September 6, 2022Tim
September 6, 2022ESSAY (100%)
Your essay should be 3500 words long, including quotations and notes, and should include an exact word count. The bibliography is not included in the word count. You should hand in ONE, double-spaced copy of your essay. This should be ANONYMOUS, identified only by your student number. An electronic copy of your essay should be
submitted via KLE by the same deadline (see handbook for details). Please note the guidance on essay writing and on plagiarism in the MCC Handbook and on the Keele University website.
Essays should be handed in at the Humanities School Office, CBB0.072. Late submissions, without formally agreed extensions and up to a week following the deadline, will receive a maximum pass mark of 40. After a week, any work presented for assessment will be recorded as a non-submission. Please note: extensions cannot be provided by individual module tutors and are only available for medical and compassionate reasons. They may be granted only by through filling out an extenuating circumstances form and submitting it via e-vision. Instructions on how to do this can be found here: https://www.keele.ac.uk/ec/
According to Geertz what is culture?