ASS091-2 Mental Health and Society Assignment Help
May 3, 2023
Health Governance and Management
May 4, 2023Credit value 20 Credits
Module Leader Nawel Bessadet: Nawel.bessadet@bcu.ac.uk
Consultancy advice Lecturer in Public Health
Paula Smith Deputy module leader
Teaching Team Aldo Mussi
Tutor-campaigner in Public Health
Please note that this module is partly taught by specialist visiting lecturers from public health practice roles and other universities. You should contact the module convenor with any queries.
Courses Enrolled Master’s in Public Health
Module Learning Outcomes (LO)
- Analyse examples of Health Protection practice with an emphasis on perceptions of health, people and data
- Critically evaluate Individual Change approaches; consider their effectiveness especially in relation to ethics
- Critically appraise the extent to which Public Health policy and practice support Community Development approaches
Assessment Category, Type, One summative assessment: Written assignment, 3000 words (100%)
Scope, Weighting, LO All Learning outcome
You are reminded of the University’s Disciplinary Procedures that refer to plagiarism. A copy of the Disciplinary Procedure is available from iCity.
Except where the assessment of an assignment is group based, the final piece of work that is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity between assignments is likely to lead to an investigation for cheating.
You must also ensure that you acknowledge all sources you have used. Submissions that are considered to be the result of collusion or plagiarism will be dealt with under the University’s Disciplinary Procedures, and the penalty may involve the loss of academic credits. If you have any doubts about the extent to which you are allowed to collaborate with your colleagues, or the conventions for acknowledging the sources you have used, you should first of all consult module documentation and, if still unclear, your module leader.
To obtain a Turnitin scan before submitting your work to your department please visit the University's ‘ Turnitin at BCU’ Moodle site . Work that is submitted and scanned through this service is not stored on the main Turnitin system and this is NOT your submitted work.
Conditions of Progression
In order to achieve a pass mark for the module an overall grade of 50% must be achieved and all learning outcomes evidenced. In addition to a first attempt, there will be a ‘retrieval’ attempt, and a second (final) attempt (all dates as above).
Where to get help
You can access support and guidance from many additional sources in the university including from the library for support, staff and the Personal Development Department (PDD) (in addition to support from the module leader).
Public Health Practice Analysis
(Summative assessment: 100% of marks. All learning outcomes addressed)
The module assessment is a 3,000 written analysis of the three practice themes of the module: health protection, individual change, and community development, drawn together in relation to a public health challenge of your choice. There is a document on the module Moodle site with some ideas for your focus. Your task is to compare and contrast public health practice according to the practice themes, to make sense of how public health practitioners could, or should, address your chosen public health challenge. You will consider the current and proposed public health activities, policies and practices used to address your chosen challenge, and critique them according to their effectiveness, appropriateness and impact.
- Introduction
Identify the public health challenge you will focus on. Provide a brief background on why it is a public health concern and briefly introduce how it relates to the practice themes.
Choose and briefly outline an analytical framework through which you will explore public health practice in relation to your public health challenge (i.e. Beattie, Ottawa Charter, Tannahill). - Main analysis
For each practice domain (health protection, individual change, community development) you will provide an analysis including:
i. A general outline of the practice domain and the principles/characteristics of it.
ii. A description of how the practice domain can be used to address your public health challenge according to its theoretical underpinnings (models, theories).
iii. A reflection on the ethical considerations which must be taken when using this domain in practice. You may wish to use a model to do this (i.e., Nuffield Ladder).
iv. A critical description of an intervention which has used that practice domain to address your public health challenge in the real world. This will include a brief contextual description of the intervention, and emphasise critical appraisal by considering the effectiveness, impact and ethical implications of the intervention whilst meeting the module learning outcomes for each approach (see LOs listed above).
v. A conclusion determining whether the practice domain is the appropriate approach for addressing your public health challenge. - Synthesis
You will consider the three practice domains in relation to your chosen public health challenge to draw a conclusion about which domain(s) are the most useful, impactful, and ethical for addressing your public health challenge. You may wish to conclude your essay by considering:
i. Imbalances seen in current practice: is one approach used more than the others?
ii. The holistic nature of public health: should more than one approach be used? - General
a. You must support your work by referencing scholarly sources. Follow the university Referencing Guidelines (linked from the Moodle site), ensuring that you use the Harvard format.
b. To pass the assignment you will need to demonstrate that you take a consistently ‘critical’ approach to evidence and arguments: do not just describe or repeat information.