking wrong measures. The international firms’ practices can be also developed among national or local firms to sustain ethnicity.