EDX1450 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Health and Physical Education
September 7, 2022STRM046 – Job Creation and the Circular Economy
September 8, 2022Assessment 2: Media and communication adaptation
Assessment overview
Imagine you are a media agent with a global client who wishes to advertise their product in the local market. Before any media product can be released, you must research the social, cultural, and political context of the content for the local market. The aim of this assessment is to explore the cultural considerations that need to be factored when dealing with global media products.
In completing this assessment you are are partially completing Unit learning outcomes (ULOs) two and three (see About this unit) by analysing global trends and local contexts in various media industries, and conceptualising global media industries by defining key terms, explaining theories and using examples of industry cases.
Assessment details
For this assessment you will be developing a 1200-word adaptation document. To do this complete the tasks laid out below:
Select ONE advertisement from the Assessment resource: Adaptation advertisements for a product in one country and consider how it could be changed to cater to the cultural norms of its new target market.
Start your research into the culture of the target market by using the additional resources below, along with the Learning Materials from Weeks 1 – 5.
Part A: Prepare a 600-word memo to the creative team recommending changes to at least four (4) distinct elements of the advertisement. For each element you will need to identify:
- What should be changed.
- Why it should be changed.
- How it should be changed.
Part B: Explain, in 600 words, the justifications to your recommendations using Cultural Schema Theory and Communications Accommodation Theory.
For this part you will need to describe how the theories explain cultural difference, and use them to justify choices you made in Step 2. You should dedicate approximately 300 words to each theory.
Refer to the additional resources and the criteria below for guidance as you work through the steps.
Students of Media and Communication discipline are expected to use Swinburne Harvard style for referencing and in-text citations