MGT5OBR Individual Essay
March 30, 2018MKT4013 Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Small Business Marketing
March 31, 2018
Call – +44-74800-56698
The maximisation of the work efficiency, taking action initiatives and for employee motivation as well as effective team building, strategic management, and successful leadership skills are required. Proper planning is required here so that the target objectives and goals can be fulfilled in the near future during a specific event plan. Establishing a robust communication as well as coordination plan is also a crucial part here that needs improvement related to the administration, management and interaction abilities of an entire team or else a whole organisation on a personal as well as professional perspective. But, it is a fact that most of the organisations and individuals want to implement the team plan so that top-level productivity will be possible rather than just depending on the individual style of leadership management (Alessandri et al., 2012). However, many of the effective leadership plans revolve around recognising the diverse individual targets. It is same as per the modern trait theory that focuses on emerging leaders with personal traits, like- intelligence, openness, self-efficacy, extroversion, adjustment, and conscientiousness. Such a plan helps in understanding the factors that motivate an individual professionally and it also puts light on the fact that what are the points that an individual wants to achieve (Basu, 2016). So, most of the theorists and researchers have come up with the idea that a leadership plan can be evaluated as the best if it mainly focuses on two major issues. Those issues are- the anticipated part one wants to play during his/her five years of career in the desired field and the steps he/she has to follow so that the desired targets can be achieved in the future. The viability of the plan here can be studied as per the upgrading nature of the authority abilities (Beal III, Stavros & Cole, 2013).
Effective Leadership and the Big Five Measures
Here, in case of an effective leadership planning, the vocational goals and objectives should be fulfilled and most of the people and organisations think it is right to shape the training programmes according to it. With this, the specified targets can be achieved within the specific scenario of management and leadership. So, a proper planning of self-assessment defines the effectiveness and efficiency of a successful leader. It is necessary for a leader to have a direct contact and open communication with the subordinates so that their attitudes, mindsets, performances, perspectives towards teamwork and moods can be recognised perfectly (Bowling & Wang, 2012). It is necessary for a manager to work these things out so that the teams can be driven towards accomplished the targeted objectives and goals of an entire organisation (Juanchich et al., 2013). Creative thinkers in top firms believe that it is the behavioural aspects as well as psychographic factors of each individual of the firm that carries distinctiveness and inimitability associated with the organisation. A manager has to build a team according to these specific targets and the individual factors. Those factors are- emotion, feeling, and passion of the individuals, their personalities, professionalism, values etc.
The dynamic behavioural factors or employee stable determine how they behave and it shapes their performance standards. So, it is quite imperative in case of the leaders or managers as well as other people that understanding the individual behaviours matters a lot for the organisational environment. Most of the researches and studies based on this particular topic are qualitative, but now with the new quantitative paradigm in the name of big five measures, the leadership behaviour, as well as all the relevant dimensions associated with leadership, can be analysed thoroughly. Hence, the study is about analysing leadership and management factors in terms of the Model of Big Five Personality Leadership Measures. The five factors associated with leadership behaviour as well as traits are- openness, conscientiousness, Extraversion, agreeableness, and Neuroticism. With the in-depth understanding of these five personality factors, leadership can be more deeply understood and it is the core purpose of this essay (McMurray & Scott, 2013).
Big Five Measures and Management
The Big Five Measures
With the above-mentioned personality model, the five factors help to understand the leadership behaviour along with other dimensions.
Openness can be simply defined as a person’s intellect or euphoric experiences. The creativity of an individual, his/her application for art, unusual ideas, a variety of experience and curiosity constitute this measure. The openness of a person mainly reflects his/her level of creativity, intellectual curiosity as well as his or her preference towards novelty. Personal preferences towards strict routine and varieties of activities come under this trait.
This particular dimension demonstrates certain characteristics, like- self-discipline, and higher level of impulse control, dutiful and well-behaved actions and objective-oriented approach as well as behaviour (Ng & Feldman, 2013).
Talkativeness of a person revolves around diverse psychological factors, like- energy, assertiveness, surgency, sociability and positive emotions. It also gets defined by the tendency of an individual to get stimulation from other individuals present in the company.
This dimension of leadership measures the compassionate as well as the cooperative behaviour of a person and shows the level of the suspects as well as the antagonistic mindset of the same person. A person with low agreeable personality gets more competitive as well as sometimes challenging and it is an untrustworthy or else argumentative approach, while the greater level of agreeable persons is well-tempered and more cooperative.
Several unpleasant experiences in terms of emotions reflect neuroticism. Such emotions are anger, vulnerability, anxiety as well as depression. Emotional stability, as well as impulse control, is reflected from this particular measure. It has been observed that a person should go for a more stable and calm personality.
Leadership Management by Big Five Measures
The beneficial approach can be experienced when a manager understands his own personality traits assessed by these five measures. It is very crucial that all the measures have to be precisely opposite despite the tough conditions and it defines the manager as a successful one. The perception of different individuals as leaders might be different, but the test score of the big five personality test measures the effectiveness and efficiency of manager precisely in accordance with all the major traits and attributes, mainly the behavioural and psychographic ones. It has been perceived, that managers of illustrious organisations have relaxed and calm nature and their communication skills are appreciable (Ng & Feldman, 2013). When it comes to emotional stability, these managers stay determined and focused towards only one thing, which is- the objective-oriented approach for the betterment of the whole team and for the organisation.
So, from the standard model of big five, it can be stated that a manager should be highly versatile when it comes to measuring all the five traits of the personality. First of all, a good manager should be a visionary one for which the openness measure has to be way higher and it reflects the experience level of the leader (Ng & Feldman, 2013). Low neuroticism with low agreeableness can be seen in an ideal test score of a commendable expert and successful manager. A manager should be more committed towards the goals and objectives of the organisation for which conscientious factor has to be high. These are the ideal score of self-evaluation when it comes to a successful manager who works as a team leader and friend with the subordinates and at the same time looks forward to enhancing these abilities.
Test Score
In terms of test score as per the five big measures, a manager has to score optimum level when it’s about openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion. On the other hand, a successful manager shows the medium standard of agreeableness along with the low standard of neuroticism or emotional stability. It has been often seen that a down-to-earth individual shows all of the above test scores and try to find some innovative and creative ways to perform various tasks to influence a team. From a manager’s perspective, it is necessary to be curious sometimes and to understand the gravity of strategic innovation (Tulubas & Celep, 2012). In such cases, a down to earth person seems more cooperative while having good communication skills so that the interaction with the team members, the subordinates continues to be more effective. A good leader, therefore, believes more in a win-win strategy and with the help of a cooperative mindset and nice communication skills, the subordinates always listen to him. Good-decision making abilities get flourished with these particular skills and it is not bad to get competitive sometimes in such cases; because a manager is more like a role model for the team members and the team members respect both cooperativeness and competitive attitude.
After evaluating my skills with the Five Big Measures Inventory Test, I get to know the leadership and management abilities of mine which I am going to describe underneath.
The figure clearly states and interprets the five measures that evaluate my personality test and my skills of being a better leader in the future.
- I am a down to earth person, but here I came to know that my ways are very much conventional and I have to work on that. I accept the fact that efficiency is the key to my success but at the same time when it is about repetitive work, I easily get bored. But, other members think of me as an unadventurous, narrow thinking and traditionalist. I agree with the fact that when a new idea hits my mind, I always go for the viability of it and will it be successful or not. My role as a manager in the firm strictly revolves around my perception towards new ideas of the team members and the innovations for which I always try to appreciate their innovative abilities.
- From the test, it is quite clear that I always maintain a balance between the work demands and that of the personal needs. My approach is much of a disciplined approach and that’s why I always stay calm. However, the factor conscientiousness which is the second measure goes with the scenario and how I control my impulses at that particular time. Hence, I believe in spontaneous activities as many a time these activities are perfect for the situations, it is because more often the objective-oriented framework minimizes the efficiency of mine looking at the short time frame of a project execution. I also eventually come up with the effective style of new decision-making because the conventional methods are sometimes not fit for solving the challenging issues. These challenges have to be rapidly solved otherwise organizational outcomes get affected for which I adopt new strategies rather than following the older ones.
- I am not a highly socialized person, neither a too much-reserved one. So, I prefer to have my own freestyle of thinking, therefore I can work as an individual as well as I can work as a team member but not at the optimum level. According to the test score, I am adequately a social person as much as it needed to be an effective leader so I freely communicate with the members and try to work with them in a coordinated manner. However, due to my behaviour as a free thinker, sometimes conflict arises due to my decision-making style. So, in this kind of situation, I prefer to be more reserved and try to focus on the impartial and unbiased behaviour of mine as a manager.
- In case of the measure agreeableness, I have got a high score which means I am modest, self-effacing and tolerant. Due to my open-mindedness, the team members have high value towards my humble nature which makes me a good friend of them and all of them feel free to work in a friendly environment.
- I am a calm and relaxed person, due to which even in stressful situations I act like a responsible manager. In tough scenarios, I only focus towards the perfect style of project execution and try to get the maximum standard of outcomes, so many a time they think that I am insensitive but I work for the objective-driven purpose that helps to increase the productivity of the firm in a hard-hitting scenario. I am serious towards dealing with the tough situations, therefore, I look forward to the opinions and perceptions of the fellow members. I never get too agitated or emotionally unstable.
One thing I am sure about my leadership behaviour as a manager from the test score is that I am a highly relaxed person and no tough situation can give me anxiety. Therefore, there is no issue of vulnerability and I never feel like I am going to lose during a harsh condition. The humble and modest behaviour of mine make the employees better friends of mine and therefore they don’t hesitate to tell me about their ideas for innovation and their needs. With all the fitting five measures traits of personality model, I successfully manage the firm and eliminate the factors of negligence, lack of knowledge and emotional volatility from the equation of effective leadership and a friendly business environment.
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