HRM Assignments
October 22, 2022
IBM501: International Business Help
October 23, 2022Learning Outcomes for the item of assessment
This item of assessment covers the following learning outcomes. For the full list of learning outcomes for the module, please refer to the Module Study Guide.
- Understand the varying roles, types and styles of leadership and management, and the theories that underpin these concepts.
- Understand and explain the changing business environment including the drivers of globalisation, electronic business and corporate social responsibility *
- Identify and discuss the key issues in contemporary business and management
- Demonstrate an understanding of the functional areas of a business and the strategic, tactical, operational hierarchy of management.
- Communicate effectively
- Solve problems
Assessment Grading
Your work will be marked in grades rather than percentages. This is considered to deliver the most accurate and fair outcomes for students. Each assignment that you undertake will be assessed using the common grading system. Information about the grading system can be found in your Course Handbook.
The Grade Criteria for Level 0 modules can be found in Appendix 1.
Assessment 1 Details
Harvard referencing system should be used in all assignments.
This assignment has been designed to allow students the opportunity to interpret and evaluate the contemporary business environment with foundation knowledge of key concepts, underlying theory and practice of business and management.
Business report on approaches to leadership and management in a global context.
You are required to produce a business report that demonstrates your understanding on a range of leadership and management theories. Your report should also evaluate the effects of globalisation and the corporate social responsibility issues faced by the organisation.
The work will be submitted in a report format within 2000 words, +/- 10%, excluding references (see Section 7 below). Your report will draw information, among others, from the article by Safian (2012) on Nike:
Your report must address the following elements:
a. Levels and functional areas of organisation.
b. Roles and styles of leadership and management in organisation with theoretical underpinning.
c. Contemporary themes of globalisation and their influence on organisations.
d. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues facing the organisation and their responses.
The report should be written in academic English with care taken with punctuation, spelling and presentation
Assessment Breakdown:
The report will be graded equally on five criteria:
1. Understanding of levels of organisation and functional areas.
2. Understanding of roles and styles of leadership and management using relevant theories.
3. Explanation of globalisation and CSR issues.
4. Contextualisation of 1-3 above based on identified organisation.
5. Correct use of report format, together with Harvard referencing of all sources of information.