February 17, 2023M001LON – RESEARCH PROPOSAL
February 18, 2023Introduction
The globalization of the business world has resulted in the development of proper human resource management in business organizations and public life. The rapidly evolving business climate has led to the awakening of globalization, liberalization, growth, and advances in information technology and knowledge along with rapid changes in the technologies. This is offering a very challenging and complex situation for managers in business organizations. Business organizations have constantly been tending to gain competitiveness in the international market to gain relevant standards.
The advancing emphasis on having organizational culture has resulted in a new emphasis in the form of orientation towards results, strategies for longer terms, focus on the consumers, initiatives, and varying mindsets for external and internal communication. Every business organization has a business culture that is either good or bad (Burke, 2017). There are more aspects and benefits to a good business s culture than a happy staff. To have a performance that has sustainability and is durable for the longer term, there are key elements that are required for the development of an appropriate organizational culture(Ashkenas et al., 2015). The organizational culture needs to be very strategically relevant and it needs to be very strong so that the individuals working in the organization can care about what is crucial. The organizational culture needs to have an intrinsic ability for adapting to changes in the circumstances (Burke, 2017).
The impacts of the culture are mostly on various aspects of the life of the organization which encompasses the manner, in which decisions are being made, the individuals who are in charge of making the decisions, the manner of distribution of the rewards, the individuals who are in charge of promotion, the manner in which people are treated, the way the organization is responding to the environment, etc. Managers in business organizations need to have extensive and in-depth knowledge regarding organizational behavior. Having proper knowledge regarding the organization’s behavior in business organizations would assist the managers in planning, organizing, regulating, and controlling(Liaw et al., 2013).
Managers need to play many roles in business organizations which demand knowledge of organizational behavior. They have to play the interpersonal roles in which the individuals spend most of their time outside and within the organizations and get involved with their peers, customers, colleagues, etc. They also have to play informational roles where they have to act as one the information source on different issues in the business organization. Further, the managers in business organizations have a decisional part for which they need to gain knowledge of organizational behavior (Berkes& Ross, 2013).
The research paper deals with various aspects and elements which encompass the organizational culture and the relevance that it has on the performance of the employees. The research paper also provides in-depth insights into the topic for better comprehension which would assist in future career endeavors (Whyte, 2013).
Research analysis
Culture in an organization refers to the set of crucial assumptions that are unstated most of the time. Organizational culture is shared in a standard way by members of the organization. There are basically two key assumptions regarding this aspect which denote the values and beliefs. Beliefs are related to assumptions regarding reality and are reinforced as well as derived by experience. On the other hand, values refer to the assumptions regarding the ideals which are worth working for and are desirable in the organization. When there is sharing of values and beliefs in the business organization, organizational culture is created. Corporate culture can also be defined as the relatively equal perception that is held by business organizations (Abeysekera, 2013).
It also has characteristics that are commonly shared. Apart from being descriptive, organizational culture can also assist in distinguishing one business organization from another; it also helps in integrating the groups, individuals, the system variables of the organization and the groups (Cummings & Worley, 2014). The culture of a business organization denotes some stable characteristics which are very commonly experienced and constitute the uniqueness of the business organization and the aspects that differentiate it from other business organizations.
Organizational culture has been referred to as the specific set of norms and values which are shared by individuals and groups in business organizations. This also refers to the controlling aspect that it has on the manner in which these interact with the stakeholders and each other in the business organization.
The values of the business organizations refer to the ideas and beliefs regarding the type of goals that are or should be pursued by the members of the business organizations. This also includes ideas regarding various standards or kinds of behavior the members of the business organizations need to use in order to achieve such goals.
Right, form the values of the business organization, the organizational norms, expectations, and guidelines of the business organizations that prescribe suitable types of behavior by individuals working in the business organizations in specific situations and regulate the behavior of the members of the organization toward each other (de Villiers, Rinaldi&Unerman, 2014).
Organizational culture is also a pattern that relates to the basic assumptions that are shared and learned by a group of employees as it resolves the issues of integral integration and external adaptation that have worked in a very effective manner. This is considered to be valid and hence, to be imparted to the new individuals getting associated with the business organizations as the right way of perceiving organizational matters and issues(Antonakis& Day, 2017).
Culture in the organization is also considered to be at the deepest level of a cognitive phenomenon. This aspect refers to the mind programming in a collective manner along with the fundamental beliefs and assumptions which are shared by the organization members which operate in the business organizations in an unconscious manner (Goodwin et al., 2014). Irrespective of the fact that the culture in a business organization may exist in the collective minds of members involved in the organization, it is, however, manifested in the many of that tangible behavior sofa the individuals like behaviors. For an instance, the organizational culture of he can be considered for a better understanding of the matter (Fairhurst &Connaughton, 2014).
The organizational culture in the organization encompasses the conduct of the individuals that are a part of the company and the manner in which they happen to respond to any kind of stimulus that they face in the business organization. The culture of the BHEL is more about the clan culture which has a greater focus on morals, traditions, and loyalty. The people working in this organization have many similarities on the basis of their interests, backgrounds, and manner of thinking. Every individual in this organization is treated in a way that gives a feeling like the family members with the organizational leaders being treated like father figures. The organizational culture in this organization is more inclined toward the promotion of teamwork and the individuals gain more of the institutional feeling by working in a community in an environment that is very harmonious in nature (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014).
Performance in the Organization
The performance in the organization encompasses three key aspects of the outcomes in an organization which are the performance of the product market, return on investment, and return of the shareholder. Experts in various fields are working on the performance of organizations which include strategic operations, planners, legal, organizational, and financial development.
The objective of all the endeavors that are associated with productivity is to bring about long-term improvements in the outcomes or performance of business organizations. Organizational performance is an aspect that every business organization works hard for irrespective of the scaling that they have in their business frameworks. Small business organizations desire to become big organizations and bigger business organizations desire of getting bigger in their business(DuBrin, 2015).
Improving the organizational culture and Team working in Costa Coffee
Business organizations have to develop in association with their performance at least in a considerable size so that they can accumulate the higher and better business aspects and elements which emerge and evolve with the advancement of time. With a gradual increase in time, the costs of the benefits to the employee, as well as the salaries of the individuals working in the company, tend to increase. The fact that these are the two costs that tend to increase with a gradual increase in time is true. Hence, it is not possible at all times to pass such increasing costs to the clients and the customers in the shape of higher fees. As a result, the performance along with the growth in the business need to occur at the same time in the case where the business organizations need to keep growing(Abeysekera, 2013).
The performance behavior has great potential for providing business organizations that are small in size with various benefits which include the things such as increased efficiencies and increased power from the economies of scale enhanced ability to counteract the fluctuations of in the market, greater profits, enhanced rate of survival and greater prestige for the employees working in the business organizations (Paashuis, 2013). Most small business organizations desire enhanced performance behavior as it is basically considered to be assigned for higher progress and success.
Performance behavior is also used as an indicator for assessing the effectiveness of small-scale business organizations as is definitely a bare concern for many of the manager’s indifferent business organizations. There are various business organizations that use systems for the evaluations of performance as it is one of the main responsibilities in organizational management. This is conducted with the assistance of the managers of different departments where all the subordinates are evaluated on the basis of their behaviors, performance, skills, development, and KRA’s, along with the final appraisals that include the recognitions and rewards. By evaluating the performance of any employee, the behaviors of the employees are also evaluated as it is one of the prime criteria for performance appraisal in business organizations (Valentijn et al., 2013).
These are basically conducted on a semi-annually or yearly basis. Business organizations happen to consider KRA’s and then continue to review the performance behavior of the employees looking at the results that he or she has obtained. For an instance, BHEL has integrated two types of processes that assist in the evaluation of performance appraisal (Valentijn et al., 2013). These are annual confidential reports which are meant for the evaluation of performance behavior for the non-executives and the e-map for the frontline executives for the engineers to all the job profiles still the managers. The culture of business organizations has a large-scale impact on performance behavior.
High-profile and experienced business leaders know the manner in which the business culture can be leveraged for ensuring expensive successful outcomes in business. Various case studies have demonstrated the incorrect assumptions that are made regarding organizational culture and values which can result in varying misunderstandings. The values systems of business organizations have a significant impact on the way the changes in business performance occur, projects get failed, and profits are lost.
Role Of Leadership In The Management
The role of leadership in the management of the business organization is very significant as it’s one aspect that creates compliance, cooperation, and respect. Moreover, the role of leadership in business organizations is to ensure the meeting of the objectives and vision of the business organization. The role of leadership in any business organization is also to facilitate results and performance without having effective performance in the market, the business organizations will not be able to succeed in existing at all. The comprehension of the significant role of leadership in business organizations is a must as it assists in understanding the culture of the business organization in a better way (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). Having proper leadership to assist in utilizing the resources of the organization in a much more effective way further assists in projecting better performance and laying down a better culture in the business organizations. The role of leadership has a very vital effect on the culture of the business organizations they assist in the facilitation of the culture through varying influences on the performance and the organizations as a whole.
The styles of leadership have strong and long-term effects on the business culture as employees get oriented to act in ways that reflect the organizational leaders. With a wide variety of leadership styles, the organizational culture of any business organization can also happen to change. For an instance, the leadership style that is practiced in BHEL is transformational leadership.
Theleadershipthatexists in the organizations is completely visionary, daring, inspiring, and thoughtful in risk-taking. There is stimulation of the intellect in the company as there is more to deal with in the company being a public sector enterprise. The company promotes a very consistent mission, vision, and values to its employees which results in the inspirational motivation aspect of the company. The vision of the company is so compelling that it is very efficient in laying down the strategies through which it would achieve its goals and objectives. The company sets its intention high and works diligently with optimism and enthusiasm in order to foster a spirit of commitment and teamwork.
Key Concern For The Leaders
The key concern for leaders regarding the construction of a very effective culture in the organization is the manner through which every style of leadership focuses on relationships with its employees. The leadership styles place very high regard on the individuals involved as democratic leaders and leaders of human relations. It can be considered that a high extent of interpersonal relationships provides an organizational culture that is desirable. However, the assertion in this regard is very much flawed.
The leadership of human relations results in a preoccupation with making the employees happy as well as interfering with enhanced achievement causing the employees of the organization to lose any respect that they have for their leader (Cummings & Worley, 2014). However, the democratic leadership style facilitates the commitment, engagement, and productivity of the employees which uplifts the standards and morale. The consideration of the relationship of the employees within the business organizations is crucial in the formation of a better and highly effective culture in the organization, however, it is not the only element that is worth evaluating in the business organization. The bases of power also have a lot to contribute to the organizational culture through varying leadership styles(Fairhurst &Connaughton, 2014).
Effective Organizational Culture for Performance Improvement
Having a very effective organizational culture will assist the employees in aligning themselves with the objectives and goals of the business organizations and making greater efforts at their work. When the employees are aligned with the motives of the business organizations, it is easier to achieve the business goals that the company desires to achieve in a collective manner. The employees tend to feel accountable for the well-being of the organization. This results in increased appreciation by the management for the employees due to the improvement in the performance of the employees as well as the collective improvement in the outcomes of t eh business organization (Berkes& Ross, 2013).
The management of the business organization tends to appreciate the employees in the form of rewards forth improved performance and the employees, in turntend gain immense satisfaction at their jobs. In such kind of improved business culture, the employees will tend to be more committed to achieving the objectives and hence, have a very significant impact on the overall organizational performance.
In order to assess the culture in the organization it is very important to reflect on the flexibility of the organization in regard to the dimensions. To recognize the organizational culture of any business organization, it is very important to examine the sources of the varying dimensions. The dimensions of the culture are deeply established in the basic issues which a group of employees needs to address or for which they need to find solutions(Abeysekera, 2013).
The models for the culture of business organizations have to be reviewed through the varying list of artifacts of culture. There has been enhanced assertion between the motivation of the employees in regards to the employee performance which is largely due to the very strong and effective culture in the organization (Hatch &Cunliffe, 2013).
It was observed that the motivation of an employee to give improved performance in business organizations was highly influenced by the organizational culture that is inculcated. The identity of the organizations encompassed organizational culture which further integrates the leadership styles that are being used in the business organization.
The culture of a business organization could be very cohesive and strong in the case when it operates its business in accordance with a very specific, clear, and concise set of values and principles to which the organization devotes a significant amount of time for communicating to the individuals and the employees working in it.
The three key factors that happen to make significant contributions to t eh structuring out of a very effective and strong organizational culture are; the appointment of a very influential leader or founder who laid down values that are desired for the success of the business organization, a highly dedicated and committed team of human resources for theoperation of the organization’s business which has to be done in accordance to the desired rules and regulations of the company and a very genuine regards to the well-being of the stakeholders of the business organizations. The fact that a proper organizational culture is important for the development and success of business organizations is very true.
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