Coursework (Written Assignment)
June 24, 2023
The Literature Landscape- Psychology Assignment
June 26, 2023Case Study Assignment
1 Objective
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes 1, 2, and 4 as stated in the unit outline.
2 Assignment Details
Write a case study on supply chain network design. In this regard you need to select a case company (e.g., Zara, H&M, IKEA, Toyota, Amazon, Apple, Samsung, etc.) and identify the organizational strategy and corresponding supply chain network design strategies (e.g., efficient supply chain design, responsive supply chain design, centralized or decentralized design, sustainable supply chain design, etc.). Draw the map of supply chain network of the case company and explain the map corresponding to the underpinning rationale for the strategies. Then analyse the supply chain design strategies with respect to its alignment with organizational strategy, and why the case company choose a particular design? Analyse advantages and disadvantages/possible risks in the supply chain due to the specific design, compare with best practices and existing literature on supply chain design. Finally, write a conclusion and also recommendation regarding redesigning the supply chain with justification (if redesigning is necessary).
3 Marking Guide
- Abstract: Summary of your research- 1⁄2 page (8 marks)
- Introduction: Introduce the topic – Shall include- what are you doing? Why? How? Contribution?-1 page (12 marks)
- Literature: Shall include- Supply chain design and its strategic importance, Different types of supply chain design, risks associated with different design- 2.5-3 pages (15 marks)
- Case study: Describe case company (including its vision, mission, goals, organizational strategies, supply chain strategies, design strategies), map its supply chain and explain the map. 1.5-2 pages (20 marks)
- Analysis: Analyse the supply chain design strategies with respect to alignment with organizational strategy, why the case company choose a particular design? analyse advantages and disadvantages/possible risks in supply chain due to the specific design, compare with best practices and existing literature on supply chain design. 1.5-2 pages (20 marks)
- Conclusion & recommendations: Summarise your findings and contributions. What can be done in future (e.g. redesigning supply chain) 1 page (10 marks)
- References At least 15 academic references (15 marks)
4 Guidelines
- You must use at least 15 peer-reviewed publications to support your essay. In addition, you will need to read and refer to non-peer reviewed documents such as books, trade journals and articles to substantiate your discussion.
- The length should be between 2000-2500 words( excluding the tables, figures, diagrams, cover page, table of contents and references).No Wikipedia please!
- All students should have completed and passed Curtin University’s Academic Integrity Programme. As such, no academic misconduct will be tolerated.
- Size 12, Font Times New Roman. Double-spaced. Margin 2.54 cm all round.
- Use the Chicago referencing style. All references must be cited in the document and also listed in the reference section.
- You should demonstrate a mature level of undergraduate writing. Use your spell check functions. Proofread your document. Writing skills will be assessed. This includes introduction, body, conclusion, high level of critical analysis and discussion of academic journal articles, supporting articles to the author’s opinions and conclusions.
- Must demonstrate the breadth and depth of the arguments.
- A professional level of presentation is expected.
- Use illustrations, diagrams, charts and table to enhance your essay.
- Check the Assessment Marking Guide(Rubric) in Section 3. Make sure that you can ‘tick off’ the items listed as you are writing or reviewing your manuscript. Many of these marks are easy to get. Examples: all references must be cited within the text, summary of main points, using the right referencing style. Check what you have done against the Assessment Marking Guide and make sure they match closely.
5 Free further support
Further support in the planning and write-up of this assessment is on offer to students. See:
- Academic Communications Development:
https://businesslaw.curtin.edu.au/study/student-experience/academic-communication-development/ - Writing an Abstract?