MBA503-A1 Operations Management and Decision-Making Models
November 29, 2021
MBA501-A1 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation Sample
November 29, 2021Assessment Title: Discussion Forum
Your task
Students are to respond to the scenarios posted in MyKBS for weeks 7, 8 and 9.
Assessment Description.
In this assessment, students will be given an opportunity to explain operational strategies and demonstrate the skills needed to build effective supply and logistics systems that support desired business outcomes such as analysing internal and external forces that impact business operations and utilize conceptual models to determine the ethical implications of day-to-day and strategic decisions. This assessment will also allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of operating data pertaining to sales, costs and finance in directing the activities of an organisation.
Assessment Instructions
For this assessment, students need to respond to the Scenario posted in the “Forum” section of the MyKBS.
In order to find these scenarios:
• Log onto the MyKBS and go to this subject
• Click on the “Subject Resources” tab
• Go to the weekly resource tab (7, 8 and 9)
• Click on the “Forum” tab and click on the “Discuss” icon
• You will then find the Scenario for that week.
• You need to make one post for each week (three posts in total) in response to the scenario given for each week by Sunday of the respective week– 7, 8 and 9. After these three postings, you need to choose one of the weeks (either 7, 8 or 9), read other students’ forum post and prepare a 500-word reflection to be submitted. Your reflection needs to be in response to and build upon the postings of other students. This needs to be submitted by Monday Week 10.