Why did socialism fail as an economic system in the Soviet Union?
April 10, 2022Business and Management
April 12, 2022Introduction
The world is getting digitalized and so are the people. Everybody wants all their required information at their fingertips. The way to achieve things varies from one person to other. And in this entire phase, personality is what matters the most. As per Barrick, Stewart & Piotrowski (2002), personality refers to the way of differences that are observed based on the pattern of thinking (Barrick, Stewart & Piotrowski, 2002). Behaving and feeling. The study of the personality is based on two broad areas-one is for understanding the differences in the individual in certain personality characteristics like irritability or sociability. Another is about understanding how different parts of a person come together as a whole. Furthermore, Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford said that personality is defined as the bunch of cognitions, behaviors, and emotional patterns, which are evolved from the biological and other environmental factors. While there is no such definition of personality, but, most of the theories are focusing on the psychological and motivational interaction with one’s surroundings (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). The study based on the personality, therefore, defines the tendencies that could easily explain the differences in terms of approaches.
No one has the same habit or ideas of doing things. People always try to develop their personality to update themselves in this fast-paced era as well as to achieve their dreams. As per Henle & Gross (2014), digitalization has forced the employees to perform in a better way by upgrading their level of knowledge and skills, enhancing their personality to an acceptable level, and working efficiently in their workspace (Henle & Gross, 2014). Hence, employee performance is one of the most crucial things for the betterment of the organization, which generally comes by increasing the personality and by an understanding of what is happening around them. There is no overarching and general information about employee performance (Huang, et al., 2014). The effectiveness with which the firm develops manages and stimulates its workers or employees is a vital cornerstone for company performance. And due to this, people management has a relevant impact on the performance. This report will, therefore, contain the details of whether personality predicts employee performance or not.
Whether personality predicts employee performance or not?
Performances of an employee are based on certain factors. As the marketplace tends to pick up, the chances for job mobility also increase and businesses expect to see a corresponding change, but, most of the time, there is a drop in the employee’s tenure. And more often, millennials enter as well as try to advance up the workforce-a new generation reputed for job-hopping and retention will undoubtedly be a major concern for most leaders. So many arguments are coming up every day that soon employees will end their full-time job or long-term associates, “solopreneurs” or freelancers (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000).
As per the Judge & Zapata estimation, which is expected to come up in the year 2020, where about 40-50% of all the income-production sources of the organization will be from short-term contracts (Judge & Zapata, 2015). But, still, there are some positive vibes that the fluidity of the market will continue to rise and there will be no shaky situation with the cash flow. A network of highly skilled and educated associates will be hired in the future days, as and when required, to track the performance of the employees and to bring the reality of the business to the marketplace. It is obvious that businesses always need to hold talented employees with them, but the question remains “why” and “how”?
One of the common answers is organization wants to recruit those people who are hardworking, efficient, and possess the capability of making things from impossible to possible. Employees need to stay simple and calm in the workplace, which will thereby help the firm to increase their productivity to zenith levels. In more simple terms, as long as you know what you need to look for until then you are sorted (Judge, et al., 1999). If ever you lose the grip to handle the things that are coming up in the way, then probably you are forced to see the consequences. Without having proper management and relevant employees in the companies, benefits or advantages are far beyond your reach. For many years, researchers have tried their best to find out the reason how people’s personality is affecting their performance in the workplace. It appears as if there are some driven formulas for the permanent and productive employee.
As per Korschun, Bhattacharya & Swain (2014), personality is always regarded as the motor, which helps in driving the behavior. It’s needed to be consistent over time as well as across the situations and has successfully proven to predict the success in the workplace for years (Korschun, Bhattacharya & Swain, 2014). The most popular and widely accepted personality model defines the five big model, which defines the distinct sales-extraversion (a new measure of the narcissism, ambition, and sociability), conscientiousness (the extent to which one is persistent and dependable), emotional stability (one of the major concern and defines the state of calmness and self-control), agreeableness (the extent to which you can be altruistic and cooperative), and finally openness (a measure of novelty-seeking and creativity).
Every individual has some unique combination of all these above five factors, which defines success at the workplace in three main ways. Firstly, the process defines how and why motivation is required to achieve certain goals in life. For example, an employee who is thinking more and wants to score high in the field of extraversion is generally more motivated to achieve their goal, but only if there are some rewards involved (Li, et al., 2014). In the second part, personalities have a strong impact on the mood that in return affects the way people respond to their colleagues as well as the situation at the workplace.
As per various studies, agreeableness and conscientiousness, somehow indirectly affects form citizenship behavior through the impact of job satisfaction. Simply, it defines employees are happy and satisfied with their profile and work environment as they have a sense of responsibility, enhanced version of interpersonal relationships, and understand in what situation they need to react to determine their success and how they need to treat with other employees as well. Thirdly, personality profile greatly affects the determination towards work and also helps them in achieving success.
Recently, Mone & London have successfully broken down the term “word success” into two categories, where each of the categories has some significance-withdrawal behaviors and work performance (Mone & London, 2018). In case of the work performance, it is mainly related to the positive things that people do to succeed at the workplace, and this includes task performance, improvements in the behaviors, and focus on the future goals. This is what employers are looking for. On the other hand, withdrawal comprises counterproductive workplace behaviors, voluntary turnover, lateness, absenteeism, rule-breaking issues, violence, and much more. And this is what employers want to avoid.
Moreover, employee performance is one of the crucial factors as it acts as a goal setter to the employees and thus encouraging their spirit to participate in various activities conducted in the organization. As a result of this, Korschun, Bhattacharya & Swain said that it always ends up as a source of motivation, and hence promotes performance in the workplace. This leads to an increase in the productivity of the firm. Researchers have been studying different cases on the relationship between employee performance and personality (Korschun, Bhattacharya & Swain, 2014). This is possible because most organizations are using the personality assessment to determine the impact of performances on their employees. In this entire scenario, employers keep on using the big five frameworks, which helps in supporting them to select the employees by analyzing their personalities. According to the cliff, the relationship between employee performance and personality relies on the cognitive abilities of an individual.
For example, people who are showing up their abilities and probabilities of enhancing the growth of the firm are always considered a priority, and hence they are selected as they possess the personality of being self and their abilities reflect their positive attitude and behavior towards the organization. And as per the sources, it was revealed that the organizations which are not use the personality assessment while recruiting the employees, fails to see much success in their life (Mone & London, 2018). Therefore, the personality of a person always predicts the performance of an employee, and this is directly linked to the organization’s productivity scale. Hence, this is also beneficial for the employees since the position they occupy matches their personality, increases their level of satisfaction and supports positive behavior in the workplace, and thus returns benefits to the firm.
Personality plays a vital role in predicting the behavior of an individual and tells how they need to work and behave in the organization. Hence, with the help of the personality assessment, employers can easily make their decision and tell whether a particular potential employee will work in the firm or not, in a cheerful, diligent, and intelligent manner along with the other employees. How people approach is greatly affected by their personality. So, it’s quite common that recruiters could easily find out the flaws in one. Giving it a clear definition, personality, and doing a minute observation on the traits helps in making an effective decision in the professional career. Thus, it is thereby necessary to consider your personality while choosing a career path for you. Individuals need to examine their skills, interest, abilities, and mainly their principles. A collective approach to all these things will help them as well as the organization to choose an appropriate way, which in turn will help the company and them as well.
Barrick, M.R., Stewart, G.L. and Piotrowski, M., 2002. Personality and job performance: Test of the mediating effects of motivation among sales representatives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(1), p.43.
Cerasoli, C.P., Nicklin, J.M. and Ford, M.T., 2014. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives jointly predict performance: A 40-year meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 140(4), p.980.
Henle, C.A. and Gross, M.A., 2014. What have I done to deserve this? Effects of employee personality and emotion on abusive supervision. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(3), pp.461-474.
Huang, J.L., Ryan, A.M., Zabel, K.L. and Palmer, A., 2014. Personality and adaptive performance at work: A meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(1), p.162.
Hurtz, G.M. and Donovan, J.J., 2000. Personality and job performance: The Big Five revisited. Journal of applied psychology, 85(6), p.869.
Judge, T.A. and Zapata, C.P., 2015. The person-situation debate revisited: Effect of situation strength and trait activation on the validity of the Big Five personality traits in predicting job performance. Academy of Management Journal, 58(4), pp.1149-1179.
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Korschun, D., Bhattacharya, C.B. and Swain, S.D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, and the job performance of frontline employees. Journal of Marketing, 78(3), pp.20-37.
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Mone, E.M. and London, M., 2018. Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.