JWI 533: Assignment 2
January 20, 2022Healthcare Information system
January 20, 2022Introduction
Islam view on extremism is revolving around the extreme religious sense of Islam in formulating the mainstream attitudes of society. The current report is based on the patterns in terrorism and the extremism of violence among Islam. It is indeed essential to focus on a particular topic because the level of extremism for religion makes people reach the peak of brutality. The report brings in highlights the vital verse of the Quran to state that religion does not support cruelty in society. The report is also associated with arguing the Islamic viewpoint towards religious and traditional extremism as it is responsible for bringing negative impacts to the lives of individuals across the globe.
Chapter 1
Islam view on extremism is dependent as it varies on the thought process of people. According to Massoud (2020), the world must not blame Sharia for the religious extremism of Islam. Rather, the tendency of extending authority over territories is the key reason for Islamic extremism. In more precise words, it can be said that the aim of economic dominance makes people go to the extreme point of unethical action. There are groups of Islamic people, who respect the holy Quran and its verses as they follow what the Quran says about the meaning of life. On the contrary, the ones, who are involved in terrorist activities, are the ones, who give paramount importance to colonialism (Wilkinson, 2018).
Such people are framing religious extremism in front of their malicious agenda. In that case, it is to mention that the most powerful verse of the Quran is “Ayat al-Kursi”. This particular verse is important to Islam because if it is declaimed thrice a day, the almighty bless that person. In the views of Khan & McMahon (2016), it can be said that by declaiming this verse, an individual is asking Allah to help in remaining calm and getting rid of fear. In this way, that person can go into heaven. Thus, the key observing area is that the religion only asks to recite Quran verses for going into heaven and not promote violence in society.
With the help of this verse, the aspect is vivid that Sharia cannot be blamed for Islamic extremism. This is all about the hunger for economic dominance that makes few people show off religious extremism. The terrorists are using spirituality unethically as their core intention is to create fear in the political structure of nations so that the objective of economic dominance can be fulfilled. However, it certainly should not be forgotten that the entire Islam community is not into terrorism and violent extremism for economic gain. Few evil-minded and colonialism supporting people carry such ill-tendency of killing innocents to be economically gained (Rafique, 2018). Therefore, based on this aspect, it can be specified that the Islam view on extremism is dependable on the perception of people.
Chapter 2
The religious extremism of Islam is not only associated with violence, brutality, and terrorism activities but also, gender inequality. The females are still bounded by the traditional extremism of wearing “Burqas” and “Hijab”. Females are underestimated when it comes to professional rights or educational rights. They are not provided with the same opportunities to prove themselves in society. Though, one more time, this extremism is dependent on the perception of people under the Islam community. As stated by Wignell, Tan & O’Halloran (2017), not all promote gender inequality in society as they are not affected by the unnecessary traditional extremism. There are Islam families, who make sure to arrange equal opportunities for sons and daughters when it comes to educational or professional rights.
Such individuals believe that in this ongoing era of modernization and advancement, females are equally treated and given the opportunities to make their own future. On the contrary, in several countries like Saudi Arabia, women are still fighting for gender equality as female children are not getting the scope to study (Cordesman, 2017). Neither Sharia nor Quran, says to adopt extremism by hampering the lives of others in the surrounding. Quran is the holy book of Islam and Sharia represents Islamic law. If it has been written to make violence in society or discriminate against people in the Quran, then it could not have been termed as the holy book. The state of thinking and attitude to fulfil personal advantages make people reach the extremism of violence.
This is all about the people, who make unethical activities by taking the name of religion. One of the most unfortunate aspects is that in this democratic world, there are females, who are still struggling to conquer stability and democracy with the help of numerous campaigning activities in society. However, what must not be omitted is that not all females have to face difficulties to have basic quality and rights of life in the Islam community. As opined by Wilkinson (2018), it depends on how one manipulates the meaning of extremism. On the basis of the overall aspects above, it is to mention that it is difficult to address the Islam view on extremism through the “positive” or “negative” way. This is due to the different perceptions of different people in this community that gave birth to the terminology, Extremism.
Based on the key findings in the two chapters above, it can be summarized that Islam view on extremism is depended on the thought process of people. The foremost chapter has discussed the ways, in which, religious extremism makes people do terrorist activities and create the fear of violence among innocents. On another hand, the second chapter has been associated with the traditional extremism of Islam that promotes gender discrimination in society. A recommendation is possible while an issue is situation-based and making suggestions is a little difficult when the issue is choice-based. However, it can be recommended that Islam countries are required to arrange global campaigns to teach people the actual meaning of Quran verses and life. It may help to convert the malicious agendas of people into moral perceptions.
Wilkinson, M. L. (2018). The Genealogy of Terror: How to distinguish between Islam, Islamism and Islamist Extremism. Routledge. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FjduDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT13&dq=Islam+view+on+extremism+&ots=Pb57k4oxos&sig=qZfRPU5i1NwroiXycs-lhVPipcM&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Islam%20view%20on%20extremism&f=false
Khan, S., & McMahon, T. (2016). The battle for British Islam: Reclaiming Muslim identity from extremism. Saqi Books. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=8wq1DAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT5&dq=Islam+view+on+extremism+&ots=7Vc9lfSCRJ&sig=3FyD8inb5ZtGfdSnx8X0TgPXFOY
Journal articles
Rafique, R. (2018). Islam: Extremism and Moderation. HiPo: The Langara Student Journal of History and Political Science, 1(1), 51-56. https://arcabc.ca/islandora/object/lc%3A4400/datastream/PDF/download/citation.pdf
Wignell, P., Tan, S., & O’Halloran, K. L. (2017). Violent extremism and iconisation: commanding good and forbidding evil?. Critical Discourse Studies, 14(1), 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17405904.2016.1250652
Cordesman, A. (2017). Islam and the Patterns in Terrorism and Violent Extremism. Retrieved 15 November 2020, from https://www.csis.org/analysis/islam-and-patterns-terrorism-and-violent-extremism
Massoud, M. (2020). Don’t blame Sharia for Islamic extremism — blame colonialism. Retrieved 15 November 2020, from https://theconversation.com/dont-blame-sharia-for-islamic-extremism-blame-colonialism-109918