October 3, 2022
Assessment Two – Essay
October 4, 2022Topic
Health organisations in any sector need to put importance on the ability to work collaboratively with other health and non-health organisations. In your presentation develop an argument of what would be the best practices and active behaviours of leaders in these organisations to achieve this important goal.
Powerpoint presentation
Number of slides
Word count
1500 words
150 words per 1 slide
Need along with speaker noates
10 references
Apa 6 th edition referencing style
And articles must be peer reviewed
articles used must be less than 5years
The Task:
The task in this assignment is to research, develop understanding and report on particular topic questions relating to leadership in the management of health services. The relatively short presentation period at the end of semester does not reflect a simple or superficial treatment of the question.
Students will work individually on a selected topic that will relate to the learning modules covered in the course. Groups will research and present on the topic question area and make appropriate argument, directions and recommendations
Presentations that will do well and score the maximum marks will be those that do not just present material learnt in the course in answer to your chosen question – this is a presentation and so depth; novel and unique thoughts on your question and approach; knowledgeable and differentiated interpretation; views and argument of your topic will score high
Important note
- Depth of understanding of the question 75% marks.
- In addition to your final presentation – we want a short, sharp and succinct summary of your overall presentation. 1 page (but no more than 2 pages maximum) – it is the abstract or summary of what you are presenting. How you prepare and present your summary is up to you – think about it as the abstract on the top of a journal article. If you make a PowerPoint presentation, it might be the first couple of slides.
- The relatively short presentation time does not reflect a simple or superficial treatment of the question – on the contrary extra marks are awarded to groups who show depth, rigour and thoughtfulness of their groups work over several weeks together.