BSBHRM501 Manage Human Resources Services Assignment
March 24, 2023
Health Issues in Haiti & USA
March 24, 20231,000 words (Due: Friday, Week 6) 2
This is an individual assignment. Each week, based on the hour of e-learning activity that has been prescribed, you are required actively to engage with the material by writing a short discussion of how the material that was prescribed relates to the topic(s) of this subject and how it relates to your own personal experience. You create a blog each week where you provide evidence that you have engaged in this way with the prescribed e-learning activity. In the blog, you mention any extra material relevant to the activity that you have researched on the net.
These blogs are assessed in the following way: 1. Blogs are spot checked by your lecturer. 2. By the end of Week 6, students choose their best two blogs and submit them as an assignment (due Friday Week 6). Each blog should be in two sections: Section 1 lists the key ideas you have extracted from the prescribed e-learning activity. In Section 2 you apply those ideas to your own experience, to an organization you know and to the topic(s) of this subject.
1. The myth of national culture;
2. Riding the waves of culture;
3. Building a cross-cultural web design for a wider audience;
4. Toyota’s corporate culture and the problem of spreading its culture
5. Cultural web and its use in practice (call centre)
From these topics, the written report of your two best blogs needs to be 1½spaced and has a 1,000-word limit.
Write in a format of essay like first Introduction, body and then conclusion.